3 Clear Signs That A Guy Is Falling In Love With You For Real

Can’t tell if he’s really into you or not? Don’t worry. That’s not a problem if you know how to read the signs.

The moment that you first meet someone you might be interested in, it’s absolutely imperative that you make sure you know where he stands with regard to you. If you feel like he’s disinterested and you’re probably never going to have a shot at him, then just learn to move on and walk away.

If you feel like he’s giving you some really good signals and you know that he’s interested in you as well, then take that leap of faith and go out with him. But the tricky part is in trying to figure out how he feels when he’s being coy and shy about everything.

You want to know if you can trust him – but you can’t really tell where he stands. He flirts with you, but he never seems to give you the security and consistency that you need from him. Is he for real or not? That’s something that you’re going to have to deal with. That’s something that you’re going to have to address.

It’s important that you know that you’re not wasting your time with the wrong guy. Remember, the more time and energy that you waste on a guy who is just playing with you, the more you deprive yourself of the opportunity of actually finding someone you’re meant to be with.

But it’s difficult because guys typically don’t open up about their feelings. And if they’re players, they do such a good job at misleading you and making you think exactly what they want you to think. So it might be a little challenging for you to keep yourself protected when you don’t have all of the facts.

And that’s what this article is for. You need to be armed with the knowledge that you need to find success as you navigate your way through the dating world. Guys don’t typically talk much about how they feel. They are more fond of physically expressing how they feel – whether deliberately or not.

You can tell a lot about how a man feels about you by the way he treats you and how he acts whenever he’s around you. Learn to read his body language. Learn to read his habits. Learn to read his overall demeanor whenever he’s with you – and you’re bound to get your answer. You just have to know what you’re looking for.

1. He consistently makes an effort with you.

There are very few problems in a relationship that effort can’t fix. You have to remember that love is imperfect. You might find things to be easy and simple when you’re just starting to date. But down the line, when the relationship gets really hot and heavy, you are going to be confronted and bombarded with so many problems. You are going to be faced with so many issues.

And so the both of you are really going to have to work hard to fight for your love. And so if even early in the relationship, he is already exhibiting the kind of effort that is needed to sustain a romance, then that is definitely a good sign. It shows that you’re with a guy who isn’t afraid to get his hands dirty.

This is a guy who isn’t afraid to actually fight for whatever love you might have to give him. This is a man who understands that he isn’t entitled to your love and he has to earn your affections.

2. He always follows up on his promises and commitments to you.

You can tell a lot about how serious a guy is with you by the way he follows up on what he says. If he’s a man who keeps promises and commitments, then that is definitely a good sign. You have for yourself a guy who knows that his words are only as good as his actions. He doesn’t just rely on fancy lines to get you to like him; he really acts on his love for you and he isn’t shy about it either.

3. He talks about the future with you.

Naturally, you will always want to be with a man who is willing to discuss the future with you. You know that a guy is planning to flake out on you if he tries to change the topic whenever you want to talk about the future. A man who is serious about being with you would never shy away from wanting to talk to you about the future plans that you may have together.

A responsible and mature man knows that if he wants a relationship to last for the long haul, he has to be able to prepare for the future. So you should always be able to take it as a good sign if you have a man who is forward-thinking; a man who is actually excited at the thought of spending the rest of his life with you.

Talk to me

Do you agree? Talk to me in the comments below!

  1. Thank you for the insights. I have a better understanding of what to expect in relationships and how to deal with matters as they arise. I love the insights about whether you are wasting time with a man who is inconsistent and breaks promises. You have given me food for thoughts. Thank you!🌹

  2. I’m with a man who says alot, tries to follow through but gets distracted, we have had the same issues for two years now the is not sexually intimate has no drive he says but I’ve found him to be on sites talking to other women saying he is looking for fwb he also says he isn’t doing drugs which I have found not true, he has shown no improvement in my opinion but says I’m his everything … his precious relationship the girl committed suicide right in front of him his issues lye deep I do care about him greatly I just feel trapped don’t know what to do I definitely know I’m worthy of so much better

    1. I pray by now you have decided to move on with your life and find or wait for the man God has for you. I have also been the guy’s everything because he didn’t want anyone else to have me, but I was never a priority. You must make time for yourself and not put all your eggs in one basket. I finally found my Boaz and he is everything I prayed for and much more, I have so much to be thankful for and now I can allow him to lead us the way that God intended. You have to trust and believe in yourself before anyone else can or will. Good luck and God Bless!

  3. I had stopped dating because I was dealing with health issues that I felt I wasn’t able to be a good partner to anyone or I felt as if I’d be judged by someone as being weak or have too much baggage to deal with. But, then…in the middle of the Pandemic…I met my guy accidentally on FB! I asked him what beach he was at after seeing a pic he posted of him fishing. That’s all it took! We started talking and met soon after. Ironically….he only lived 14 houses away from me but we had never met or heard of each other even though we grew up in the same city. But…he made me feel so comfortable to be myself and immediately included me in his life by introducing me to his friends & family. He was going through a divorce and was so upfront and honest about himself and his life that it really made me appreciate him for his transparency. Well…we’re going on almost three years and I know he’s as dedicated to me as I am him. We consider the day we met in person to be our anniversary date because from day one….we’ve been together and never parted. It’s strange but the last thing I thought I needed in my life suddenly became something I can’t imagine my life without! Sometimes when you stop searching for someone…the right person comes into your life when you least expect it!!

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