4 Signs Your Partner Is Overly Selfish

Are you being taken advantage of?

Relationships aren’t always going to be a walk in the park. Of course, plenty of you already know this. Even the best kinds of relationships require a lot of hard work, commitment, and good luck if they are going to last and even then, it’s never a sure thing. You could be in a relationship with a person for years and years, but there’s still no eliminating the off-chance that you’re both going to fall off the wagon. Imbalances can still arise in a relationship regardless of duration and bond. It is these imbalances that can bring about instability and turmoil in a relationship.

During the hardships and most difficult moments of a relationship, it’s very important how couples will choose to tackle their problems. Their approaches to these compromising situations can either make or break their relationship, and they must always tread cautiously. If they play their cards right, then the strongest couples will emerge from these times of difficulty even stronger than ever before. On the other hand, if they make the wrong choices, then that could spell potential doom for their relationship.

At the moments where difficulties come in relationships, the people involved must maintain a sense of introspection about the dynamics of their union. Are things really still worth salvaging? Is the relationship really still worth fighting for? Should we just cut our losses now and move on to happier and better things in our lives? Is this the happiest we are ever going to be together? The answers to these questions are very difficult, but they are also very important. One way to simplify your personal reflections on the relationship is to think about whether the person you’re with is still a person you want to build your life around. Are they still the same person you fell in love with? Is there potential for change or improvement? Do you find yourself always giving, but never receiving?

If you happen to find yourself in a relationship with a selfish person, then maybe it would be best for you to just move on to better things. You have to let selfish people grow and mature as individuals before they can be ready for proper relationships. So how do you know whether your partner is just too selfish? Here are a few signs that you can be on the lookout for.

1. You are never on the receiving end of apologies.

A person with immense pride would never be one to make apologies. Only the most selfish kind of people think that other people are not worthy of apologies. They think that they are always right in their actions, or that they are above giving other people apologies. If you find that your partner never says sorry to you even after the most blatant physical and emotional blunders, then you are most definitely dating a selfish person who only thinks of the self. They would never willingly swallow their pride for the sake of making you feel better with a sincere apology.

2. Your partner lets insecurities get in the way of your relationship.

Whenever we get into a relationship with other people, we willingly open up a huge bulk of our lives. We share our entire beings with another person in the hopes of establishing trust, compassion, and empathy with each other. However, we always make it a point to try our best to never serve as a burden to our partners. If there is a problem that we are perfectly capable of handling on our own, then there is no reason to drag our partners into the equation particularly on issues of emotional insecurity. When your partner’s life happens to be constantly disrupted by emotional insecurity, and they drag you in to help you clean up the mess, then they are definitely being selfish. – Continue reading on the next page

3. Your partner is inconsistent when it comes to respecting and valuing you.

Respect and affection is never a consistent aspect of your relationship. Your partner doesn’t think it important to make you feel good about yourself because your feelings are not the priority in the relationship. Your partner couldn’t care less about you being tired, elated, sad, upset, depressed, excited, or anything. It’s as if they will never acknowledge your feelings and so by extension, they are essentially refusing to dignify your existence. They are too caught up thinking about their own personal feelings and emotions that they end up not having time to think about you. In the end, you just become a footnote on their lives.

4. You never feel like you get a chance to take the lead in the relationship.

Decisions are always your partner’s, and never yours. You never get to say when it comes to determining the direction of your relationship. Regardless if it’s just the little things like choosing what movie to see during date night, or the big things like deciding on the number of kids you’re going to have. If your partner never gives you a proper voice in the relationship, then that means your partner is a selfish person who has no regard for your personal desires.

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