If He Sends You These 11 Texts, He Wants More Than Just $ex

This means he’s in it for the long run!

Everyone knows that technology has practically revolutionized the way people go about relationships nowadays. It’s so much easier for us to connect with one another despite the limitations brought about by distance. It is now possible to send messages to people thousands and thousands of miles away in a matter of milliseconds.

So it’s no secret that the phenomenon of texting has helped shape peoples’ relationships all around the world. It has become a vital tool of communication for many couples, and at times, it can either make or break a relationship.

Take the scenario of you casually engaging in $exual relations with a guy. Of course, there is some chemistry there, but you’re not entirely sure if you can elevate your relationship to something beyond $exual encounters. You also don’t want to put yourself in the position of having to ask where you are in the relationship.

Fortunately for you, if you text often, then there are subtle hints and signs that you can heed to know if he’s really interested in you or not. If he’s sending you these kinds of text messages, then he probably wants something more than just $ex.

1. Boring everyday texts.

If he’s texting you about him having to do his chores or about that random book he’s currently reading, then you can bet he’s very interested in you. These are all practically useless information, but it’s his subtle way of giving you a glimpse into his life. If all he wanted to be $ex, there was no point in revealing any of this to you.

2. Questions asking for advice.

A guy who is only interested in getting you underneath the sheets wouldn’t ever waste time asking you for advice on his problems. In fact, he wouldn’t even allow himself to get personal with you on any level. If he’s asking you for your thoughts and opinions about his life, then he wants something beyond $ex.

3. Random texts.

If he’s constantly making an effort to initiate conversations with you even when he’s not asking for $ex, then that’s a good sign that he’s very much interested in you. There would be no point in trying to talk to you about random topics of conversation if all he wanted from you was a night in the sack together.

4. Texts that ask for forgiveness.

No girl should ever have to put up with a man who is a constant screw-up. A man who says sorry a hundred times in a week is a man no girl should ever have to endure. However, a man who says sorry sincerely and wholeheartedly is really a man who is after a girl’s heart.

5. Serious and complex texts.

A guy who only wants a casual $exual relationship with you would not bother with engaging in deep and complex conversations with you about life and the universe. If he’s willing to pick your brain about complex issues and is also willing to open his mind up to you, then that means his interests transcend a physical relationship.

6. Good Morning’s texts.

A guy who only wants you for $ex would not be sending you texts in the morning. These guys would only make contact with you if they were feeling thirsty for some action in bed. If all he wanted to do was to legitimately wish you a good morning, then that means he cares about you beyond the confines of the bedroom.

7. Texts about TV shows.

You didn’t ask for a play-by-play broadcast of what’s happening on that latest episode of Game of Thrones, but he’s giving you the details anyway. He’s just using it as an excuse to talk to you and bond with you over something. A man who only seeks $ex wouldn’t invest the time and effort in making small talk with you.

8. Compliments.

These just aren’t necessarily the compliments that concern your physical beauty like your great body or flawless skin. If he compliments you about your personality and the way you live your life, then that means he is interested in you beyond your $exual potential.

9. Inquisitive texts.

One of the best ways to know if a man is truly interested in you is when he’s asking you random questions about your life and your personality. If all that was on his mind was your physical body, he really couldn’t care less about what your family is like or what your dreams and aspirations are. If he takes a genuine interest in your life, he wants more than just $ex.

10. Funny texts.

There’s no reason a guy would want to make you laugh other than to make you like him. If he is constantly trying to put a smile on your face by texting you funny messages, then it’s likely that he doesn’t just want $ex with you.

11. Happy Birthday’ texts.

If all a man asked of you was $ex, he wouldn’t even make an effort to remember your birthday, let alone send you a message of greeting. If he texts you to greet you on your birthday, then $ex isn’t the only thing on his mind when it comes to you.

    1. This has helped me alot I have not met this man yet and happy to say according to what you say he’s ligit thanks he just today has made a couple personal messages to me that I wasnt sure was okay

  1. I am in a friendship that has been very complicated from the beginning. We are very compatible in most areas. Our big issues are his divorce from a narcissist. He has been struggling with his feelings and her hold she has tried to keep on him. She will randomly send emails and she sent him a snap recently of one of their pictures together.
    I personally know this woman and she’s a horrible person who has destroyed friendships among our group.
    He does care about me. This i know from your articles. We talk about everything including his past relationship because he knows she has done to me and several others what she’s done to him.
    I have been willing and supportive in his journey through this mess but, I am asking if there is more i can do but remind him he’s worthy of happiness again and that he won’t be whom he was but a stronger person.

    1. Well, unfortunately it is not up to you to detach him from the ex. If he can’t resolve her interference into his current life then he was not ready to move on. If he says he is ready to move on but still gets affected by her then he is making his problems yours. You do not deserve to be dealing with this drama. The guy must make up his mind, put his foot down and cut her out completely or you end up paying the price. It’s clear this is affecting you but you don’t have to allow it. The brother must man up and kick a…s out of his way and give his attention all to you.

  2. He is in a relationship with somebody else for 8 yrs or so but I got a yes for each answer .. what does that mean?

  3. We are in very beginning of our relationship and I had received just few texts of telling me I am very special
    …. but than few times he is not picking the phone because is with his friends and us not polite to them if he talks to me and he is already with plans going out where I am not included with his friends and group of people I met once.. I wasn’t invited and I felt like disrespectful.. is like he keeps his obviously very good friends (woman and man, especially one woman) on first choice. Is that normal?

  4. Well, all of these can be true except for the rare narcissist that actually does these things sometimes as well off and on especially in the beginning so you can’t just go on these alone either. Which is why you take a long enough time to get to know the person instead of rushing into a relationship no matter how much they try to convince you to rush! If they only want to rush you run!! Especially if they are asking several times a day if you are going out yet before you meet in person if you are talking online and on the phone!!! That’s a good sign they are most likely toxic, and is a major red flag if they are in a hurry to get you into the relationship!! My last relationship started like that unfortunately he was so sweet that I didn’t realize it until it was too late. I’ve learned though.
    He put a whole lot of effort into the relationship in the beginning as well which also threw me off, because most toxic people will not put that much work into getting someone to be with them. So I was thinking it was real, and eventually I found out he’d lied about loving me, and almost everything we had in common even things he legit acted like he enjoyed doing, and he was just using me to build up his self esteem, happiness, confidence, and his life, and vehicle count, and then when I broke up with him he tried to take my apartment that I worked really hard to build up and get and had for 2 1/2 years before we even started talking online!!! All, because he has a criminal record for stealing and domestic violence making it really difficult for him to be able to get a place of his own. But I also didn’t know about his criminal history before we started dating either unfortunately.

  5. I’m gonna say that I met this person and everything about this is true but then one day just goes off and tells me to stay in my lane and then stop texting him so what’s that about?

  6. after passing of my hubby ,about a year ago. I have now slowly opened up to new relationship, there is this guy,whom a friend that I have been talking for sometime and later we engaged in sexual intimacy. However he is a guy whom doesn’t like commitments ,in way that even hugging or kissing out of the bedroom is a big no. Other wise he texts good morning, and good night. Randomly answers phone or calls to talk. we do casually meet up for a coffee and we talk long hours. The issue here is ,I don’t what kind of relationship am I going with him.

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