15 Real Reasons She Had To Walk Away From You

You never want to have the girl that you love to break up with you out of the blue. You never want to be blindsided by a breakup. Breakups are already difficult as they are. They are even more difficult to deal with when you don’t see them coming; when you’re unable to prepare yourself for them. When you are able to see the breakup coming, you are able to make a few adjustments along the way to try to change the direction of the relationship.

You can make a few changes to try to stop the breakup from happening. At the very least, you will be able to brace yourself for the emotional rollercoaster that you’re going to have to go through once your girl breaks up with you.

However, here you are. Your girl has broken up with you and you didn’t see it coming. But what if it’s because you just weren’t paying attention? Maybe she tried to tell you that she wasn’t happy but you just didn’t listen to her. Maybe she gave you plenty of opportunities to change but you were just too selfish to do so.

It’s tough because you don’t feel like you can get any closure without finding out what drove her to leave her. At the very least, you are going to want to learn from your mistakes with her so that you don’t make the same mistakes in your future relationships. Well, if you’re REALLY curious about why she walked away from you, then maybe you should read this.

  1. She walked away from you because you never really made her feel like you valued her. You never gave her the sense that you were grateful for having her around.

2.She walked away from you because she got tired of constantly having to fight for your attention and your love. She didn’t feel like you were validating any of her efforts at all.

3.She walked away from you because you never really became the guy that she needed you to be. You never made her feel safe and secure in your own relationship. You fed into her insecurities and you made her feel terrible about who she was.

4. She walked away from you because she felt like you were distancing yourself from her too much. And she was so tired of having to bridge that distance between the two of you all the time.

5. She walked away from you because she finally understood that you were just taking her for granted. You never really appreciated all of her efforts. You never really understood how much she was giving to you.

6. She walked away from you because even though you were in a relationship with one another, it never felt like you were. You never made her feel like you were her boyfriend.

7. She walked away from you because she was so tired of crying herself to sleep every night. She realized that a relationship should be making her smile, not making her cry.

8. She walked away from you because she felt like she had to force herself to be happy with you. But then she realized that happiness in a relationship shouldn’t have to be forced.

9. She walked away from you because you never made her feel like you were supportive of her goals and dreams. She always felt like she had to face her worries and her troubles in life all on her own.

10. She walked away from you because she was just so tired of all the fighting and bickering that the two of you were doing. She realized that people who loved one another shouldn’t be fighting so much.

11. She walked away from you because you never really inspired her to be a better person. In fact, she felt like you were actually bringing out the worst in her. She felt like her life was worse off because you were in it.

12. She walked away from you because you no longer look at her as if she were the only girl in the room. In fact, she always notices that you keep on looking at other people when you’re together.

13. She walked away from you because she realized that there is no way for her to carry this relationship on her own. She realized that a relationship would never survive unless two people were fighting for it

14. She walked away from you because she decided that she deserved to be with a guy who would give her all of his efforts. And she was tired of the half-hearted effort that you were putting into this relationship.

15. She walked away from you because she finally realized that you would never love her the way that she deserved to be loved.

  1. And every time a woman walks away from a relationship its a man’s/her partner’s fault? That is just not true and any honest woman knows it. This list is toxic poison for young minds because it pushes blame instead of solution through communication, and it also is presented in an adversarial way. We know there are toxic men but all relationships do not end because of it. This list assumes that the men/partners left behind are the main or only blame for the failure, and that men never suffer life and emotions silently while their women fail to notice and respond adequately to their struggles for meaning.

    1. Absolutely! If a good woman walks away from a man it’s for all of these reasons, among others.

      There are plenty of reasons why a man walks away from a woman, but THIS particular article spells out why for those men that are puzzled as to why she left. They can’t seem to get out of that “I didn’t do anything wrong” mentality that so many men are stuck in.

    2. You sound codependent. You’re assuming that women don’t communicate, when in fact they often make many attempts at communicating before they decide to end a relationship. These aren’t first time offenses. Women (and men) will get tired of communicating over and over and over. What good is communication when your partner refuses to really listen and understand. It’s more toxic to encourage anyone to stay in a relationship where they aren’t heard.

  2. A precise list for why a sincere girl finally gives up her love.
    No.6 strikes the bong louder!
    Stand strong, tall, decisive, supportive, never leave her second guessing…your girl will never think of walking away

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