Cheating is something that is very hard to let go of some people. Just like when a person is diagnosed with a psychological disorder and even after he is fully treated, the stigma stays with him. In some cases though, people learn the hard lesson but mostly it’s hard to trust the same person again after such a huge setback. Sometimes, people get confused when judging their partner and often end up with a wrong judgment that hurts later.
So here are a few things that might help you to know more about cheating:
1. People usually cheat with someone they know
Cheating seems pretty exciting at the beginning so people usually choose someone who they are familiar with and who can keep the secret as well as they can. You feel less guilty when you cheat with someone who is familiar because the comfort level is already developed and you don’t have to go through all the fatigue of dating before. It also makes them feel less guilty and getting out of it is easy too because a friend is supposed to understand.
2. Cheating can be defined in many ways
Cheating has many levels and for every person, it has different criteria. Some people consider emotional cheating worse than physical and for some, a single kiss is unforgivable even. Sometimes, lying is worse than a one-night stand. You should know the limits to which your partner can bear your weird fetishes and if you care about them enough then you will stop before it gets too late.
3. People who fake it are more likely to be cheaters
Sex is the purest form of expressing love if it is done right. People who just fake the climax of their lovemaking are most likely to cheat on their partner. On the other hand, men tend to remain faithful to someone who orgasms regularly because it shows them how good they are and their ego does not get damaged.
4. Many couples stay together despite all the cheating
You must have seen many married couples who stay together even after knowing that their partner is cheating on them. This is mostly because married couples are so used to living together that the idea of separation on any cost scares them.
Sometimes, one person loves the other so much that they let them cheat right under their nose if it’s making them happy. To some, cheating is just a phase and after you are done with one experience you are back on track with your partner as if nothing ever happened.
5. When a man cannot get enough intimacy from his partner
Intimacy is a very significant part of a relationship. It can literally make or break a couple. I’m not saying that it’s all a man sees when he is dating a woman but everything else pretty much narrows down to it.
So if a man is not getting enough intimacy to satisfy his libido and tell him to stop looking around for other options, then he will look around for other options. It is as simple as that. Where there is love, there is good intimacy so more often than not it is the other way around.
6. Cheaters are not always unhappy in their relationship
It is not necessary for a guy or a girl to be unhappy in their relationship. Cheating starts when curiosity arises and one thing leads to another making it impossible to focus on what you already have. The person stops cheating and realizes his mistake when the curiosity is gone but it does not always happen that easily.
Cheaters do not realize that in any condition, they are hurting feelings of people that they once loved and it is not right to slaughter someone’s trust in love for some kind of temporary fun that you want to have. I think it is the worst kind of cheating in which you hold on to two people at the same time and ultimately all three of you get hurt.
7. Women cheat to end a relationship
It is harder for women than men to come up and break up with their partner so when they are unhappy in a relationship they tend to look for the easiest way out which is cheating. They tend to get attracted to someone who might annoy you the most.
Confrontation is never easy even on the receiving end and women are hardly ever able to come up with all the courage and express their true feelings. As it happens during the relationship, they expect the man to somehow understand all that is going on in their mind because expressing it explicitly is not their thing.
8. Getting back on your partner does not work
Revenge never works. You end up getting more hurt than inflicting pain on your partner. if you think that your partner is cheating on you and you decide to get back on him by sleeping with someone else or getting emotionally involved then it kind of destroys your personality and loses your position as the faithful partner in that relationship.
Do not even pretend to be in a revenge relationship because it is childish and immature. It never works anyway because sometimes you just think that your partner is sleeping around and in the process of getting back to him, you lose the real thing you have.
My husband cheated on me with a co worker I found out and we still together but I cannot forget what he did I have times when I feel really sad and upset.