10 things all couples do that seem weird

4. Privacy holds a different meaning

It is no secret that with the passage of time, most of us realize how little actually remains private in a long term relationship. Your relationship may not even be very different from Lily and Marshal’s, and over time, peeing with the door wide open is not something that would shock you or your partner. Although whether the same can be said for your friends who hear of your lack of personal space is a whole different matter.

5. You sing together

Many couples have certain songs that they have a special connection with as partners. Perhaps, it was the one playing when they first set eyes on each other, on their first date, or on a particular day that brought them closer together. And because of that, each time the song comes on the radio, you two sing it together out of tune. This may seem like a great way to bond to you two, but to onlookers, you may present a more amusing picture.

6. You are fascinated with your pets

Whether it’s making an Instagram account for your cat or photographing your dog from all angles, couples do some peculiar things for their pets. Sharing anecdotes with your partner about what amazing adventures your dog has been up to in his/her absence, or how your cat’s been looking like she’s plotting revenge makes for great stories in your opinion. But that’s okay. Rowling thought so too; “People can be a bit stupid about their pets.”

7. Nothing constitutes as TMI

Telling your partner about your digestive problems, and sharing details of your bowel movements is commonplace for you two. “Hey babe, check out this mole…” Does this sentence not surprise you in the least? Then, you know it applies to you too. Not that there is anything wrong with that, but not everyone may feel similarly when they hear of you.

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