13 Signs He’s Worth The Effort

He’s worth it.

Relationships are going to require a lot of effort. And that’s okay. The trick is in really being able to find a partner who makes all of that effort worth it. A lot of couples make the mistake of going into relationships thinking that love is easy and that it’s something that they would be able to just breeze through. That is never the case.

Love takes a lot of work and commitment. It’s going to be challenging and overwhelming a lot of the time. It’s going to be a struggle. But the key to getting through that struggle is being able to find someone who you’re willing to struggle with.

So how do you know if your guy is someone who is actually worth staying together with? You have to know and be sure so that you don’t end up wasting your time in a relationship that you’re not all that crazy about. Read on until the end of this list and if you find that your man is guilty of a lot of the things that are written on here, then try your best to keep him in your life. He’s definitely a guy who is worth the effort.

1. He takes note of the little things in the relationship.

He is the kind of guy who isn’t just all about the big and the grand things in life. He’s the kind of man who really values the grind of the relationship and he understands that it’s the little things that really count.

2. He is a wizard in the kitchen.

A man who knows how to cook is always going to be an asset. If you can find yourself a man who cooks you really good meals, then you know that you’re with a guy who knows how to take care of you and keep you full.

3. He makes it a point to respond to your texts as soon as possible.

He really values your time and he knows that he shouldn’t be keeping you waiting if he can help it. He understands that you get anxious when he can’t get back to you quickly and so he makes it a point to always reply to your texts as possible.

4. He is a lot of fun to be with even when you’re not doing anything exciting.

It doesn’t matter where you are. It doesn’t matter what you’re doing. So as long as you’re together, you’re having fun. He’s a great guy to be with because of his genuinely entertaining personality. You just feel like you really mesh well together.

5. He would do things he doesn’t want to do just because you’re into it.

He wouldn’t mind doing activities or hobbies that he’s not fond of. He wouldn’t mind watching a movie that he hates. He just has to know that you enjoy doing those things and he would willingly do them with you.

  1. Hi…. I’m facing a very critical situation of my life because of my boyfriend…. I always honest with him but he lied to me several times and now I found him as a cheater……. I just need your help but in private discussion like on facebook messenger’s inbox messages…. I really need your advise and help…. Thanks!

  2. Break up with him. There are many good men out in the world will to treat a woman like queen.

  3. First of all are you absolutely sure he cheated on you? I know things are never easy in a relationship, I’ve conjured things up in my head about others to find out they are absolutely not true! So before you throw things away discuss them with him, be 100 percent sure, that is if you love him! If he cheated leave, I can tell you from experience that it will never stop if you tolerate it!

  4. Been there and gone through all that. Leave him, recover, heal your pain so you can trust the next one without mistreating him. Learn and know your worth and the right one will come along (you may already know him) and he will know your worth and treat you the way you want and deserve to be treated…..

  5. Get out now! Don’t waste time on a lying cheater, they will keep lying and cheating… you deserve better and there is better out there

  6. Leave him. Have been back and forth with a cheater. He left me for someone else whom he is totally in love with her, guess what he cheats on her. And she is the love of his life. Save yourself from continuous low vibes. Shut the door tight and dont go back to what broke you like i did. Be strong, let go and love yourself more than you ever have..its a rollercoaster but once the healing takes place you will realize YOU made the right decision.

  7. Be honest with him tell him in a calm non emotional way how you are feeling and ask him to be completely honest about his lying and cheating and ask him if he wants to stay in a relationship or not ask why he felt he had to cheat and lie to you express yourself in a way he feels compelled to be honest then make up your mind as to whether or not to leave it’s ultimately up to you on how much time you want to put into a relationship

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