Landing the girl of your dreams is a hard enough endeavor as it is. However, keeping her in your life is going to be just as hard. When you have a love of your life at your side, then you need to do whatever it takes to keep that person there. If you take her for granted, then you miss out on having this amazing woman there forever.
A girl isn’t going to break up with you out of the blue. She isn’t going to make that kind of decision so whimsically. After all, breakups are painful, and they’re hard. There isn’t one single thing that you do that would make her fall out of love with you. Naturally, it’s going to be an accumulation of factors that would lead her to make this decision.
If you are curious about whether your girl still loves you or not, there are a few signs that you can keep an eye out for. If you notice that she is exhibiting a lot of these signs, then it might be time for you to be worried.
1. She doesn’t ask about your life anymore.

She doesn’t try to ask you about your life anymore. It has gotten to a point wherein you start wishing that she would ask you about your day more. However, she has just wholly become disinterested in you and your personality. It’s as if she doesn’t care about you at this point.
2. She makes decisions on her own.

In the past, you always used to make decisions as a team. It would be reasonable for her to turn towards you whenever she was fazed by something. However, things are different now. Nowadays, she goes ahead and makes decisions on her own without even letting you know beforehand.
3. She doesn’t engage in arguments with you.

She no longer tries to engage in arguments with you. Instead of staying and fighting, she shuts down or walks away. You might see this as a victory. However, what this means is that she’s no longer looking to connect with you. Consequently, she doesn’t care about what you say or think.
4. She doesn’t express gratitude for your efforts.

Whenever you try to do something beautiful for her, she shuts you down. It always hurts to have your efforts and your gestures dismissed by the one you love. However, you should be taking this as a real sign that she’s no longer as in love with you as she once was.
5. She doesn’t make an effort to be physically intimate with you.

Physical intimacy is always going to be one of the most essential facets of a romantic relationship. Consequently, if you notice that she doesn’t make that effort to be intimate with you, something must be wrong. After all, it’s not like you weren’t physically close with one another in the past.
6. She seems more irritable when she’s around you.

It’s as if she’s just in a perpetual bad mood whenever she’s around you. She doesn’t seem to enjoy the time that you spend together anymore. Granted, you have your bad days as well. But it just feels like she never feels happy when the two of you are together anymore.
7. She doesn’t make an effort to look good for you anymore.

She used to always care about how you saw her. After all, she loved you with all of her heart. But now, she doesn’t care what perception you might have of her. She doesn’t make an effort to look good anymore.
8. She seems disinterested in the relationship.

It’s as if she’s become disinterested in the relationship. She doesn’t make an effort, and she doesn’t care.
9. She nags all of the time now.

Instead of saying beautiful and sweet things, she nags all of the time. Instead of trying to spread positivity, it’s all just negative energy that emanates from her. Undoubtedly, this is because she’s fed up and she’s tired of being in this relationship.
10. She puts more time into her hobbies than your relationship.

Naturally, it’s perfectly okay for people to have lives outside of their relationships. However, with her case, it’s almost as if the relationship doesn’t exist. She’s just devoting most of her time to her hobbies and her career. It’s a sign that her priorities have shifted at this point.
11. She stops telling you that she loves you altogether.

And of course, when you notice that she is no longer telling you that she loves you, then that’s when you know something is wrong. This is especially disconcerting if she has always had the habit of letting her love be known to you in the past. Perhaps, you should put a little more effort into winning her back.
Thank you, guys
I want to share My story
You’re right.
she is doing everything you have said so what should i do
She is doing everything you said, what should I do ?!!
She makes a bucket list of tats,nose piercing ect…she turning into a what?😃
Wow!! Its True, I Lv It
They easily in love and easily out of love