12 Reasons Why It’s More Difficult For An Old Soul To Find True Love

An old soul is a rare breed. A lot of times, they will be difficult to understand and relate with. These quirks can be attractive to some people, and so finding relationships and attraction won’t necessarily be a difficulty.

1. They shy away from contemporary dating methods.

An old soul will always want to go through the traditional route when it comes to many things, but especially when it comes to romance. You’ll rarely find an old soul on Tindr, or striking up a love affair with someone over Snapchat. It’s just not in their playbook to use these kinds of dating mechanisms. Look for an old-soul to always prefer conventional dates and courting styles because that’s just how they are.

2. They have a stronger sense of self-awareness.

These old souls will tend to have a better understanding of who they really are and what they want out of life. That means that there’s little to no room for self-discovery left. And when that happens, that means they tend to not tolerate those people who are still in search for themselves and are still currently engaged in their journeys toward self-discovery.

3. They tend to be incompatible with most people that they encounter.

An old soul is a rare breed. A lot of times, they will be difficult to understand and relate with. These quirks can be attractive to some people, and so finding relationships and attraction won’t necessarily be a difficulty. However, compatibility will always be an issue. A lot of other people will be fascinated by an old soul, but takes so much more than fascination to make a real loving relationship work.

4. They are always engaged in passionate relationships; but not the forever kind.

They are constantly bouncing from one passionate relationship to the next. That doesn’t mean that their love affairs are illegitimate or that their love isn’t real; it’s just that it’s not the forever kind of love that they’re looking for. An old soul can get very picky, and even the deepest, and most passionate kind of relationships won’t be enough for them.В – Continue reading on the next page

5. They have intense emotional baggage.

An old soul will always carry whatever romantic experiences they have had in the past with them. Love is always important to them, and relationships will always occupy a huge space in their heart. Any love affair they have had experience in the past helped shape them to become the over that they are currently. They understand that concept and they don’t ever try to hide it.

6. They tend to be over-thinkers as opposed to doers.

An old soul is an over-thinker. There’s no getting around it. They will have tendencies to talk themselves out of prospective relationships just because they over-think things a lot. They’re not impulsive people who will just jump into a relationship for the sake of it. They like to be calculated in their romantic entanglements.

7. They have high standards for the people they want to date.

Unbelievably high standards. It’s almost as if old souls have an uncompromising checklist for the kind of people that they’re willing to date. Often, that means they tend to turn down prospective dates and relationships just because they don’t meet a certain criteria that may seem unreasonable to most people. They know what they want, and what they want is difficult to find.

8. They have high expectations for their perfect love story and they will not settle for anything less.

Like their standards for the people they want to love, they also have high standards for the kinds of relationships they want to be in. They already know what they want out of love and relationships, and they will not compromise in this. They have their lives in love perfectly mapped out and they will absolutely not settle for anything less. They don’t think that love is ever something that you can just settle for.В – Continue reading on the next page

9. They prioritize another higher calling over love and romance.

An old soul knows that love is important, but they also know that there may be other things that are more important than establishing a lasting love affair. It could be their calling in religion, in their careers, or in their own personal goals. Whatever it is, a lot of times, their relationships in love will have to take the backseat.

10. They tend to attract broken people in need of healing, but not love.

An old soul is an inherent healer who knows how to fix people. However, that means that they tend to attract a lot of broken people who need some fixing up. That doesn’t mean that their love is going to be the perfect kind though.

11. They don’t like to play the hard-to-get game.

This new age I’ll pay hard to get so they’ll want me more technique just doesn’t work with old souls. These people know what they want, and they respect people who go after what they want. They have no time for entertaining people who are just playing the game a little too much.

12. They fear loss just as much as they desire love.

An old soul will always be afraid. The level of fear that they have when they fall in love can be a little too overwhelming for their partners. They love the idea of love too much, that the thought of losing love scares them to absolute mayhem.

Talk to me

Are you an old soul? Can you relate to this? Let me know in the comments down below!

  1. yes all have u written i totally what i am .I always feel i not belong to this world as i was unable to go inside their world.i even still feel awkward with my relative even they seen me grew up.

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