11 Signs You Have A Man Who Really Cares About You

1. You know that he’s always honest with you.

You know that a man really cares about you when he stays honest with you. He cares about you enough to always be feeding you the truth – even when it’s inconvenient. He is always looking to make sure that you aren’t being kept in the dark about anything. He is always making sure that you are being fed all of the right information. He always wants to look out for you.

2. He lets you have your freedom and space.

He is the kind of guy who knows that just because you get into a relationship with one another doesn’t mean that he’s entitled to controlling how you life your life. He loves you and cares about you enough to always respect your independence. He always gives you space and freedom whenever you ask for it. He always lets you be your own person. He doesn’t want to act as a dictator in your own relationship.

3. He does things he hates just because you like them.

He doesn’t mind putting himself out of his comfort zone for you. He doesn’t mind doing things that he typically wouldn’t be into. He doesn’t mind partaking in activities that don’t necessarily give him much joy or pleasure. He willingly does these things because he knows that it’s important to you that he does them. He does these things because he genuinely cares about you.

4. He makes an effort to text you first.

He isn’t passive in your relationship. He isn’t shy about making his interest in you known by you. He always makes an effort to communicate with you. He doesn’t play any of those games that a lot of immature boys play. He doesn’t try to play coy or hard to get. He’s always trying to communicate with you because he wants you to know just how interested in you he really is.

5. He pays attention to the small details.

You know that he cares about you when he has great attention to detail. You know that he really cares about you when he takes notice of the little things. A guy who doesn’t care about you gets distracted easily. But since he’s absolutely crazy about you, he obsesses over even the littlest and simplest aspects of your life and your relationship. He is REALLY paying attention to you because he cares about you that much.

6. He finds a way to accommodate you into his life.

It’s not like he doesn’t have other things going on in his life. It’s not like he isn’t busy. It’s not like he doesn’t have any goals or dreams. He has plenty of things going on in his life; and yet, he always finds a way to accommodate you in it. He cares about you enough to actually make space in his life for you. He makes sure that you feel welcome in his life.

7. He always asks you questions about your life.

He expresses a genuine interest in your life because he’s trying to get to know you better. He wants to be immersed in your world. He wants to be able to climb into your skin because he wants to be very intimate and close to you. Why else would he be doing any of these things unless he really cares about you?

8. He talks to you about goals and dreams.

He wants to know about your goals and dreams because he really wants to fit into your future. He cares about you enough to make sure that he isn’t serving as a roadblock between you and your dreams. He doesn’t want to hold you back from becoming who you’re meant to be.

9. He does whatever he can to make your life as easy as possible.

He cares about you enough to ALWAYS put in the effort into trying to make your life easy and comfortable. It’s like he’s made it his personal mission to make your life more convenient.

10. He finds a way to meet you halfway.

You ALWAYS know that a guy cares about you whenever he tries to make compromises with you. He’s the kind of guy who isn’t afraid of putting the needs of the relationship above his own. He isn’t afraid of placing your happiness above his own. He’s always going to be happy about meeting you halfway. And he does this because he knows that it’s the only way that he’s ever going to make things work with you.

11. He genuinely has your back.

He cares about you enough to always have your back. You know that he’s the kind of guy that you can really depend on. He’s the kind of guy who is always going to show up whenever you call him. You know that he’s the kind of man who is going to help pick you up whenever you stumble. He’s the guy who is always going to make sure that you never feel alone or abandoned in this life.


    1. I can’t lower my benchmark. You can’t up your game. Typing in capslock is not assertion. It’s a sign of desperation. (My empathy is only with the wife. No one else who’s trying to pry in their way into unwanted territory).

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