25 Adorable Presents for Him or Her

When you’re in a relationship, you occasionally find yourself wondering, "What do I get my partner?". To be honest, you know what your partner likes when it comes to accessories or books etc. because those are pretty specific and you can just assume that they’ll like something based on what they already like.

A romantic present is different in the sense that it’s completely up to you and fits your financial or creative limitations. Lucky for you, here are 25 adorable gift ideas for your partner based on whichever way you’re going for:

1. If you want to be creative:

  • You’ll have to carve out their initials in the shape of a heart or the shape of anything which holds significance in your relationship out of a wooden board and cover it on both sides with photos of the two of you or any you think should be added onto it.
  • You can also make a scrapbook for them, but make sure you don’t overdo it or write it in one go. The thing is that a scrapbook has to be unique and you can add pop outs, pictures etc. but don’t go overboard with it. Similarly, plan out what you have to write first to avoid mistakes.
  • Make a video for them! Don’t just add a couple of photos in your video and think that you’re done with it. Add a couple of pictures but mostly, add yourself! Talk about how much you love them and why. Use some spot on animation and add a background track and then you’re done.
  • If your partner is a bibliophile then write them a book! This doesn’t have to be so hard. It’s actually as hard as you want to make it. Take one of their favorite books (which can be romantic or semi-romantic) and write a short fifty page-ish version of it featuring you two as the love interests.
  • Fondant can be your friend when it comes to being creative and baking. Bake a cake or a cupcake or anything and decorate it in an adorable way for your partner.

2. If you want it to be more affordable:

  • Invite your partner over to your house or if you two live together, discreetly make them leave the house while you build a, wait for it, FORT! People who say that only kids can enjoy forts are dead inside. Build a fort out of pillows, cushions etc. and make it a bit more unique. For example, you can add fairy lights around or inside your fort and turn the lights off surprising your partner to the cutest thing ever. You can also watch a movie and eat dinner from within your fort.
  • Fill their room up with balloons and attached to each balloon should be a note or written on each balloon should be something which you love about your partner.
  • Make them follow the trail when they wake up in the morning. The trail in question refers to tiny sweets such as Hershey’s Kisses. Make a trail out of them and then make them lead to a perfectly arranged breakfast table.
  • Similarly, you can also make them play detective by leaving clues around the house and with each clue, write something you love about them. The final clue can lead to a breakfast table, a dinner table or it can lead them to the park where you two first kissed etc.
  • Give them an award for being the best person ever! I’m actually serious. Get them a trophy with the words "Best girlfriend/ boyfriend ever" or a certificate with those words written on them (or whichever one’s you think you should write) in the fancy certificate writing pattern and attach a seal to it as well.

3. If you want it to be more extravagant:

  • Take them to the Paris lock bridge. Carve both your initials on a lock and place it there. For brownie points, you can take a picture highlighting your lock amongst all the others and frame it for them.
  • Plan a romantic surprise getaway for the two of you by getting them a few days off from work and by consulting everyone close to them about where they always wanted to go.
  • Take them out for dinner at one of the fanciest places in town. Now I know that some people would rather sit at home and eat pizza but it doesn’t hurt to go all out every once in a while.
  • If you two are in a long distance relationship then you need to go and surprise your partner on a specific special day which might be their birthday or an anniversary.
  • You can even decorate your own backyard or reserve a special place such as a park which holds some significance and plan an entire romantic date over there with food, music and decoration.

4. Last minute ideas:

  • Customise a notebook, mug etc. online with something cute like an inside joke between the two of you.
  • Plan a picnic on a hill top or at any specific not-so-crowded area.
  • Ask around for any childhood craze of theirs and get them anything closely resembling that theme.
  • You can binge watch their favourite show with them (no matter how much you hate it).
  • Fill a mason jar with notes telling them why you love them.

5. Classic romantic ideas:

  • Get them some of their favourite chocolates or candies in a basket.
  • Get them a customised card such as one saying how many days you two have been together for.
  • Get them any heart shaped locket (it can work for guys too) with your picture or one of the two of you.
  • If you two are far away at the moment then have something planned for your partner to get a surprise delivery of something they love.

So, what are you thinking of getting your partner? Share your ideas with me in the comments below!

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