Sometimes The Love Of Your Life Comes After The Mistake Of Your Life

You are going to meet that person who is going to love you the way that you deserve to be loved; the way that you have always wanted to be loved.

Heartbreak can be a dreadful thing. It can be so difficult having to rise from the emotional abyss that a bad relationship can leave behind in your life. You invest so much of yourself into a relationship only to have everything blow up in your face. You give your heart to another person only to have it crushed and turned into goo.

You should have seen the signs early on, but you were foolish, as many people are because of love. And you ended up paying the price for your foolishness.  You saw the destructive and toxic behavior early on, but you just chose to ignore it. You didn’t think it was a big deal. You that you were special and that you would be the one who could change him even though so many others have tried and failed before.

You thought that he would eventually see just how much you love him, and he would start treating you better because of it. That day never came, but at the time, you were still incredibly hopeful. You still had the blind optimism of a little child along with the same kind of aloofness.

The signs were there for everyone to see. Even your friends started warning you about him, but you would never listen to them. You only listened to your heart, and then your heart ended up betraying you in the end. You failed to see all those times when you always had to be the one to text him first, and then he would take hours, sometimes even days, to give you a reply.

He was never busy. He just never cared much about your time or feelings to be compelled to give you a prompt response. You failed to see all those times when he called you stupid for making a mistake and for never letting you forget about it. You failed to see all of those times when he never really gave you the open space that you needed to express yourself honestly and freely.

He always wanted silence out of you. You failed to see that all of those times when he was acting nice to you, he was only doing so because he wanted something out of it. You didn’t see him through all of his dishonesty and his lies. He never had any intentions of loving you. He never had any plans of giving you the kind of love that you always willingly gave him.

He was never going to give you the future that you wanted for the both of you. He was never going to live up to any of your expectations. He was never going to give you all of the dreams that you wanted to achieve. He was the biggest mistake of your romantic life, and you can see that now, but that’s okay. Because sometimes, the love of your life comes after the mistake of your life.

You are going to meet that person who will love you the way that you deserve to be loved, the way that you have always wanted to be loved. You are going to be hesitant at first. You are going to have a tightly-guarded heart. You are going to close yourself off and protect yourself because you have learned from the past. You are going to hesitate, but that’s okay.

The love of your life is going to be patient with you. He is going to wait for you to be ready. It might take a lot of time and space, but he’s always going to be there waiting for you because to him, you are totally worth it.  He is going to be patient with you and kind to you. He is going to be thinking of you.

He is never going to leave you waiting for days or hours for a mere text back. In fact, he is going to be the one who texts you first. He is going to make you some home-cooked meals for date night willingly. He isn’t going to go hard on you whenever you screw up or stumble. He is going to be sensitive with his words. He is going to be understanding. He is going to see you as a flawed human being who has many scars.

He will do whatever he can to heal you to make you whole again. He will see all of the flaws you have, and he will still love you despite those flaws. So don’t be sad that you made mistakes in the past because you have to know that when it comes to love, the perfect one is just right around the corner waiting for you. And sometimes, you are going to have to make a few mistakes on the way to the one who is right for you.

1 comment
  1. I really love this love quote and its really happening to me right now. I bee mis-treated with my partner he never appreciate me as a wife or partner, only i ask to show me same love i given to him but everything is a dream just stay for 15 years because we have kids but that’s not good that you hold on for the relationship coz of the kids. Its wrong decision coz i let my kids see the bad things and hear all the fight and bad words from me and their Dad. Is not good to be together if you feel that theirs no love at all, no respect, trust and good communication there’sno reason to be together at all… Now after the storm comes in my life for the bad and wrong relationship that i have, everything happen for a reason that i never ask or looking for the right man for me to be with me for the rest of my life. I really feel in love with me coz he let me feel that i am a woman to respect and love. He let me feel that i am worth to love and he show me that he more love me than i love him. This quote is so really true and i believe that “sometimes the love of your life comes after your mistake of your life”… I love u so Dearly Mahal Ralph my 4ever

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