14 Steps to Get into a Happy Relationship

The best kinds of relationships have couples that are committed, honest, and thoughtful when it comes to their partners. On the other side of the coin, the worst kinds of relationships are filled with abuse, distrust, and toxicity.

Not all love stories are created equal. There is no singular love story that encompasses the narratives of all couples in the world. Each relationship will have its own unique qualities that make them special and worth fighting for. However, that doesn’t mean that there are common trends that successful relationships will actually share. For instance, the best kinds of relationships have couples that are committed, honest, and thoughtful when it comes to their partners. On the other side of the coin, the worst kinds of relationships are filled with abuse, distrust, and toxicity.

Generally speaking, there will be two kinds of relationships: good ones and bad ones. So how do you make sure that you fall under the good category and not the bad? There is no sure formula to it really. There are too many variables that go into whether relationships succeed or not. Sometimes, these variables are out of control.

However, there are some things that you can control. There are some steps that you can take to improve your chances of getting into a good relationship; a relationship that’s filled with happiness and love.

Here are 14 steps that you can take to get into a happy relationship:

1. Make a good first impression.

The first step is always one of the most important. Make sure that you make a good first impression because you don’t want to blow your chances right from the get-go. Just get your foot in the door by being charming, witty, and nice when you first meet.

2. Build a casual and comfortable friendship.

Start off as friends and get to know each other on that level. See if you have chemistry and whether or not you can tolerate being around each other.

3. Test the waters as a romantic couple by dating each other.

If you’re comfortable with being around each other as friends and want to take it to another level, then try going out on dates. You’re fairly certain that there’s chemistry and so you want to try making things a little more intimate by dating.

4. Introduce each other to one another’s friends.

Your friends are important to you. Your partner’s friends are important to him/her. Getting to know each other’s friends show that you’re willing to invest yourself in this relationship. You’re essentially adopting each other’s social circles.В В – Continue reading on the next page

5. Define your relationship.

Establish what and where you are as a couple. Are you exclusively dating? Are you still open to the thought of dating other people? You have to be able to answer these questions before moving on.

6. Try being intimate with each other.

Now that you’ve set the parameters of your relationship and you’ve hashed it all out, it’s time for you to make things a little more intimate. Express your love and intimacy with each other by engaging in subtle gestures of affection.

7. Enjoy the honeymoon stage.

This is going to be one of the more favorite stages of any relationship. The honeymoon stage is when everything is absolutely perfect and the troubles of the world have not managed to penetrate your dynamic as a couple.

8. Start getting comfortable with being with each other.

After the honeymoon stage dies down, you’re left with just each other. The euphoria is no longer there and you’re left with plain situations. Your relationship is going to be tested by the harsh realities of monogamy.

9. Meet each other’s families.

This is similar to the step of introducing each other to friends, but it takes it to the next level. When you’re in love with someone, you’ll know how important it will be to have their families accept you into their lives.В В – Continue reading on the next page

10. Relax and slow things down for a minute.

It can’t always be about excitement and adventure. You have toВ learnВ to be bored with each other as a couple. You have to be content with the fact that a lot of the time, you’re going to have to deal with mundane moments together. It’s part of the package.

11. Have fights then work through them.

Have your disagreements. It’s perfectly normal for couples to go through fights or rough patches. What’s important is in what manner you both choose to rise above your disagreements.

12. Understand each other’s needs and make necessary compromises.

You’re not always going to mesh perfectly. You’re going to have to make some compromises here and there. It’s important for you to get to know each other very well the deeper you get into a relationship and adjust accordingly.

13. Start settling down and build a foundation for your future.

If at this point, you’re still going strong, then that’s a good sign. You should probably start thinking about the future and laying down the foundations for a wonderful life spent together.

14. Accept each other.

This is it. You’re in it for the long haul and you’re bound to have your moments of joy, and your trials as well. The key is in accepting each other for who you both really are and finding a way to keep that love burning.

Talk to me

Are you in a happy relationship? Talk to me about it in the comments below!

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