10 Bedroom Habits That Will Eventually Ruin The Relationship

Relationships are never as simple as some people make it seem. They are always going to be complex because human beings are always inherently complicated creatures. Unfortunately, not all people understand this. They think that the hard part only lies in actually getting into a relationship.

They don’t realize that maintaining a relationship is going to be just as difficult. As a result, these people tend to get complacent and then the relationship ends up falling to pieces. Lovers, you have to understand that just because you and your partner have your own dynamic going on doesn’t mean you get to be complacent. You still have to exert maximum effort into the relationship.

You still have to pay attention to the details. Otherwise, you will be dooming your relationship into complete dullness and emotional deficiency. When couples get complacent, they start committing small mistakes in the relationship. While these mistakes are generally forgivable, they tend to build up over time if they are left unchecked.

Don’t ever make the mistake of not addressing these miscues in the relationship if you want to ensure the longevity of your union. Remember that habits are what make up our character as human beings. It’s the same in relationships. Our habits as couples make up the character of our relationship. Here are a few habits that you need to avoid at all costs when you are in a relationship.

1. Texting other people while in bed.


You shouldn’t be texting other people in the presence of your boyfriend anyway; all the more when you’re in bed together. It’s such a great act of disrespect when you are texting other people when you should be giving all of your attention to your boyfriend. It would be understandable for you to respond to important texts that concern work or family of course.

2. Having your eyes glued on social media feeds all the time.

Undoubtedly, there is a high chance that you are a social media addict. Nowadays, you are the rare kind of person if you don’t check your social media feeds every chance you get. However, practice maximum self-control whenever you are with your boyfriend. You can’t be disrespecting him by ignoring him in favor of your Twitter feed.

3. Watching TV when you’re in bed together.

This is a slippery slope. But studies have shown that couples who watch TV in the bedroom together are depriving themselves of valuable quality bonding time. It would be understandable for couples to watch TV in the den or in the living room. But the bedroom should be intimate and it should belong only to you.

4. Reading a book when you’re in bed.

Reading is probably one of the best activities any human being could do. However, when you’re in bed, you should probably take a break from reading and spend some quality time with your boyfriend. Talk to each other. Interact with one another. Save your valuable reading time for other settings.

5. Doing some office work at home.

Don’t ever bring your work from the office into the home. Leave your work at the office. When you are working at home on a consistent basis, you might as well be living in your office. Your home should be a sanctuary for personal growth. If you are bringing the business into your personal sanctuary, then you are missing the point of having a home.

6. Making one-sided decisions on bedroom decoration.

Include your boyfriend in decisions that concern bedroom decorations. Remember that your bedroom doesn’t belong entirely to you. It’s a shared sanctuary. It should serve as a safe space for the both of you. Even something as trivial as bedroom aesthetics should be decided by both of you.

7. Leaving no space for him in the closet.

Don’t hog the entire closet. Yes, you may have substantially many more clothes than him but you need to give him the respects he needs as well. Let him know that you acknowledge his worth in your life.

8. Refusing to clean every once in a while.

Don’t be a slob. Nobody likes living with a slob. No one likes living in a sty. You have to always make an effort to maintain the cleanliness and orderliness of your bedroom. Give it the respect it deserves as a safe space for both of you. Remember that the clich still stands: cleanliness is next to godliness. You can even make a cute couple activity out of it.

9. Eating while in bed.

The kitchen and dining room are for food. The bedroom is for intimacy and sleeping. Don’t compromise the sanctity of your bedroom by dirtying it up with food. Also, you could be bringing in ants to the bedroom as well. That’s never a good thing.

10. Going to bed before fixing a fight.

Don’t go to bed angry at each other. Fix whatever problems you have before you go to sleep at night. Talk things out. Always practice full honesty and open communication. Don’t just go to sleep hoping that you will wake up with your problems gone all of a sudden.

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