We live in a society that has always had “roles” and predefined expectations for everyone, and while the world of today is much more accepting and open to things, we are still caught in between a lot of these norms and are expected to live our lives according to them.
Today’s Reddit post is all about women, it was a question that was posted on the AskWomen subreddit. Reddit user -Penguin_Anxiety- asked the following question:
A lot of women from Reddit’s community answered this question with what they’re doing in their lives now. Here are some of the top comments we totally love:
1. Kemokiro very aptly said:
“Whatever the f*** I want.”
2. tiny-bird-292 shared her story, choices, and future plans:
“get 4 degrees (2masters and 1 phd), buy a house, move whenever I want for a better job opportunity or a promotion, relax after work and on the weekend coz I can have a full night sleep 😂”
“I was married which was unfortunate.”
3. HonestThoreauAway spoke her mind, and we’re here for it:
“Being a full person who isn’t defined by what she provides for other” people?
4. schwarzmalerin has a simple, yet inspirational, way of life:
“Instead? I do nothing instead. I just don’t do these things.”
5. -doobert- has a romantic plan:
“Staying with my long term boyfriend for life. We may get married. We may not. I kinda just want to be engaged forever lol (and I want to get him an engagement ring too!)”
“We’re never having kids. Instead, we plan on traveling the world! And focusing on our careers and hobbies”
6. alilminizen shared a similar plan:
“SAME! Finding a partner that doesn’t want kids is the best. Instead of spending literally hundreds of thousands of dollars on a child – we have decided to travel EVERYWHERE our hearts desire and invest in ourselves until oldness. ❤️”
7. hellkittyx wants her cats to have a comfortable and lavish life:
“working to pay for my cats expenses lol”
8. RequirementBright33 shared:
“I have a job which I actually like, party with friends, go alone on holidays, hookup and live my best life without a screaming poop monster holding me down.”
9. maybenotrelevantbut has it all planned out:
“Halfway to a paid off house, living with my animals, successful in my career, dating someone that may or may not develop in to something long term.”
“There are more pros than cons for me to not being married with kids (and possibly divorced) in my 40s.”
10. humdrumflagellum shares her romantic life:
“I married fairly young (24) but we are openly childfree. I’m also the breadwinner and my husband works parttime and does almost all the household stuff.”
“I get to spend my evenings doing whatever I want. Playing games, chilling my my husband, going out and seeing friends.”
“Everything parents did before they had kids? I just kept doing that.”
11. youmewlingquim is happy with:
“Nothing much. Just hanging out”
12. catdogbird29 has an inspirational life:
“I’m single with no children. I just booked a trip to NYC and one to Mexico in the summer, and planning a trip to Europe for the fall. I’m thinking about getting a second masters degree and after seeing these responses, I’m thinking why the hell not?”
“I have money and time to pursue my interests and because of that, I’ve gotten to know exactly who I was. It turns out I like me a lot.”
13. mosselyn offers even more inspiration:
“I’m 60, never got married, never had kids. What have I done instead? Lived my best life. It’s been fantastic, so far.”
“Had a successful career. Launched a successful second career in my 40s. Retired early (which I never could have done with a spouse and children). Travelled all over the world when I was younger. Indulged all my hobbies (reading, quilting, cooking, gaming).”
“As someone else so aptly put it: Whatever the f*** I want.”
14. Reddish81 shares her regrets and nice future plans:
“Enjoying a free and happy solo life, travelling around, working for myself, publishing my own books and not answering to anyone else. I’ve never wanted children because I knew it would curtail my freedom. I’m 54 with no regrets (apart from an eight-year marriage in my thirties).”
15. LeParapluieRouge wants to move to one of our favorite places in the world:
“Living in Japan!”
16. throwra567235 is in aerospace:
“I did get married, but no kids. I’m about to start a PhD in aerospace!”
17. ilikecocktails has a nicely planned out future:
“Just chilling, I got great friends and family, I got my own house, got a job I enjoy that pays well enough that I can do what i want when I want without having to think of anyone else. I’m 32 now if I meet someone and settle and have family then great but for now I’m not looking for anything and I’m happy just doing me”
This post is still active as of writing this article and has over 800 answers & comments, read them all on Reddit here.
Ladies, What Are Your Plans?
Share your plans in the comments below!
Source: Reddit