4 Things You Can Do To Make Your Man Miss You More

It’s always nice to know when the man you’re in love with misses you whenever you’re not together. And so you try to do a few things here and there to make sure that he really feels your absence whenever you’re not spending time with one another. You’re trying all the tricks of the trade; but you still don’t get the sense that he misses you when you’re not around. What else is there to do? You thought that absence would make his heat grow fonder, but you’re not doing it right somehow. You’re not getting the effect that you want and it’s really confusing you.

Well, one thing is for certain, you have the right idea. It’s just maybe your execution is wrong. It’s always true: absence does make the heart grow fonder. You can have a person become closer and more attached to you if you take some time apart for a bit; as ironic as that may seem. When you’re truly in love with someone, you’re going to miss that person whenever they’re not around. And the more that you miss that person, the more that you’re going to look forward to seeing them again – and by extension, the more that you’re going to appreciate whatever time that you can get to spend with one another.

When you miss a person, it’s a sign that you’re truly emotionally invested in that person; and that their absence in your life isn’t something that you find easy to bear. And if you want to remind your partner of just how significant you are in his life, then this article is for you. There is no denying that there is a certain passion that builds up inside of a person whenever you long to be with your significant other. It’s a lot like the effect of withdrawal that a lot of addicts will go through. When something that you love gets taken away from you, then you get a feeling of incompletion and unfamiliarity.

So, it’s always good to be putting in the effort to make sure that your man misses you whenever you’re not around. You always want someone who is going to appreciate you even when you’re not there; someone who would never take your presence in his life for granted. And you have to do certain things to make sure that you’re that kind of girl for him:

1. Always exude positive vibes whenever you’re together.

He definitely isn’t going to miss you if you’re just going to be negative and annoying every single time that you’re with him. If you really want to make him miss you, it’s important for you to be showing him a good time every moment that you’re together. Make him laugh as much as possible. Bring smiles to his face. Make his life a lot easier by doing stuff and running errands for him. The moment that you disappear from his life – even for just a minute – he’s really going to feel that void that you’ve left behind.

And he’s really going to miss having you around. But that all starts with being able to be a positive light in his life; you don’t want to be a negative Nancy who stresses him out whenever you’re together.

2. Allow him to have his space.

No matter how much you might love one another; no matter how close the both of you are going to get in your relationship, you should both still maintain your individuality. You’re still going to want to have your time to your individual selves. You will want occasional solitude and isolation. You will want to be left alone with your thoughts. And if he asks you for space, then you should always be willing to give it to him. If you don’t give him space, how is he ever going to miss having you around in the first place?

3. Stop trying too hard to make him miss you whenever you’re apart.

And when you do give him his space, don’t be trying too hard to make him miss you. Don’t be texting him every single second that you’re apart. Don’t be tagging him on random posts on Facebook. Don’t be sending him selfies and snaps of yourself; thinking that this is how you’re going to get him to miss you. The only way he’s ever really going to miss you is if you temporarily excuse yourself from his life.

4. Take things really slow in the relationship.

Don’t go too fast. Giving him everything that he wants right away is the most effective way of making him feel like he has all the power in the relationship. Don’t. Make him earn your love. Make him earn your attention. The less you give him, the more that he’s going to end up wanting you. Learn to strike that balance between being withholding and being slow.

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