10 signs you’re in a committed relationship

signs you're in a committed relationship

You’re in the best relationship!

What does “true commitment” mean? Does it mean to say “I love you” to one another? Does it become committed when you move in together? Or when you make things official with the family? Real commitment means much more than that; it has a more pure meaning than that; it doesn’t have any standards or levels, but once it comes – it stays.

Here are ten of the most common signs you’re in a committed relationship.

1. Time shared is always time remembered

When you’re so in love with each other that you share a tremendous amount of time (without ruining each others’ social lives, mind you) and you think about each, and every second you spent with each other after every hangout, that’s where commitment comes in.

It tells you that the person is much more involved in your life, and you will enjoy each other’s company for years to come without the element of “boredom” ever making its way between the two of you.

2. Intelligent conversations, always interesting.

When you’re in a “committed relationship,” the conversations never get old or boring. Whether it’s about work, or friends, or family, or just plain everyday routine, every conversation keeps on extending without the two of you know. The concept of “OMG, look at the time” happens, when the two of you get so involved in the conversation that you forget how long you two spoke, such a relationship is bliss, sheer bliss. 

3. You think about each other before making big decisions.

A committed relationship means that you are responsible for a lot of things, also the other person’s well-being. When you’re genuinely in love with one another, you will always think about them before making any significant decisions. For example, and this is purely from my own life, I was thinking about getting a new office for the business.

Now the way it is between the two of us is that we meet almost every other day, so I wanted to make sure my new office is near her place, so I’ll always be close when she needs me. Getting a new office was one of the most significant decisions of my life, and I didn’t think twice when I saw a beautiful property near her place. Some people might believe that such gestures will go unnoticed, they don’t.

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