7 Wrong Reasons For You To Be Staying In A Relationship With Someone

5. Overindulgence in apologies.

Your partner keeps on saying sorry over and over again for all the screw-ups and the shortcomings and so you can never bring yourself to just end things. You’re too forgiving. That shouldn’t be the case. If things aren’t going right, there’s no point in forcing it. Not all the apologies in the world will be enough to make up for your lack of love for one another.

6. Superficial traits.

No one can blame you for finding your boyfriend’s muscles and facial structure incredibly attractive. No one is going to fault you for being obsessed with the fact that your man has blue eyes and blonde hair with a perfectly chiseled chin. But these are quite superficial traits that you can’t really build a romance or a relationship on. You can’t rely on these superficial traits to help carry your relationship through the long haul. You need to be able to fall into a relationship with each other for more meaningful and fulfilling reasons. The good looks are only a plus.

7. Comfort and stability.

Yes, these are very good traits to have in a relationship. In fact, they are necessary traits in all of the best long-term relationships in the world. But they should never be made as a reason for staying in a relationship. Just because you are in a comfortable and stable relationship with a person you’re not really in love with doesn’t mean that it’s the right one for you. You can find comfort and stability in plenty of things that don’t involve love or romance.

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