Never underestimate a cheater’s ability to weasel their way out of a compromising situation.
Never underestimate a cheater’s ability to weasel their way out of a compromising situation. Whenever you get cheated on, you can expect a lot of excuses and alibis to be thrown your way. Your partner will refuse to take responsibility for infidelity, and you will be left with a choice to make regarding your relationship.
Regardless of how you want to move on from a situation of infidelity, you always have to be aware of your partner is lying to you. Dishonesty is just adding fuel to the fire of infidelity, and you must address these issues head-on. Be wary of the most common lies that cheaters will tell after their cases of infidelity.
1. I’ll never do it again!
Of course, he will. Once a cheater, always a cheater. But it’s really up to you whether you’ll be willing to tolerate his constant infidelity. If he was willing to cheat on you once, what makes you think he won’t be willing to do it again? Even if he believes that he won’t be willing to cheat on you again, he would be lying to himself too.
2. You’re acting crazy!
No, you’re not. You’re acting just perfectly normal. It’s okay to freak out on your cheating boyfriend. He deserves whatever wrath you’re ready to unleash on him. He knows you’re not acting crazy and he’s merely trying to diffuse the situation by deflecting his faults unto you.
3. I promise I’ll change.
Actually, he won’t. If he’s old and mature enough to commit himself to you in a relationship, then he should also be old enough to know that change doesn’t exactly come so easily. That’s part of his personality and there’s just no changing it. You have to choose if you’re willing to live with it.
4. It was only a moment of weakness on my part.
It wasn’t just a moment of weakness. We all get our moments of weakness. We get weak whenever we’re tempted to eat that extra slice of pizza. We get tempted to splurge all our savings on toys and clothes. We also get weak whenever we’re sexually attracted to someone, but it’s not an excuse for acting on our temptations. That’s another story entirely.
5. But you’ve been really distant lately!
Typical cheater mentality. He tries to absolve himself of the incident by passing the blame on you. It’s your fault that he cheated. Apparently, it was your own fault that he chose to engage in sexual relations with other women. Certainly, he never would have cheated on you if it were just up to him. You had a role to play in the incident also.
6. She’s only a friend!
She’s not. Friends don’t engage in romantic and sexual relationships with people who just happen to already be engaged in a relationship with other people. She’s not just a friend. She’s a side-chick and if he’s not ashamed of cheating on you, then he shouldn’t be ashamed of admitting it.
Why you always think its a guy i just had a girlfreind that did this shit
I felt your pain, man…
It’s not just guys that are cheaters.
I actually hate it when a woman has been cheated on & the only one she’s blaming is the other woman, no, no no she’s not the one who’s in a relationship with u he is. And God only knows what he said to her to get into bed with her maybe the other woman doesn’t even know u exist, maybe he swore it’s over between u 2 who knows BUT if the other woman does know about u & knows u & your man haven’t broken up then yes it’s down to them BOTH!! I’ve been cheated on alot & I just don’t understand it, if u want to go & sleep with multiple women then break up & be single like why break a person’s heart & break that trust just because u can’t keep it in your pants & I know alot of women cheat also I’m just speaking from my experience’s. I’m single 3yrs now & I love it I can have sex with whoever I want without worrying about breaking another person’s heart