5 Common Phrases You Hear From Your Partner In A Faltering Relationship

Have you heard any of these horrible phrases?

It’s like a broken record but it needs to be said over and over again. Free, healthy, and open communication is absolutely imperative in order to make a relationship work. Whenever there are compromises to the quality of communication in a relationship, it is often a bad sign for the couples involved. Bad communication is often and indicator that things aren’t moving so well and smoothly in a relationship. That is why couples must always be paying attention to how they communicate and the language that they use when they are talking to one another. You can get a very good gauge of where your relationship is at based on how you and your partner talk to each other.

It doesn’t matter if you’ve just started dating or if you’ve been married to one another for decades. You must always be mindful of how you communicate with one another or you risk getting blindsided by heavy issues that are plaguing your relationship already. If you still have some trouble deciphering what certain phrases or sentences mean when your partner is constantly saying them to you, then this article is perfect. Along with being mindful of what your partner is trying to tell you, you must also make it a point to be analytical and reflective. You have to be able to dig deeper and really find what your partner is trying to tell you; you have to be able to look for the deeper meaning that is masked behind your partner’s language.

That’s the true essence of communication. It’s being able to understand one another properly even when the words alone don’t do justice to the depth of the message. So if you need a guide to help you figure out if your relationship is in jeopardy, then you should probably read all of the items on this list. If you find that your partner is constantly repeating a lot of the phrases that are going to be listed on here, the it’s a sign that your relationship is in trouble and you need to make a few adjustments to get things back on track. It’s not always going to be easy to try and fix the problems in a relationship but it’s not impossible either. And the sooner you spot the problems, the less difficult it will be to actually try and resolve them. Here are a few common phrases that you would hear from your partner in a faltering relationship.

1. I am really bored.

A relationship doesn’t always have to be going at a hundred miles per hour in order for it to work; but it can’t be content with being monotonous and boring either. Couples don’t necessarily have to be living a life of constant excitement, but an occasional break in the monotony of romantic life can do wonders for a relationship. Don’t be content with settling into a simple old routine with your partner no matter how secure and stable it makes you feel. You still have to be able to mix things up every once in a while to reignite the flames of your love.

2. I never get the feeling like you understand what I’m trying to tell you.

Whenever your partner tells you this, you have to make sure that you listen because that’s exactly the problem right there. Remember that communication works both ways. It’s not just about expressing what’s on your mind and in your heart. It’s also about paying attention to the needs and wants of your partner as well. It’s about being able to take whatever your partner has to say to you and act on it. You have to make it a point to make your partner feel like you are actually paying attention to them.

3. I don’t think you’re ever going to change.

Growth and development are very important aspects of a relationship. And whenever your partner tells you this phrase in particular, it may mean that you have somehow stopped and developing as a human being. It means that you have somehow grown content to merely staying as the person that you are and that you have hit your ceiling.

4. Why can’t you be more like this person?

It’s never a good sign when your partner compares you to another person. And while it may be out of line for them to be comparing you to others, it’s something that you can’t just choose to ignore if you want to save your relationship. Your partner is trying to attack you personally to get an important message across you should be listening.

5. I feel like you’re a different person from the one I fell in love with.

What this phrase means is that your partner has expectations and standards that aren’t just being met. Remember that we all go into relationships with our fair share of expectations. And when expectations aren’t being met, it can lead to a growth of resentment and regret in a relationship. Communicate with one another and remind each other of your expectations for the relationship.

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