You don’t need them in your life, realize your worth and kick these people out!
We are known by the company we keep, but what if our company consists of a few negative people who are rubbing their negativity off on us? It’s time to reevaluate the people around you, evil people are everywhere, and their presence and energy bring everyone else down.
Here’s a list of seven types of people you need to kick out of your life immediately.
7. The naysayers
We all know of one person who perfectly matches this description. A “naysayer” will bring you down more than you can imagine. Their only purpose in life is to shun every idea you throw their way; they will slowly make you rethink your life’s most important decisions and will make you start questioning your goals and ambitions. Don’t keep such people around you; you need to have people who appreciate what you do and try to motivate you even more in everything; don’t keep naysayers around.
6. The “impossible to please”
I’ve had such a person in my life, someone who is just impossible to please no matter what you do for them. These sorts of people are so fed up with life, and the concept of happiness that nothing in the world can make them happy or please them. They make everyone else sad around them, and they can’t see anyone enjoy their lives. Don’t get me wrong, life isn’t only one comfortable ride, it has ups and downs, but those who concentrate and cherish the ups are the people who go ahead in life. The people who focus and get sad about the downs are the ones who won’t go too far forward in life.
5. The drama queens
I hate drama, creating drama is one of the most useless ways to waste time; there is nothing to gain from emotion, and people just get hurt in the end. But some people LOVE show; some people don’t feel right unless they create or witness drama around them, and they love to gossip. You need to keep kind and pure people around you, people who genuinely care, who don’t feed on the agony and sorrow of others, and are just happy with their own lives.
People who worry more about the latest rumor or the newest fight someone had are the same people who don’t have lives of their own; to begin with, it’s best to keep a safe distance from such people. You don’t want such people around.
4. The liars
People who love to lie are the same people who will never find true happiness or true love in life because they don’t know the meaning of anything being “true” since they’re so used to lying. They don’t have a real identity, they are impossible to read, and they always get away with lying. Don’t get me wrong, everybody lies now and then, but no one should love lying and live by it, that’s wrong on so many levels.
Be around people who would instead tell the truth and face the consequences than those people who love to lie and hide things only to save their names, these sort of people also love blaming others for their own mistakes, you don’t need that kind of negativity in your life.
3. The “changers.”
“Changers” is a term I coined myself for people who love to change others around them, the sort of people who can’t accept others the way they are and always try their best to change them according to their definitions. You need to be around people who love you and accept you the way you are, who decide to change your bad habits but openly and happily take the good in you, don’t be around people who are just never happy with the person you are because those are the people who will never learn to cherish you no matter how much you change.
You need to love yourself, and you need to be around people who love you for who you are and not what you can be changed into.
2. The unforgiving
These are the people who love to see you suffer for your mistakes (regardless of how big or small the error is), they’ll never forgive you no matter how much you plead or beg. You’ll be making them happier by asking, so don’t. These are the people who don’t cherish your friendship enough and would much instead let their egos take control of their lives. To forgive someone is one of the purest things you can do, and those who don’t do it have too much negative energy within them to let them see reason.
Friends fight, friends make mistakes, we are all human, it is only human to make mistakes, and it is only human to forgive. Let go of the unforgiving.
1.The voice in your head
The last person you need to kick out of your life is your inner critic. Sometimes, we develop so much negativity within ourselves that we slowly start becoming our worst enemies; we gradually have a voice inside our heads that keeps bringing us down and keeps depressing us. Kick that voice out of your head and bring some positivity within your self, you are your most prominent critic, and sometimes that critic can go a little overboard.
It’s perfectly normal to criticize yourself now and then, but not when it becomes unhealthy to the level where it starts affecting the way you look at life.
Question of the day
How many negative people have you had in your life? Is there a type I missed out on? Share your feelings with me in the comments below. As always, stay blessed and keep the love alive!
-two-faced: people who wear a mask in front of others; they can be extremely nice but actually be really mean