11 Common Tricks Women Use On Men

The art of manipulation is a complicated one. And women tend to be the masters of it.

A lot of women will use a certain sense of mystery to try to get men to become interested in them. However, a lot of men are going to hate having to deal with women who make it just too hard for them to figure things out. Love is already complicated enough as it is.

And it can be infuriating having to deal with a girl who just makes things even more difficult. But that’s just part of the game. A woman’s mysterious nature is a popular tool for manipulation and control in the power play of relationships. And only the men who are patient and resilient enough will be able to really win her over and get her to open up.

But what if you happen to be the kind of girl who doesn’t know how to play the game? What if you’re not so well-versed on the tricks and tips of the trade? Well, that’s what this article is for. Not to say that you should be wreaking havoc on the lives of men. But you should know how to employ these techniques if you want to gain a man’s interest. You need to be able to convince him that you are a force to be reckoned with and he can’t be taking you lightly.

So don’t worry that you don’t know how to play the game. That’s why you’re here now. You have taken the initiative. You have shown the willingness to learn. And you will be rewarded greatly for it. Here are some common tricks women use on men to get them interested.

1. You flaunt how amazing your life is on social media.

You have an amazing life – and you want him to know about how amazing your life is even when you’re not with him. And so you don’t hesitate to post about the fancy things that you buy for yourself or the nice places that you travel to on your own.

2. You don’t respond to his text messages right away.

You deliberately don’t reply to him right away so that you give him the impression that you’re a busy gal. You don’t want to be giving him all of your time. You don’t want him to think that you’ve been waiting around for his text.

3. You deliberately withhold affection with him.

You don’t want to be giving him everything that you have especially when he hasn’t done anything to earn it yet. You want him to work for whatever affection that you give him. So even if you’re craving to give him your affection, you refrain from doing so.

4. You cry on purpose to see how he would handle it.

You can tell a lot about a man based on how he handles a situation with a crying girl. It’s a great test of character for him.

5. You test him to see where his ego lies.

You feed him compliments about various aspects of his life just to see where his ego lies. You don’t know if he’s egotistical about his looks, his intellect, or his achievements. And you want to find out by feeding him compliments in these areas.

6. You give him the silent treatment to test how he would react.

You can say so many things by saying nothing at all – and not many guys are able to understand that. And you want to make sure that he does.

7. You feign helplessness so that he can come and help you out.

You don’t really need his help – but you want to see how far he’s willing to go just to help you. And so you will feign a little helplessness to test him out. You want to see if he’s really got your back. You want to know if he’s really someone you can rely on to be there for you.

8. You tell him that “you’re fine” without any follow-up.

You want to know if he’s the kind of guy who knows how to read between the lines. Of course, you wouldn’t want to end up with a dense guy who can’t go deep with you.

9. You give him affection out of the blue.

If you employ the “withhold affection” manipulation technique on him, then this is a great follow-up. You give him affection out of the blue and see that he’s going to be so thankful for it. And he’s going to treat you so much better than usual because of it.

10. You flirt with other men in front of him.

You don’t want him to think that he has you locked down. You don’t want him to think that he has you in his pocket. And so you flirt with other guys to make him think that he has to continually work for your love and attention.

11. You rehash old arguments to start up some drama.

Sometimes, when things are getting a little boring in a relationship, you might try to stir up some drama just for the fun of it. It’s your way of keeping things interesting. You don’t want to be making things too easy for him.

Men, speak up

Do you agree? Talk to me in the comments below!

  1. This is the type of woman who love mind games and is toxic and very immature and insecure. Avoid when you see these signs. She’s not worth your time

    1. These are signs of player girl that will try to make you her puppet with her mind games, so that he can take advantage of you.

  2. Every woman should be manipulating and tricking men into obsessing over them and stalking them. Flake out on men just to see how far they will go for you. Women aren’t supposed to be really into men at all. They should make men feel worthless and bad about themselves. Don’t make him a priority. Making him jealous by flirting with other guys and flaunting hot guys in his face is good. I always do that to my guy and the more he becomes so passionate about me. When a guy is obsessed with you, he loves you.

    1. If yoyy ur belief with a guy infront of your boyfriend it’s disrespectful af and it’s beyond me why he hasn’t left you but if things work out great but as a guy if it happens once I set a hard line I see it again it’s over. Theees no excuse for childish petty games and manipulation

  3. When you see these run hahaha, A manipulator that will drive you crazy and most certainly dump you when not need you any more!

  4. If a woman tries to manipulate me, our relationship will be nothing but a little memory. You get from life what you allow.
    If I’m dating someone I treat them with love and respect. I expect the same in return.

    1. Red flags all around, drop her ass, block her, tell her to go to hell and F!!K with someone else’s mind and peace!

  5. No mature woman does these things. I feel like an immature high schooler wrote this. These are toxic traits and no growm man thinks it’s cute either. This article should be Titled, Toxic Games Women Play That Drive Men Away

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