Stop sabotaging your life and your relationship!
This isdedicated to all the luckless lovers out there. If you’re the type of personwho just seems to always be in a rut when it comes to love, be comforted in thefact that you are not alone. There are plenty of you who just keep striking outin the dating scene. While each individual case may be different, there aresome trends here that are consistent within people who just never find successin relationships. There are some very basic principles that you need to adhereto if you are to successfully date potential mates.
There are manyfactors that go into whether relationships succeed or not. Sometimes, it’sbeyond the control of the people involved. The universe may have other plansfor you and there’s nothing that you can do about that. However, a lot oftimes, relationships will fail just purely because someone in the relationshipscrewed up somewhere along the way. If you happen to find yourself on thelosing end of many failed relationships, then maybe you should startconsidering the possibility that you’re the problem.
Accept this andunderstand that you need to develop into a more mature person before you canactually start finding some success in your dating life. Make some tweaks toyour daily habits and start reassessing if you really are the person that youshould be. You shouldn’t necessarily change who you are per se. You just needto get rid of some bad habits that are preventing you from actually landing asolid love story with someone. Here are a few things that you might be doingthat is keeping you from actually finding love in life.
1. You are still in close contact with your exes.
If you are goingto want to start on the right foot with prospective mates, then you have tomake sure that you burn all bridges with your exes beforehand. A lot of peoplewill be hesitant to date a person who is still in close contact with previousflames.
2. You compare the people you date to your exes.
Just learn toleave your exes out of the equation. Don’t ever make the mistake of using yourex as a benchmark for your current relationship. You are only asking fortrouble when you start making comparisons out of the blue.
3. You try to play it too cool; you act too hard to get.
Sometimes, ithelps to just be transparent about your feelings. You don’t want to keep givingpeople the cold shoulder even though deep down inside, you’re genuinelyinterested. It’s cool to play hard to get to some extent, but not to the pointwherein you’re completely turning people off. – Continue reading on the next page
4. You have an unreasonable checklist for prospective mates.
Stop treatingyour dates like they have to pass some sort of test that you’re giving them.Just stop being so overly anal about what you’re looking for in a date. Learn tobe more flexible and find some middle ground. Your dream relationship onlyexists in places outside of reality. You have to acknowledge that in the realworld, no one is ever going to be perfect.
5. You aren’t willing to push through the hard times in a relationship.
Relationshipsaren’t always just going to be ups. There will be lots of challenging anddifficult patches that you are going to have to endure. Stop being the kind ofperson who bails just when things start getting rough. Learn to deal with yourtroubles like an adult and find a way to power through.
6. You whine too much about how unlucky in love you are.
Nobody likes awhiner. It’s plain and simple. Your negativity just attracts negativity.
7. You have addiction problems.
It can be verydifficult to date someone who is having problems with addiction. Perhaps youshould start seeing a professional to help you overcome your addictions. Itdoesn’t matter whether your addiction is to drugs or alcohol, it’s still anaddiction; and you still need help.
8. You read too much into things.
Stopsensationalizing every single gesture in the relationship. Stop trying to puttoo much meaning into simple words. Sometimes, you just have to take things asthey are. There’s no need to just keep on blowing everything out of proportion.It’s very irritating to the people who are around you.
9. You are still afraid to commit to relationships.
Commitment is abig deal in relationships. If you’re the kind of person who just has troublemaking any commitments when it comes to love, then there’s no wonder you’re notfinding any success in it. You always have to commit yourself to the thingsthat you want in life. And you have to always work hard to acquire the deepestdesires of your heart.
10. You take a pessimistic view on the relationship from thestart.
Stop being anegative Nancy. Take a more optimistic view of your love life and attract somepositivity from the universe. When you think happy thoughts, then that energyis going to emanate from you like the glow of the sun.
Talk to me
Have you been doing any of these? We all make mistakes in life. Talk to me in the comments below!