11 Signs He’s Just Playing You And The One Way You Can Fix The Whole Situation

Don’t let him play you like that.

6. He puts his needs above your own all the time.

If a man were truly serious about being with you, he would cease being selfish and he would take your needs and expectations into consideration as well. But he isn’t like that. He doesn’t care much about your needs.

7. He goes out of his way to hide your relationship from the world.

He still wants to present himself as an eligible bachelor. He doesn’t want the world to know that he’s off the market. And that’s why he wants to hide your relationship as much as possible.

8. He openly flirts with other girls even when he says he’s committed to you.

He doesn’t care about the negative impact that his words and actions can have on you. He willingly flirts with other girls to try his luck even if it hurts you.

9. He leeches money and resources of you.

He is using you for whatever reason other than love. He uses you as a personal ATM. He uses you for your connections. He’s using you as if you’re a mere object.

10. He never opens up about the future of your relationship.

He doesn’t open up about the future of your relationship because he sees that there isn’t even really any future to talk about.

11. He acts hot and cold with you.

He doesn’t really give you the kind of consistency that you expect from a man in a relationship. He is nice to you long enough to keep you hooked; but then he turns around and he acts like a complete douchebag.

What you can do about it:

Just give him an ultimatum. Let him know that you’re on to his games. Tell him that you can see right through him and let him know that you’re not willing to put up with any of it. Give him a piece of your mind. Really let him have it. Tell him that if he’s not willing to clean up his act and change his ways, then you’re going to leave him – because you would have no problems replacing him with someone who is going to love you the way that you’re supposed to be loved in the first place. Give him a chance. Give him an opportunity to change. And if he chooses to not take you up on that chance, then walk away. Leave him in the dust. A guy like that doesn’t deserve a great girl like you anyway.

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