10 Personality Traits That Are Commonly Found In The Best Boyfriends

They say that it’s wrong to have “checklists” when you’re dating men; that you shouldn’t be boxing yourself in when it comes to selecting a prospective mate. And there’s a certain truth to that. You should always be willing to put yourself out there and meet different types of guys. You never know where love is going to come from. And you might even find the love of your life where you least expect it. So, it’s absolutely true that you shouldn’t be so quick to just box yourself in to dating a certain kind of guy all of the time.

However, that doesn’t mean that you should just be recklessly dating ANY kind of guy. You still need to have your standards. The key is being reasonable in your standards but also knowing your self-worth. The better you know what you want and what you’re looking for out of relationships, the simpler the dating process is going to become for you. It’s always best for you to really figure out what it is you’re looking for in relationships because if not, you’re never going to feel contented or fulfilled. And you might end up overlooking what you need even when it’s staring you right in the face.

Of course, we all have our own personal preferences when it comes to love. However, you would be doing yourself a favor by trying to make sure that your prospective man is going to meet a few standards. If you find that a lot of the traits here actually apply to your guy, then that’s good. It means that he has the traits that are commonly found in the best boyfriends of the world.

1. Consistency.

You want a man who is genuinely reliable; someone you can always count on to follow through and deliver on his promises. He needs to be consistent in both words and actions. He has to love you consistently; without any interruptions or conditions attached.

2. Kindness.

You need a man who is always going to be kind – and not just towards you, but to everyone he meets. Genuine kindness is always present regardless of the recipient. And you need a guy who is always going to make it a point to be on his best behavior.

3. Thoughtfulness.

You’re always going to want to be with a man who is always thinking about you. Selflessness is an important trait to have for anyone in a relationship. When you share your life with another person, it can’t just be all about yourself anymore. You always need to be thinking of your partner. He always needs to be taking your feelings into consideration.

4. Ambitiousness.

It’s always nice to date a guy who is ambitious. This is a man who knows that he shouldn’t be settling for a life of mediocrity. He is always going to make it a point to work hard for the things that he wants. And he’s always going to dream big because he believes in his capacity to achieve his goals.

5. Openness and Honesty.

It’s so hard to find a guy who is truly open and honest these days – and these are absolutely integral when it comes to forming a strong and healthy relationship with someone. You’re always going to need a man who can just be upfront with you about his feelings and his intentions.

6. Lightheartedness.

You need a man who is going to make you laugh all of the time. You need a guy with a great sense of humor; someone who doesn’t take life so seriously. At the end of the day, love is really all about finding happiness and joy in another person.

7. Curiosity.

A man who is curious is a man who never stops learning. This is a man who never stops trying to grow and be better. He is someone who is always going to want to find ways to be a better person, a better partner, a better boyfriend.

8. Humility.

Humility is one of the best traits that any person could ever have. When a person is humble enough to acknowledge his own personal weaknesses and shortcomings, it gives him valuable perspective into his room for growth. It teaches him that he always has the opportunity to learn.

9. Sensitivity.

You always need a man who is going to be sensitive of your feelings; someone who is always thinking about your well-being. He is someone who would never act recklessly because he knows that his words and actions can have significant impacts on your state of emotions.

10. Patience.

Of course, you’re going to want a man who is truly patient; this is a man who isn’t going to pressure you into doing anything that you don’t want to. This is a guy who isn’t going to rush you into anything. And this is a man who is going to practice maximum tolerance with you whenever you’re being difficult to deal with.


  1. Wow I just realized I’m the bestest boy friend a girl could ever want. And I’m pretty handsome too… Don’t tell know one cuz my secret is apparently very safe and secure.

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