10 Signs That A Person Is Definitely Meant For YOU

A person can always come into your life for a very specific reason. Some people are there to teach you valuable lessons that you need to equip yourself with as you make your way through this world. Some people are there to help you out of jams or problems that life might throw your way. But there’s always this one special person who comes into your life. This is the person who you know you can spend the rest of your life with. This is the person who you know you want to be able to grow old with. And this is the person who is definitely for keeps.

There are plenty of people who have only temporary roles in our lives. They are there to serve a specific purpose and once it’s fulfilled, then they leave. But there are some people who are there for the long haul. And whenever that’s the case, you always want to make sure that you treasure that person to the best of your abilities. You never want to push them away or take them for granted. Here are a few signs that a person is definitely meant for you.

1. You let go of your ego for this person.

You want this person to be in your life so much that you would even be willing to let go of your ego and your narcissistic tendencies.

2. You allow yourself to become vulnerable for this person.

You genuinely allow yourself to become vulnerable towards this person. You allow yourself to open up in ways that you typically don’t. You do so because you trust this individual and you know that they would never hurt you.

3. You are always pure and honest with your intentions for one another.

You always stay honest and pure with regards to the intentions that you have for each other. You are always on the same page. There is no room for deceit, manipulation, or abuse in the relationship at all.

4. You don’t try to change one another.

You don’t really try to change each other. You see each other for who you both really are as human beings and you accept all of it. You would never want to alter any fundamental aspects of each other’s beings.

5. You don’t feel judged for your flaws and imperfections.

You never have to feel like you need to hide your flaws and imperfections from this person. You are always confident to just express yourself freely and authentically. You are always encouraged to be sincere and genuine because they wouldn’t want you to be any other way.

6. You are a better human being overall because of this person.

You feel like you are just a better human being overall as a result of having this person in your life. You feel like they bring out the absolute best in you.

7. You stay with them even through the bad times.

You know that you would always want to stay with this person even as they go through bad times. You do this because you know that they would never leave your side even when you’re at your worst as well. You know that the two of you always have each other’s backs.

8. You don’t try to outdo one another.

You don’t treat your relationship like some kind of competition. You are never trying to outdo one another. You are always looking to build each other up. You always support one another. And you both consider the success of one to also be the success of the other.

9. You have a really special connection and bond with one another.

You share a very special connection and bond with one another. You know that the chemistry that you share is quite palpable. You also know that you don’t have this kind of connection with any other human being in the world.

10. You feel safe whenever you’re around each other.

You never have to worry about being judged, attacked, criticized, or ridiculed whenever you are around this person. You never have to worry about being hurt whenever you’re with them. You always feel safe in their presence.


Always stay mindful of the people who you choose to surround yourself with. There are people who are there to uplift you and help you become who you need to be. And there are people who are going to hold you back and weigh you down.

And of course, there is that one person who is actually going to help add a sense of completion to your life. This person isn’t necessarily going to be your sole source of happiness or fulfillment, but you definitely feel happier and more fulfilled as a result of being around them. And if you have that special individual in your life, you never want to let them go.

  1. I couldn’t have said that any better…. And thank you for the reminder that I have to go back to work on the one who has been my heart beat and the the one & only one that is in my sights for the first and I pray the last person that has been a beautiful woman friend and love and partner with her heart and keeping her eyes open and trusting in my crazy life!

  2. My partner completes me. He gives me everything I need including confidence, trust in him and unconditional love. I have such an awesome man. No one could ever replace him. I am so blessed.

  3. Patricia your the one that makes every I’ll feeling faded an to all the times I’ve felt less than when your within eye sight I just know I can do or say anything and know all will be fine and that feeling alone makes me the man I know I need to be to exist beside u,so I no longer feel were stuck with one anotherinstead were meant for each other.

  4. This is true for a lot of relationships including couples who have been married for decades…but not all

  5. Is the love in a relationship were by there’s no bond or time for romance?
    I’m stucked and married on that one. Thought maybe this dude will change after I had a child , after our lobola. Nothing has changed, and its been full year staying in one roof now😞😞😭

    1. It’s better to be alone than live with that. After I left my husband, my life was much better and my child was much happier.

  6. I grew up abused and used. It seemed everyone I trusted eventually ended up hurting me one way or another, and my life was hell based upon my inability to escape my inward low self-esteem. I became addicted to anything that would help me escape from my mistakes, the pain and hurt, etc..
    But, there was this one special person in my life – a childhood sweetheart from age 7, whom I was always madly in love with..and she knew my life story throughout the decades. We always stayed in touch, even though I was a train wreak. Now, at 53, and a near death experience that CHANGED my entire outlook on life – made me clean and sober, volunteering service work for others, finding a higher power other than myself..through everything I do to change, and try to help others out of that vicious cycle – we have found each other again..and we ready for what was always to be between us. I’m a better man today, and she knows it in her heart. We’ve had li es apart: failed marriages, children, etc.. and we are now together planning the rest of our lives together. She’s still that little girl who’s hand I held as we walked to school together; and today I get the pleasure and privilege to hold her hand in mine again- never to let go.
    She makes me feel safe, happy, and a love I missed for so many decades.
    She the one I prayed for – and was given.
    Restored and whole, never to lose her again.
    I’d sacrifice ALL a million times over for her, because WITH HER, we are going to rise and conquer the devil and world!!

  7. Me and my fiance Dallas have a very tight bond with each other we met each other online he’s a God send to me he’s everything to me he’s my entire world that’s how we feel about each other

  8. I’m still at times struggling with this last acquaintance. I believe if I have stayed on the floor and prayed like this pastor from sellars sc told me I do not believe that I would have ended up this way . GOD gives us free will and it’s illegal for him to enter into the earth after we have believed and spoke certain things. Some times we are looking at that outward part of that person and become so intrigued with looks that we can’t do the right thing even if it’s told to us . So PLEASE PRAY AND ASK GOD BEFORE YOU SLEEP WITH THESE PEOPLE MEN AND WOMEN FR

  9. BUT GOD’s word says that ALL THINGS work together for the GOOD of them that love THE LORD and are called according to His purpose .SO I hear you Holy Spirit

  10. I feel like i found that special person.
    I hope that it will really ends well for us. that we will a happy couple fulfilling and living with our dreams together.

  11. I don’t want to be the one to bust the bubble but pray and realiy pay attention because as humans we can want someone so bad that we overlook flags that GOD put their for a reason . And we can meet someone and they genuinely have purer intentions for us than some one we may have known a lifetime. of course their may be that fear to indulge but the Holy Spirit will lead us in this if we surrender to HIM.

  12. I was married for 19 years to someone who abused me in several ways and abandoned me emotionally. My divorce is almost final and I’m in the best and most healthy relationship I’ve ever been in. We constantly tell each other how lucky we are to have found each other. We are definitely meant to be, our chemistry is electric and we compliment each other so well!

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