10 Signs He’s Faking Love Just To Sleep With You

Unless you really want a one-night-stand, look out for these signs!

When you are in a relationship with someone, you should best expect an absolute whirlwind of emotions. That is a given circumstance because all relationships are always driven by feelings of attraction and comfort. A lot of times, physical attraction is what will pique the interest of most people. We tend to go after people because we are attracted to their appearances and how they carry themselves. Therefore it is normal for two consenting human beings who are physically attracted to engage in physical intimacy with one another. However, it must be understood that just because someone is physically attracted to another person doesn’t mean that he/she wants to establish an emotional relationship as well.

There have been numerous cases of men who are only looking for physical intimacy with women; treating them as game and sport. In these instances, they will attempt to deceive a woman to the point where she thinks that he wants to genuinely be in a loving relationship with her, but he is only looking for a fun night in the bedroom with her. Ladies, you have to be very careful with these types of men. They have no regard for your feelings and they are only looking out for themselves. They will do whatever it takes to satisfy their carnal cravings even if it means deceiving you. Here are a few signs that his love for you is less than genuine, and that he only wants to get intimate with you physically.

1. He rarely makes time for you unless it’s for sex.

He doesn’t make time for you unless you guarantee him a fun night in the bedroom with you. Otherwise, he is just going to act disinterested and unwilling. He doesn’t like to take time out of his schedule for your dates, hangouts, or just random chill sessions. He only wants to be with you when you’re looking to get physically intimate with him.

2. He doesn’t plan meticulous dates with you.

Dates are out of the question. He will only wine and dine you if you make him believe that he has a shot at getting with you at the end of the night. Otherwise, he wouldn’t be willing to spend his time nor money on you at all.

3. He doesn’t integrate you within his social circles.

There’s no point in him wanting you to meet his friends because he’s not looking for a real relationship with you anyway. He couldn’t care less about having his friends liking you because he doesn’t like you that much either. He’s not looking for anything emotional with you. To him, it’s purely physical.

4. He doesn’t make an effort to make you feel safe.

He doesn’t check up on you when you’re not together. He never asks you how you’re feeling. He won’t try to cheer you up when you’re feeling down. He won’t take care of you whenever you’re sick. The point is that he only thinks of himself and his own personal desires.

5. He doesn’t introduce you to his family.

Similar to why he doesn’t want to introduce you to his friends. There’s no point in it. He’s not looking for anything special with you and so introducing you to his family is just plain unnecessary for him. He’s only using you as an object, and he doesn’t see you as a potential emotional partner at all.

6. All your conversations only revolve around sex.

You rarely ever talk but during the rare times where you’re actually conversing with each other, it’s always about sex. He is always telling you about stuff he wants to try in the bedroom, or he’s making plans with you about your next sexual escapade.

7. He does not share intimate details about himself to you.

No emotional attachment whatsoever. He won’t allow himself to get vulnerable with you because he has no interest in opening himself up to you at all. To him, your relationship is built purely on physical attraction, and he doesn’t think it necessary to open up to each other emotionally.

8. He only compliments your physical attributes.

You never hear compliments about how smart you are because he has no interest in your intelligence. You never get comments about your personality because he really couldn’t care less. All he cares about is how you look because to him, you are merely an object of his desires. That’s why he only chooses to compliment you on the only things that interest him.

9. He only takes you out to places that serve drinks.

He knows that whenever substanceВ is involved, you get more vulnerable. When you get more vulnerable, he increases his chances of getting the only thing he wants from you. Be very careful if your guy always asks you to go out drinking all the time and learn to control your intake.

10. He only calls you at night.

The classic booty call. He never calls you within the day to check up on you. He doesn’t give you morning calls to wish you a good day. He only calls you at night to see if you’re looking for some action.

Talk to me

Ladies, have you been in a similar situation? Let me know in the comments below!

    1. Excuse me but this can go for women too they be faking the move too they don’t want to get together but they do or sometimes they don’t and when the man makes you understood the call or they answering the phone so what’s the use this is a two-way street

  1. The last one about the phone calls depends on if he has a job or not. Unemployed men can call whenever they want. A Man with a job has to consider what time he gets up vs you along with what time you work vs him.

  2. This kind of relationship happened to me back in the seventies. I only wish my mother would’ve clued me in.

  3. Hey
    I am that guy who does most of the things listed. My cycle or lack there of has always been pretty much the same. I know I am boring and don’t like to get involved with games, relationships more than I have to.
    I enjoy drinking because it helps me open up a little, otherwise I don’t let anybody in.

    1. It’s fine but just please clue the partner in on those in no uncertain terms…that you do not want any type of emotional relationship or involvement.

  4. 8 years until I realised what was really going on the entire 8 years believing everything he said otherwise he’d start the spitefulness and stooping to the lowest of levels anyone could go simply being caught out with literally every single word and his body language and poor attempts at being discreet and thinking he was being smart lol but these signs above are absolutely spot on

  5. I survived this. He started out as a friend, but when it came to getting intimate, I didn’t want to. I was continually coerced & gaslit, even when I told him that if he truly loved me ( his go-to line) he would not try to make me do what I don’t want to do. Second-guessing myself was the worst mistake. When we eventually did, he told me later on he might not ever want to get married. That’s when I knew for sure. After all was said & done & we split, he let me go with the advice, “you have to do what YOU, want to do!” Something inside screamed, “what do you think I was trying to tell you from the beginning!!! But no, you didn’t want that or to hear that!!!” He even made it out like I was trying to use him, instead of facing his responsibility in the matter for what happened! He tried to make me feel guilty for wanting a relationship with him. Now he has nothing but my disappointment in him, and my contempt for what he did, all for his own selfishness.

  6. I’m going through this right now and men don’t understand how painful this is, because you are fooled into thinking they want more then to find out that they moved on to the next victim, after having a small argument really hurts a women’s feelings. I just got out of a five year relationship and met this dude and didn’t know how the dating thing goes and picked the wrong guy,and started having feelings for him and he pulls something like this. I’m done trying to find the right one, because I don’t think my heart ❤️ can take anymore disappointment.

  7. I thought I was in a long distance relationship only an hour away we had a disagreement so I drove to his to be told by his brother he had a girlfriend of 8 years I went nuclear but we still can’t let each other go even though I have a new partner now

  8. You know when a women is fading and wants only a sexual relationship or money?
    Does not want you to sent messages/call you frequently.
    Not responding to your calls/massages.
    When she contacts you she asks you to pay for bills/flights etc
    When going out she always expect the man to Pay for the bills.

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