This Is How Your 2019 Heartbreak Will Play Out According To Your Zodiac Sign

Sagittarius (November 23 December 21)

You have commitment issues. Your heart will break constantly because of your flings and inability to stick to just one person for a prolonged period of time. Also read, 10 Ways to Love a Sagittarius.

Capricorn (December 22 January 20)

You need to learn to develop your own personality. You refuse to get close to absolutely anyone and you will end up isolating yourself from the rest of the world. You will soon realize that loneliness doesn’t appeal to you and you will get sad because of your own loner tendencies. Also read,10 Things to Remember While Loving a Capricorn and if you are in a relationship with a Capricorn read, 10 ways to make a strong relationship with a Capricorn!

Aquarius (January 21 February 18)

Your wit and sass will be your own downfall. You are too sarcastic from your own good and you will alienate those around you who just don’t understand your humor. You will be trying to win the hearts of many but they just can’t get past your strong personality. Also read, 9 Things to Adopt For a Healthy Relationship with an Aquarius.

Pisces (February 19 March 20)

You love the wrong person. You’re loving a person who just refuses to give you the love that you deserve and your heart will break over and over again because of it. Also read, 10 things you need to know about Loving a Pisces.

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