5 Reasons Why Men Prefer Slim Women

Men have different preferences regarding what they desire in a woman. Some prefer women with hair extensions, artificial nails, always wearing makeup, those with certain physical attributes, and various other qualities.

Now, let’s explore why some men specifically prefer slim ladies:

#1. Slim women mostly found attractive:

Yes, it’s true! With slender legs and arms, a tight body, and no folds. They are indeed attractive. They can effortlessly rock body-fit dresses and strut in high heels with their straight posture. And let’s not forget when they are in lingerie… (okay, bye)

#2. Slim ladies are perceived as sekzually agile:

Okay, I’m not hating on my plus-size queens, but let’s face it, slim girls impress the fellas really well. You know, they are lighter, easily controllable in bed, and all that stuff. So the guys who are equally active in bed wouldn’t want to be cheated. It’s like Game of Thrones (think about it).

#3. They are usually seen as healthy:

Yeah, right; I know you might roll your eyes at this point because you probably know a slim girl who can’t even walk three blocks and eats junk like nobody’s business. Yeah, my bestie is just like that. But since they are the ones with the flat bellies and smaller waistlines, brisk walks like they are on the Victoria’s Secret runway, and so on, guys naturally want to think they are healthier than the plus-sized ladies. (I know you rolled your eyes again)

#4. Slim women have healthier babies:

Yeah, because they are perceived as healthy, it is like the system is prepared for anything, and they have less fat. It is believed that the womb is stronger and can easily carry the fetus with no complications.

#5. They have a lower risk of heart attacks and diabetes:

The heart pumps freely when it’s clean and fat-free, and the sugar level is normal, which makes you free from diabetes. This is not to say slim ladies can’t have heart attacks or diabetes, but considering the fact that they have a lesser amount of fat in their system, this gives them the minimum chance of suffering a heart attack.

So if that guy you’re crushing on only has eyes for slim girls, you might wanna switch to the slim figure just to grab his attention (Just kidding, lol….love yourself).

  1. I am my ideal weight for my height, so no, I am not at all overweight. I find this article INCREDIBLY rude & insensitive & just in poor taste period. This is what is wrong with our society today & why children end up with eating disorders or grow up hating their bodies. I’m assuming this article was written by an adult, although, I use that term loosely. I only hope you have no children of your own that you can feed these opinions to. Seriously…what were you thinking.

    1. You can think whatever you want, but the truth is here: 99 out of 100 guys will pick a slimmer girl if they can. Reasons (conscious or subconscious). Are listed above.
      Myself, I also add: if you don’t respect yourself enough to keep in shape- I don’t have to respect you either. (Yes, there are people with health problems, but we are talking about general rule, not exceptions).
      How often do you see a good looking woman dating a slob? Unless he is rich?

      1. Yes men might pick slimmer girl’s to take out but I guarantee most of them are cheating with big girl’s..I take offense to the assumption that bigger girl’s are lazy in bed.. A lot of men prefer bigger girl’s to sleep with and make fun of skinny girl’s behind their backs.. I’ve been big and small and I’m awesome in bed.. No one should make the assumptions that article was about and y’all should feel ashamed for printing it

        1. You being awesome in bed is nothing to brag about. you’re showing the world you just want to be used for your body. Big or small….. And just because a few losers want to sleep with you doesn’t mean all men want big women just like all men DONT want small women. Your low self esteem shines through.

        2. I have heard the same exact thing from a lot of my guy friends, they don’t want none on bone, or a bottomless pit!

        3. I think men cheat with women who are easy to sleep with in general so I see why they would cheat with bigger women it’s probably flattering to their self esteem that a man will sleep with them.

        4. OOH Burn!! Stacy sorry girl you got burned Michelle’s right… and I’m pretty sure not all men are cheating on their slim wives with big women🤣🤣 in fact the IDea is disgusting… your jealousy is shining through so girl sorry you’re not thin any more… but I wouldn’t brag about how great you are in bed… just saying’ also hate to say this but most of the time men are with heavier women because they want a cheap piece of ass plus they have low self-esteem and they know that women won’t go anywhere

          1. vixen, Your comments are truly hateful and extremely offensive.

          2. This comment makes me sick to my stomach…
            In fact… the idea of someone thinking this way is DISGUSTING…
            “Men are with bigger women because it’s a cheap price of ass”….
            They only time men can be with bigger women is if they have low self-esteem?

            You’re joking right?

            I get the feeling YOU are a big reason why the men in your life have low self-esteem…

            You’re gross.
            I hope you get help.
            Take care

          3. are u trying to say all bigger women are cheap?? and the only time a man will sleep with them is because they think they have no self esteem?? WOW VIXEN u are what is wrong with the human race, u clearly have self-esteem and jealousy issues if u feel that way! firstly, whats wrong with knowing that youbare good in the bedroom, regardless if you are slim or you are curvy? IYKYK right?? clearly your not that great in the bedroom or u wouldn’t see it as a brag… obviously u don’t get told that probarbly because u think ur slim and that’s all u need to be hahaha. secondly, ALL PEOPLE BOTH MALE AND FEMALE have DIFFERENT PREFERENCES in what they are attracted too, some like the huge ass and the huge boobs, some don’t like women too skinny as they feel like they are guns break them when they’re smashing their brains out, some women like skinny guys, some like the love handles, some love the big muscles from steroids with the small dick and no neck.. she women like other women, or men that might like both men and women. Alit of thin women are more insecuee about their bodies then heavier women. confidence and self esteem has nothing to do with weight and everything to do a persons mental health. the way u spoke about bigger women – as a woman, you should be ashamed of yourself and have a long think about why you have so much hate and judgment your holding in .. and head yourself

        5. that is absolutely ridiculous that they are cheating on their “fat” wives….men who are really sensitive about weight don’t marry fat people…and I am so happy for you and sexual prowess. lol

        6. It’s true! Most men prefer a lady with some chub on them. They just don’t have the guts to admit it public. Afraid someone will make fun of them for being with a chubby lady. Whoever wrote the article was not getting a true story out of the men surveyed .

        7. what a bullocks !
          true love with respect any sizes doesn’t count!
          wen you committed a respectful relationship, patience and understanding should be on the line.
          sizes matters of your not one of them.
          My opinion count, period!

      2. Wow there is a lot of negative generalizations going on in the post. The fact of the matter is no one has the right to stand in judgement of another and as they do not now what individuals are going through in their lives or have been through. If someone makes the choice to judge someone else based on their size that’s their bad. Overweight individuals can loose the weight and become healthy if they do research and come with a plan that is realistic to reverse the affects of being overweight and that includes the exceptions that were commented about. Did you do your own research on how your judgements affect those around you and actually increase the cortisole levels in individuals who do not meet the criteria in this post. All the negativity makes me sick. Here is a fact I don’t need anyone to validate me or my feelings in this matter.

      3. You don’t respect someone who isn’t thin? Wow. Wow. Being attracted to someone and respecting another human being are totally two different things.

      4. This is true. If you ask most men if they prefer a hot thin woman or a woman that has extra weight. 9 times out of 10 they will say a young hot woman that is thin. I have seen this to many times.

        1. May be that’s true but as soon as she opens her mouth to say something they reconsider. Bigger girls try harder and are more fun in bed.

      5. Your mother clearly didnt raise you right. I feel bad that you are so shallow and ignorant. Yes some men like slender woman, but there’s way more to attraction than weight. If you can’t comprehend that then I feel back for your lack of intelligence. Yes, SOME men prefer in shape woman, however many men prefer HEALTHY woman. This can vary if you are familiar with BMI if not looking up. Skinny to the point of being unhealthy for alot of men is NOT attractive. Mean want woman with curvy that is healthy, due to reproducing reasons. However every woman and men have different bone structure, muscle mass, etc. I also know ALOT of men that prefer curvy PLUS SIZE woman. I know many woman that also like men with dad bods and no its not just for MONEY. So before hiding your name to not be identified because the majority of woman reading this will think you are a moron. Im sure there are some narc woman out there will continue to encourage 1950 standards and not eat all, who might agree. Im however guessing your are mostly one of those men that would go after a 16 year old and most likely divorced from cheating. I said what I said.

        1. No men prefer larger ladies. They all prefer slim women, but some men don’t have enough self esteem to go after what they want or date a girl that has a lot of options.

          1. I am 215 pounds, I can out run on the elliptical, at the gym on the stair master, slim, young women can’t last the 30 minutes on the stair master that I can.

            This page is filled with misogynists looking to justify reasons for being misogynistic. I am in fantastic shape, and could probably outlast you with me doing ALL the work.

            But yeah, keep justifying. Your brain ran into difficulties when it was learning to discriminate. Slimmer doesn’t mean healthier.

          2. How can you speak for EVERY man?? Do you personally know every man? Have they personally shared with you what they prefer? I’m going out on a limb here and I’m going to say NO you don’t. You simply sound like an entitled, immature, rude moron that likely has a small package, because that’s the real reason why men choose skinny women, little dices go deeper on skinny!! 😆😆😆😆😭😭😭😭😭

      6. You are right slim girl have good time on bed wecan enjoy in many positions and its incredible experience i had and they are healthy as well. Alot of things are associated with slim giri i think fat girls hate them because of their Qualities and they try to exploit them which is not right…

      7. I agree with what he’s saying, my ex hung out w a few heavy chics, his reason was bc they are insecure and look at him like he’s a god, and won’t hurt him, it’s pretty girls who always hurt him.. so there it is, it’s not bc they like heavy women, it’s bc they are insecure will do whatever he wants and treats him like he’s the best thing since sliced bread, heavy chics stroke the male ego, not bc they like the weight,

      8. I am 215 pounds, I can outrun everyone on the elliptical at the gym, lasting 2 hours. Not one slimmer or younger woman has been able to last my 30 minutes at level 10 on the stair master. Tell me again how you can discriminate how is better in bed by their size alone.

        PS. I have seen far better writers than you.

      9. I know big women who are very attractive, look at Adele, she was beautiful before she lost weight, and there’s so many more. I was told to put on weight coz they would like something to grab hold of. Just saying

      10. “if you don’t respect yourself enough to keep in shape- I don’t have to respect you either.” 🤙👎💩😡 that’s a horrible thing to say, you’re really oblivious to eating disorders due to childhood trauma and or domestic abuse.

      11. Amen !!..all I hear is some OVER sensitive women who choke down Little Debbies and ice cream then want to say if you point it out you’re “insensitive “…face it ladies IF given the choice (you do have a choice to stop overeating and exercise) you 100% of the time wish you were SLIM. PERIOD. if you think or say I’m lying then it’s YOU who is lying to yourself.

    2. If kids are getting fat due to poor habit than its better to control thier eating habiy rathen than blaming this article. Accept of not, by fault, even at subconscious level, a guy is more likely to be attracted towards healthy/ slim figure. Just the way most women find, alpha strong guy to be attractive similar way guys likely to find slim figure attractive. If someone has genuine reason for obesity then it’s perfectly fine and acceptable, but if someone is just eating day and night, not moving off from bed and then talk about accepting your body as is, then its not empowerment, it’s laziness.

    3. Slow down tiger, it’s not offensive. As a man I can tell you that slimmer woman are more attractive. Secondly, we are breeding a lot of obese people because according to you and Lizo, it’s all good.
      It’s not. We like slim. We like some curves, but that has its limits. Overweight people aren’t healthy. Fact. They are at risk of many ailments and ultimately a poor quality of life further down the path.
      Is what it is.
      Facts are facts.
      Don’t get the outrage Karen

      1. This is a joke… I have been on both sides of this and bc of that I am now a bigger woman who doesn’t accept any disrespect just as before. I have plenty of men still trying to get with me and that are still shut down all of the time! My self esteem has bot changed as far as what I’m willing to accept from a man. Men are men and each one prefers different things.

      1. As a man, I find this unbelievably wrong. Mreal men do not look at women this way. I love my wife for for who she is. I have never went for thin, overly made up women. I looked for a mate who was real. Who did not need make up or fake eyelashes or nails to be beautiful. But instead, I looked for and found a women who was comfortable in her own skin, and one who loved herself and others. Now 40 years later, we both have gained a few pounds, but there has never been a day we doubted our love for one another.

        1. You’re the 1 out of the 100 that thinks that. I’m a women and I agree with the list in the male gender. I wouldn’t want to date a guy who was overweight. It’s not healthy. You should be able to walk upstairs and not be winded.

        2. Let’s be real no ma’am is thinking about diabetes and healthy babies.. They thinking about testing that ass up.. Duh if you can show me one man that said I really don’t think I should date her she might not be healthy lmao I’ll fall out my chair

        3. Well you are a wonderful, true man!! So nice to see there are good ones out there! Your wife is a lucky lady!

        4. Beautifully said. I pray that a man who thinks like you comes into my life. A partnership matters, sacrifice matters, knowing you’ll be there for one another matters!

    4. Hi Laura, this article is not about you. You start your comment with saying I…. And I….. It’s not about you. It’s about the reasons why men tend to choose slim women over bigger women. It’s not a fat shaming article. Don’t take it so personal.
      Have a nice day.
      Greetings, Eric

    5. Laura Cain, I couldn’t have said it better myself. I absolutely agree with everything you say. How lame of a human being to judge another human being according to size!!! And we dare consider ourselves an evolved society!! Such a terrible shame!!!

    6. Mr(s) Cain….Shame on YOU! You did exactly what’s wrong with us as HUMANS, male or female! Even when faced with the truth because it doesn’t follow what you are it’s immediately trashed and bashed. That is why the world keeps getting weaker and more pathetic. If you used that energy to IMPROVE yourself instead of bash the TRUTH you might find yourself fitting the ideal, improving more than you ever realized possible AND being healthier. If not, that’s fine too! Just don’t beat others up for THEIR OPINIONS, FEELINGS, THOUGHTS and most importantly THE SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN TRUTH…Thank you. ::Drops Mic:: 🎙️

      1. Funny story, thin does not mean healthy, I am a heavier woman (happily married to a very good looking man) and I am very healthy, 45 years old and I do not take any medications and have NO MEDICAL ISSUES. However my thinner friends are all on medicine and can’t do 1/2 the stuff I can.
        What I am saying is thinner women are the, socially approved…. Look at 99% of the commercials and movies and stuff…. However there are many beautiful and hot bigger women.
        I did not take offense to this article, but I did take offense to some of the reply’s. How shitty are some of you? I would never body shame, or medically shame anyone, male of female, fat or skinny…. Holy crap let’s be adults, human and just be nice….

    7. Did anyone SAY you were overweight or did you read the article and somehow surmised that they were referring to you personally?

    8. I’m a slim woman and agree with everything in these statements. Eating habits and lifestyles are changing for the worse and overweight people simple don’t have the same lifestyle as someone slim and healthy.

    9. Laura Cain,
      My thoughts exactly! How shallow and exclusive this article is! I’ve struggled with body image all my life. My weight was between 118-125 during my teen years into early adulthood but once my kids came along, my weight fluctuated between 135-175 depending on whether I was pregnant or after I had my baby. But once the baby weight was off I managed to keep my weight under 140 for many years. Then in my early 40’s I weighed 124 until the big M hit. Ah yes, menopause which caused me to gain almost 40 lbs! After many diets and exercise on and off I lost some of that weight throughout the years but did not go back to my lighter weight of 124 or even 135. I’m around 155 now though I’d love be to lose 15 lbs. But it’s not easy and that’s just life. We change and people need to be ok with change. Men who demand and expect a woman to stay thin all her life are not realistic nor have the maturity to understand. The only women who are able to do that is maybe those who are genetically lucky. I know I’m not one of those and I have to fight hard to keep from gaining.

    10. Well that explains my insecurities, it’s a man’s world it’s sad but true here we are women competing with one another it’s ridiculous.

    11. My man loves ima little thick! Bigger boobs & nice round booty that moves!
      A lot of men don’t like bones!!

      1. I’ve only ever gotten great compliments on my butt. Whether it was particularly pow popping in my 20s, or just “luscious” post-M in my 50s, I still get compliments, and not just from my man…. That being said… Never have I ever heard any guy lustfully call after a girl saying how he wants to grab her “flat fanny”. Women risk their lives for Brazilian butt lifts. There are limitless exercise videos to lift and give pow to the booties… Never hear about butt reductions… I will be so saddened if I lose it all as I age… Can’t forget to do my squats, lunges, stairs, lifts, all the things. 😈

    12. I agree with Laura, every woman body ain’t the same, some of us can be slim, some other women i had met, no matter how many diet they have done they don’t lose weight because is on their hormones, don’t matter how you look, you have to love yourself and accept you, their are plenty of man’s out there looking for a good woman

    13. Ma’am, give your life to Jesus Christ and you will never regret His choice and direction He want for your life. This article is just an exemple of what is what the world is made.

  2. I am agree that is better healthier light body and to don’t be overweight. But common girls is crazy , the way we grow and genetic factor is not easy to deal with all especially when is emotional issues.
    But I do know very hot guys loving curves woman.
    However emotional issues with the food is big challenge for many man and woman.

    1. I’m sorry if anyone doesn’t like it but I agree with the article. Thin people, men or women, are perceived as having a higher self esteem and respect for their bodies. Also, usually healthier. I’m about 20 pounds overweight and I’m not insulted in the least. I think if anyone gets triggered, they are most likely overweight and don’t see a light at the end of the tunnel. It’s not the problem of thin people if others are overweight.

      1. I’m not overweight but don’t doesn’t always mean healthy my family is thin and we don’t work at it.. Let’s be real thinner women do look hotter in the bikini but don’t say they care more about themselves.. They Matt never exercise and if they do it could be because they self esteem is low and they think that will get them a man.. Not everything is black and white and this whole article was stupid no ma’am looking to screw is thinking man she could get diabetes soon duh they are looking for a hottie they can brag about to they friends the next day we’re all shallow at some point because you can’t see an attraction to someone by trying to see their insides something on the outside made you wanna get to know them better it’s human nature your not gonna chase someone you feel is unattractive and say she’s ugly but I gotta see how her personality is

  3. Skinny women are not that healthy.Most models have eating disorders and women with curves are better in bed and get pregnant faster.Nature in motion.Ask any doctor.You might like bones but most people don’t.

    1. Amen Amber. Cause skinny is so not a look I would prefer. Meat on the bones is sexy, yes we can sit here and debate skinny versus heavy but guess what at the end of the day we’re all human and we’re all different that’s what makes us unique. Love all

    2. Hmm. I don’t about the pregnancy part. I know a tiny woman who was virtually a baby factory. As for whom are better in bed, I think is a matter of taste. There are not many men who would only go to bed with a skinny women. Bigger is better.

    3. As a medical professional obesity is unhealthy and obese women have less chance of pregnancy and have pre-eclampsia and diabetes during pregnancy which is harmful to mother and baby. Fact is females at ideal body weight are most fertile. Not obese women!

    4. Women with curves are more GIVING in bed. Not necessarily BETTER…but tell me this. Who do you think will get a date easier? A young lady whos ankles can touch the back of her neck or The young lady who can’t even see her feet while looking straight down(let alone bend completely over)….? Would you marry a man that can’t get up half a flight of stairs OR the partner who can literally carry you in his arms(off the ground) for the duration of the sex? Be honest with yourselves and each other, ppl….plz!

    5. Well said Amber!
      My body shape is very similar to JLo and Kim K and I’ve always had lots of male attention all of my life. Not so much now bc I’m 61 loll. But I still love clothes and look good for my age. I agree that you need to maintain a healthy weight but that varies from person to person based on various factors such as genetics and bone structure. A good weight range for me is 135-145. I’m not there yet but will be next year.

      1. We all have our preferences i guess, me being a curvy woman, ironically i am not attracted to slim men, i love me some meat hahaha, if we get that fat we can just work on both our stomachs nothing else

    1. It is a myth. Any man like more than one body type. Especially in bed. Many men (not men collectively) likes a little meat on the bones, and some, myself included like chunky women. A lot of men. Society put such a stigma on women being fat that some guys would be embarrassed to be in a relationship with them, but would bed them. There’s no monpoly on health issues due to body type.

    2. That’s because fat women will go to much further lengths to please their men in bed, especially if it’s a good looking man. So this typically means that you may have sucked in bed, and the larger women gave some good sloppy toppy and probably had that wet wet… Despite being less attractive potentially to the man, if they’re not getting it at home, the easiest way to get good sex is for a man to go to a woman that’s less attractive and with a high sex drive.

    1. The amount of effort they put in to look good to attract a mate drops because they know they are in a permanent relationship ince they are engaged. They will stop putting in the extra effort to stay fit unless the relationship ends. It’s the same reason why men also get fat in long term relationships.

  4. Well to me all I could say was that mostly all mens about 80 percent want it thicker and it was false about saying skinny women had the best healthy babies as we know that really depends on the genotype or maybe hormones slim girl were better pending the time most of them would rather want a little meat on their bones even they like it or not, thicker chubby or curvy girls have the better happy marriages life than the skinny do facts of it at all time!

    1. Let’s be real no ma’am is thinking about diabetes and healthy babies.. They thinking about testing that ass up.. Duh if you can show me one man that said I really don’t think I should date her she might not be healthy lmao I’ll fall out my chair

  5. Men fancy slim attractive women its a fact of life regardless how shallow the feministicly minded might like to think that is.
    On the other hand it does not mean slim attractive women make the best partners and wives more than often slim attractive women are looking far the tall handsome perfect guy with an over inflated bank account and are totally up themselves.
    My personal views as an average guy😁

      1. I almost died being overly thin. I gained weight with menopause. I got sick and gained weight. I used nature means to lose weight. men have always liked me. I went a long time without interest in anyone. Now I’m curvy and interested and they still are interested in me. It’s your persona that matters. Each person needs someone they are drawn to naturally.

  6. Yeah I’m sure a guy I’m about to do it with is worried about me having diabetes or something in the future. Lol

  7. Not all of these are true… I know slim women w heart issues and have a slim friend w diabetes. Healthier baby is also very false. Infact, If you eat the diet intended for a “healthier” it’s definitely not one to keep a woman slim. And a lot of men don’t prefer slim over average either. This article stems from lack of information and shallowness. I’m not “slim” like these girls in the picture ls, but im also NOT overweight. I love my curves @ 5’3#145 lbs. I look great and feel great! My body is tone and I’m not “slim”. I’m healthy.

  8. Dude… it is what it is….men & women are “generally” attracted to slimmer people. Those are facts. These comments keep stating exceptions. Apparently, there was a poll.

  9. So I’m a hetero man in my mid 70’s. Here’s my story.
    Many years ago I met a pair of identical twins, Birtha was slim and Girtha was chunky (names changed to protect the [almost] innocent). Otherwise they were both smart, funny, and lots of fun. It happened that I first dated Birtha (who only introduced me to Girtha later) and it was a lovely relationship in all ways, that had to end because she was going away. A couple of weeks later it was almost natural to start dating Girtha whom I found to be just as attractive to me, and very interesting sexually. That relationship also lasted a few months, and when Birtha returned there was a brief period when I was with both of them (once simultaneously).
    The reason I think it worked was that none of us bought into the media message that you have to look a certain way to be attractive. What makes you truly attractive is what you do with what you have.

  10. I actually find the comments more amusing than anything else. I hate being the sexist female, that sets feminism back … Ok I don’t hate it, but really ladies? Y’all are getting so offended when it’s not about you. It’s about men. And it’s true. Most of it anyway. And how can you ladies comment that what this page is saying as if you’re a man and you know what you’re talking about? Lol women nowadays aren’t women…. Sadly that statement is also literally and metaphorically speaking. But a man wants a lady. Now am I really slender? Noooo I’m not a super model, anorexic, size 2. Hell I’m not even a size 8. I’m not obese but I’m thick. It’s just how I’m built. If y’all weren’t so weeks conscious and insecure about yourselves y’all wouldn’t be offended. The end. And if you were then perhaps a meal plan and a workout regimen may help improve your self esteem. Just a thought.

  11. The only male opinion I care about is my husband’s. He was with MANY women before we met (we met when we were both 57). I’m plus sized with big butt/hips/thighs and he can’t keep his hands off me. He says my body is much better than being with a bag of bones! We have an amazing relationship and have sex 4 times a week, amazingly physical sex!! It’s unfortunate that so many men discount women that don’t look the way that society says they should. Many larger girls have oral fixations, and that’s all I’m gonna say about that. Shallow men just don’t know what they’re missing 🤣

    1. i have always struggled with my weight and found based on my experience. The majority of men are visual and I prefer slender over fluffy. No matter the personality or what we have to offer. It is very unfortunate but reality.

  12. Well, alrighty then!
    Ladies like gentlemen who are empathetic naturally.
    We like gentlemen who know how to compromise and use their own common sence.
    We prefer gentlemen who are in control and not controlling.
    A gentleman’s heart speaks through their actions.
    Likewise with ladies, the shape is only frosting on the cake, but the personality is something 👍

  13. No, as a woman, let me tell you what is wrong with our society for starters. Over acceptance for one. Everybody does not get a trophy, when they do the diminishes the sense of accomplishment or motivation for hard work. Next, if we are not, “slender” we are in fact unhealthy. I don’t blame men for wanting a slender body. I’m always working towards my body being more slender. So people who would say “this is what’s wrong with society” promoting poor health habits in other words. That’s just plain stupidity and pure logic and irrationality.

  14. I think it’s true. I was heavier and got ill for awhile along with some other issues and I got down to 110. My boyfriend goes crazy with my body now and I get so much attention from other men that I never did before. I feel better but I am not as toned as I need to be but I am constantly getting compliments and I never got this before.

  15. As much as it is insensitive, it is true. I have been both skinny and fat, and I was hit on and asked out on a daily basis when I was skinny. But as soon as got fat, no one looks. My looks have not changed, just body structure.

  16. Yawl oh LORD I Agree with this. As a Woman whose weight has fluctuated throu out time I can talk about intimacy as a smaller woman and intimacy as a an obese woman . It’s just more amazing when we feel more confident in the bed room and when we are not so heavy for the man to take control of his part. So not trying to dig so deep into this but I want the man to be thin and looking good so why should I be less than what he is wanting: Let’s face it everyone is not a model or runway beautiful but we can work on our self’s . I’m wanting to be married again after letting my gym and squat life go down the drain . So here I am again having to pick up the pieces for the new season of Supernatural energy , Supernatural health GOD say is my portion in Jesus name AMEN

  17. I’ve slept with a few big women when drunk, it was always pretty gross and I was embarrassed about it afterwards, certainly wouldn’t have gone with them if I had been sober at the time.

    I’m sorry but it’s true, their bodies are not nice, there are hygiene issues where they sweat more and cannot properly clean certain areas regularly enough.

    I see fat people as undisciplined, unmotivated, basically lazy people with little self control over things like diet.

    I would never want to breed with a big woman, otherwise I’d have to worry about her passing those negative traits onto my children.

    The guys who do breed with them are either also large, or have no other options due to looks, self confidence, etc… so they end up with the big ones.

    Sure, occasionally you get some random guy who actually likes big girls but that’s very rare, normally it’s the guys who can’t do better just saying they like big girls because that makes it look like it was a choice for them. And the big women all believe the lies because it’s comforting for them.

    In reality, 99.9% of men would choose slim (not stick thin) if they could. Big women are not attractive, how can they be… If you’re big and think men might be attracted to you, sit down on a sofa naked and take some pics of yourself to see what men see, a bunch of misshapen flab with a head on top.

  18. Your American is showing. It’s funny how you don’t realise this is such a cultural thing. Historically slightly heavier people were most attractive in most cultures. It still applies in several cultures. Also basing a person’s value on weather or not you are attracted to them is probably the craziest thing I’ve read today. Lastly your numbers are absolutely wrong. The science says 65% of men and 57% of women prefer prefer and “overweight” partner. Also note 95% of the sample was able to accurately lable the sizes. So maybe research better next time.

  19. The expectations of society for a woman to get her pre pregnancy body back as quickly as possible is grossly unfair. A new mum is extremely busy with her baby. Most also have to go back to work soon after and that’s no even mentioning body changes if she’s had a c-section! Society’s fixation on what is a beautiful body thankfully doesn’t appeal to all men. How shameful are the woman trying to fat shame other woman in the comments, which just goes to show an ugly character in my opinion.

  20. That’s not a nice article. It’s categorizing.

    You need to love yourself first before you get back to writing.

    And btw, you can die younger while you’re thinner than many. A fat person who works out can outlive a freaking sexy bodied and in shape person who doesn’t work out. Even if you don’t work out at all …. It could be the other way around. Let’s be fair.

  21. Wow!! Definitely touched a sore spot on many here I see. So many butt hurt people, whining and crying about an article. People don’t have to agree on every single thing and definitely shouldn’t be butt hurt over something you might not agree with. Move on, get over it and get on with your own lives. Wow! 😫😫😫

  22. Let’s be honest, if you’re a man looking for a lifetime partner, the odds are way high that you will pick a slim girl. Why? Because we men need the physical attraction. We’re very visual. To us men, love first comes by sight 😁 Then, there’s always the sexual factor, slim small to avarage size girls are more manageable in bed. You can experience way more different positions with this profile of a lady then with a big chubby type of girl. For me, I will always look to the slim petite type 😍

  23. A lot of the comments on here are based on choice, not facts, and How thin or curvy the person leaving the comment is, and how offended the reader is. I believe that this article was based on a survey and possible facts gathered, but as humans we generally have different opinions about thick or thin, tall or short, physical attractions and everything else, but I believe that most of the time we don’t think about if somebody is healthy before we ask them out on a date or for sex. Everyone sees everyone else as physical being until you get to know the mental and emotional part, and that can change the view of someones attractiveness substantially depending on if you think they’re a good person or a bad person. So some men like thick woman, some like thin woman, some men like other men, I guess I’m just saying that this article doesn’t have to be that big of a deal in your life but if you over think it or let it upset you that much than that’s on you and your mental well being, maybe spend your time and energy arguing for something better, that is impacting the world that is a real issue not all of the hate and anger that I’ve seen in the comments so far over some men’s choice to look at thin woman as attractive or not, put some of that energy towards a real ossue like racism, starvation, disease, the homeless of millions. Idk something worth time and energy and over thinking and hate! Just a thought.

  24. All in the sake of “guys choice”? Literally, a guy goes for what they think is best for them
    I won’t condemn the chubby ones, neither will I go against the slim girls
    For real, the slim girls is just so easy to go along with…
    Perhaps, guys choose what they feel is best for them
    Why not bother on maintaining your body fit?
    At least it is much better than dragging some words here over guys that they are never satisfied
    They can be with slim girl today
    And still go above that tomorrow
    So girl, be girlie in your way 😎

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