She’s your queen and you’re her king.
The journey towards meeting the one can be a long, confusing, and bumpy road. But we don’t let it faze us. Not one bit. Call it intuition. Call it human nature. Or you can also call it a media-induced desire to fall in love. In this modern dating scene, a lot of us are so engrossed in trying to find that one person who can add a sense of completion, fulfilment, and meaning into our lives. This person can have many names. This person might be your girlfriend, your soulmate, your wife, your life partner, whatever. The point is that she’s the one true girl who is going to hold a key to your heart. She is the one girl who is going to be able to make you weak in the knees with just a few words and a deep stare. She is the girl with whom you are going to want to spend the rest of your life. She is the girl you would willingly let yourself fall for over and over again no matter how scary or painful it might be. She is the girl who is going to bring light and happiness to your dark days.
So if you are lucky enough to find the girl you think could be the one, you should be very careful. You should always make it a point to nurture whatever relationship that you have the best way that you can. You have to always find a balance with how you conduct yourself with her. You can’t come off as too aggressive. And you can’t come across as too aloof either. You always have to keep things in moderation if you want to keep her in your life and see if she’s really the one that you’re meant to be with forever.
There are plenty of signs that a girl could be the one that you have been looking for all this time. She gives you palpitations even though you don’t have a heart problem. She makes you sweaty even though you don’t really sweat much at all. She makes you weak in the knees even though you’re a well-built athletic guy. She gives you butterflies in your tummy even though you had a steak for lunch. But still, you can’t seem to shake that possibility that she might not be the one for you. Of course, you want to make sure that she’s the one before you make any real commitments or before you start investing all of your marbles into the relationship. You will want some insurance or proper motivation. Because you must know that even though she might be the one, it doesn’t mean that things are going to be easy. Just because she’s the one doesn’t mean that you’re not going to have to work for whatever it is that you want out of your relationship.
So when you think you’ve met the one, take it very seriously. Make sure that you are at the right emotional and mental space to be able to sustain a relationship with her. Make sure that you have a developed sense of maturity paired with healthy balanced doses of realism and optimism. Make sure that you are smart about it but that you also approach things with a happy and positive demeanor. You have to be communicative and you have to know what you want from the relationships. You have to be able to understand her expectations as well so that you know what you need to do to make her happy. You also have to make sure that you don’t romanticize her too much. Make sure to recognize that she is human and that she isn’t going to be perfect; and you are going to have to learn to love and accept those imperfections as well. You don’t want to suffocate her or your relationship at all.
To sum it all up, here are three basic things that you really need to think about if you’ve decided that she’s the one.
1. What do you have to do to make sure that you’re deserving of her love?
Are you at a place where you just feel totally entitled to her love? Or are you at a place where you are really deserving of it? You have to be able to know the distinction between those two places if you want to win her over.
2. What do you hope to get out of love and a relationship with her?
You will never be happy in a relationship with her if you don’t know what you want. Even if she’s the one, if you don’t know what you’re looking to achieve with this relationship, then you’re not going to get anywhere.
3. What can you do to make sure that you meet her expectations as a potential life partner?
You can’t be selfish. She is going to have her own share of expectations and needs as well. You have to be able to meet them if you want her to make space for you in her life.
Talk to me
Men, have you found your soul mate? Talk to me in the comments below!