As human beings, we are all inherently gifted with the desire to survive in this world. That’s the reason our species has persisted for so long now. We all have a desire to survive and thrive in this life and that’s why we all force ourselves to adapt to our situations. We force ourselves to always be able to adjust ourselves depending on the requirements and conditions of a particular environment.
For instance, we have learned as a species that in order to do more and make better use of our time every day, we need to make use of machines and tools to help us accomplish our tasks. That is a sign of ingenuity and adaptability that has helped strengthen our species as we make our way through this life.
However, despite our innate desires to survive in this world, we are still known to have our fair share of weaknesses and blemishes. One of the ways in which we can be weak in our pursuits for survival is when we ignore certain red flags that our bodies might be exhibiting to warn us that something is wrong. And a lot of times, these red flags can be warning us of some serious diseases or illnesses that require immediate medical attention.
In this particular article, we are going to focus on the several red flags and warning signs that women tend to ignore about the health of their bodies. If you are a woman reading this, then you should really make it a point to read and understand every single item listed on here. It’s for your own good. You always want to be staying on top of how your body is feeling and functioning.
It’s the only body you have and you don’t want to be taking it for granted. So, without much further ado, here are 5 early red flags of illnesses that most women tend to ignore.
1. Excessively frequent urination
Peeing is normal. However, if you’re doing it too frequently, then that might be a sign of a urinary or kidney problem perhaps something like urinary tract infection. It might also be an indicator for some kind of bacterial imbalance or hormone deformity. In order to identify whether there really is a cause for concern, you might want to consult a urologist.
These are doctors who specialize in the disorders that take place in the urinary system. If you are urinating 6-8 times a day, then that might be considered abnormal to a certain extent.
2. Heavy menstrual periods.
It’s not completely abnormal to experience having unusually heavy menstrual periods. This is sometimes caused by excessive exercise or a sudden change in weather. And while these may be typically harmless, it can also signal a much more serious condition.
It might also be a red flag for a prominent disease or disorder that concerns the uterus or the thyroid. Typically, having a period that lasts more than a week can be considered as a heavy menstrual period. And it’s also more serious than you might think if it is accompanied by menstrual cramps and blood clots on the menstrual pad or tampon.
3. Unusually irregular excretions.
Okay. No one really ever likes to talk about their bodily excretions, otherwise known as the poop. But it’s always important to stay on top of how you are relieving yourself in that regard if you want to ensure your health and wellness. Sometimes, a disorder in a person’s bowel movement can be caused by infections, inflammations, or indigestions. If you happen to notice that your excreted waste is excessively foul-smelling and has a greenish hue, then it might be better for you to seek the advice of a licensed professional on the matter.
4. Drastic changes to the breast.
Okay, to make things perfectly clear, sudden changes to the breast might not necessarily prove to be a big deal right away. However, breast cancer is a fairly common condition and you shouldn’t be ruling out the possibility that you are indeed prone to acquiring it. Any abnormalities that present themselves in how your breasts look might necessitate a visit to your physician.
Any kind of swelling, irritation, inflammation, or infections might all point to possible signs of a more serious disease. You just don’t want to be taking your chances. Remember that when it comes to cancer, it’s always better when you get diagnosed earlier.
5. Bleeding after menopause.
When you bleed after menopause, it definitely isn’t normal at all. You should have yourself evaluated. Naturally, the spotting or the bleeding might prove to be harmless, but it could also be a sign that something very serious is going on in your body. It might be a sign of potential infection or maybe even cancer. You just don’t want to be taking your chances with this either. It’s better to be safe than sorry, right?