15 Facts You Need To Know About Dating Someone Who Prefers To Be Alone

Some people like to be surrounded by people while others prefer to just be alone. It can be difficult to find out how to deal with people who are different than what we’re accustomed to. The key is in being empathetic and understanding when you’re dealing with someone who isn’t like yourself.

Not all people are cut from the same cloth. We all have our quirks and personality traits that differentiate us from others. Some people are uptight, while others a lax. Some people are easy-going, while others are always high-strung. Some people like to be adventurous while others find peace in safe spaces.

Some people like to be surrounded by people while others prefer to just be alone. It can be difficult to find out how to deal with people who are different than what we’re accustomed to. The key is in being empathetic and understanding when you’re dealing with someone who isn’t like yourself.

Romantically, you won’t always be drawn to someone who is like you. As clich as it sounds, you never have control over who your heart chooses to fall for. If you just so happened to fall for a girl who is comfortable in her own solitude, then there are some things that you need to know about her. Here are the 15 facts you need to know about dating someone who prefers to be alone:

1. It will be difficult to gain her trust at first.

She’s a very guarded girl. She doesn’t like to invest herself emotionally into anyone else because she doesn’t want to let down. She likes to protect herself as much as possible.

2. She doesn’t want to be dependent on anyone other than herself.

She doesn’t like the feeling of helplessness and she hates that she has to rely on other people to solve her problems for her. She likes to take on her problems on her own.

3. She has learned to be independent.

She has had to learn how to fend for herself because she hates being vulnerable to anything. She is perfectly capable of doing chores on her own and solving her own problems. She’s most likely to be a well-functioning human being who is taking life head on.

4. She doesn’t need you in her life, but there’s a possibility of her wanting you to be in it.

She’s very independent and she really doesn’t need a man to be at her side. However, if the right man comes along, she’s open to the idea of getting into a relationship with him.

5. She’ll push you away constantly.

If she lets your foot into the door, then don’t be surprised if she closes the door abruptly. It’s her way of guarding herself from pain. She will try to push you away because she’s scared you’ll end up hurting her.В – Continue reading on the next page

6. She will make it difficult for you to love her.

She is a pain in the butt and she knows it. It’s going to take a lot of work to win her over, and she’s going to make you work without end. You have to decide if she’s actually worth it.

7. She doesn’t like talking about her romantic history.

If she has had previous boyfriends, you’re probably not going to know much about it. Don’t expect her to bring up past flames in a casual conversation.

8. She has probably had bad romantic experiences.

The most likely reason why she is the way that she is: she’s probably had bad relationships in the past that hurt her. This may also be the reason why she doesn’t like talking much about it.

9. She doesn’t like being vulnerable.

She hates the feeling of having to open herself up to pain. She’s uncomfortable with the idea of letting someone into her close and guarded spaces. She has to decide if you’re worth being vulnerable over.

10. She is capable of performing tasks on her own.

She doesn’t like to be babied or coddled. She’s a strong and independent woman who can carry her own weight. If she needs your help, she’ll ask for it, but it’s highly unlikely.В – Continue reading on the next page

11. She will shut you out when she has to deal with her personal issues.

When problems come her way, she will focus all her energies on solving them. This may mean that she temporarily cuts you out of her lie so that nothing distracts her from the task at hand.

12. She likes to go to places alone.

She’s used to it. She likes the solitude. She finds comfort in it.

13. It’s a big deal for her to invite you to go with her anywhere.

So when she does invite you out with her, you should understand that this is a rare occurrence. For someone like her to actually enjoy your company is a very big deal.

14. Her life will not revolve around you.

She will have a life outside the two of you should you ever pursue a relationship together. She will have other friends, her family, her career, and you should be okay with that.

15. She will appreciate you if you still manage to love her despite all these.

She knows that she’s a handful but if she notices that you’ve still made the effort to be at her side despite her quirks, she’s going to love you even more.

Talk to me

Are you someone who likes to be alone? Talk to me about it in the comments below!

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