10 Reasons Why You Should Never Fight To Keep Him

Walk away with your self-respect intact.

Here comes the celestial argument which has yet to be settled. Are men ever really worth fighting for? Or are relationships supposed to be natural and organic? It can be difficult to give a definitive answer to this question, but the key is in finding a correct balance. Yes, you should always fight for your man especially when you feel like he’s worth fighting for and the relationship is worth saving. However, you should never ever fight for a man to a point where you are degrading yourself and diminishing your self-worth. You still need to maintain a semblance of pride in your relationship, and you can’t ever allow a man to walk all over you. If that means having to put your relationship on hold, then perhaps it’s for the better. Here are a few reasons as to why you should never fight to keep a man in your life.

1. You can’t teach a lion to be a cat.

If your man was once a cheater, he’s always going to be a cheater. If your man was a woman beater, he’s always going to be a woman beater. The point here is that any mistake he may have committed in the past is a mistake that he is likely to commit once again. Make sure to always choose your battles wisely.

2. Love isn’t something that can be forced.

Sometimes, the love just fades away. The passion can wilt until it is no more. Nothing is ever promised, and you are entitled to absolutely nothing in the relationship. Just because he used to love you once upon a time doesn’t mean that he is going to love you for the rest of your life.

3. Giving up your pride will make people lose respect for you.

Never ever fight for a man to the point wherein you give up your sense of pride. Your man and your friends will end up losing respect for you. In the end, you might end up losing respect for yourself. You still need to carry yourself with utmost grace and tact. Be a person of strength and confidence, and don’t let a man walk all over you.

4. You’re in too deep in conflict and ill feelings.

Sometimes, in relationships, you can get yourself into holes that are too deep to recover from. Sometimes, words are said, or actions are done, and there’s just no way to get things back to normal. There are some fights that people just can’t fully recuperate from, and it’s best to just call it quits and move on.– Continue reading on the next page

5. Loving someone means allowing them to go free.

If you truly loved this man, and you know that he isn’t happy with you, you have to be willing to set him free. His happiness should always be your priority even if it means that he’s not going to be happy with you. Also, why would you settle for someone who doesn’t really love you? There is no shame in finding love elsewhere.

6. Fighting the unwinnable fight is unnecessary stress.

There’s no point in wasting a lot of energy in a fight that you know you are never going to win. You have to be able to assess the situation in an objective manner. Don’t let emotions cloud your judgement. If you really think that the situation is no longer salvageable, then it would be best for you to just walk away rather than stress yourself out.

7. It’s a waste of time.

Again, why would you ever waste your time with someone who wouldn’t be willing to give you a second thought? Your time is worth so much more than a doomed relationship. You need to be devoting your time to things that increase your value as a person, and this relationship is definitely not one of those things.– Continue reading on the next page

8. You will come off as needy and obsessive.

You never want anyone to see you as a needy and obsessive person. You need to start learning how to be more independent and strong. You need to be able to stand on your two feet like a modern woman. You can’t let a man or a relationship define your sense of self-worth. You are definitely worth more than just your relationship. So learn to pick yourself up even after you’ve been knocked down.

9. Trust is difficult to recover once lost or broken.

If a betrayal of trust is a case in your relationship, do yourself a favor and just move on to a new one. Trust is not something that could ever return back to normal once it has been compromised.

10. There may be collateral damage.

You never know when the destruction of your relationship is starting to affect the people around you. Your friends and your family may be hurting as a result of your dysfunctional relationship, and that is something you should always take into consideration whenever you’re deciding to still fight for it or just let it die.

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