Out of the various kinds of people out there, I’m one of the skeptical ones. Actually, most of us are. The skeptics are the most puzzled sort. And while some people believe in heaven-sent soul mates and some dismiss the idea by calling it clich, people like us are always uncertain.
Most of us have had a fairytale and Disney world clouded childhood that has led us to form fantasies. And that is maybe the main reason why we even entertain the thought of a soul mate in the first place.
Love is claimed to be one of the best human experiences. It is said to bring fulfillment and contentment to an otherwise dull life.
Being with someone who will reciprocate your love and stand by you for the rest of your life is the best dream anyone can have granted.
Finding true love, someone who is a perfect match to your mental and physical self, someone you feel connected to, someone you have a chemistry and a sense of belonging with is something we all think of at times.
There is a possibility that we all have a soul mate somewhere out there but that doesn’t mean that there is an equal possibility of them being found.
Odds in this aspect are against us. There are many reasons why finding your soul mate seems to be a futile effort. And to prove my points here are 5 reasons why we’d probably never even find our soul mates:
1. Finding the one out of 8 billion:
The competition is definitely very rough out there. Finding one person out of 8 billion choices seems like a task that will require thrice an average lifetime. The chances of finding a needle in a haystack are close to none and same is the case with your soul mate. Out of 8 billion people in various parts of the world finding one perfect soul is 0.0001% less of impossible. I hope you get the picture that these statistics provide and understand the first major hurdle in your search to find your true soul mate. *Continue reading on next page*
2. Wrong choices will hurt:
While finding the one you’ll often have to risk your heart to know and so every time you will come across a wrong choice it will leave you hurt and frustrated.
A lot of different people will come your way and a lot of them will be tempting, but without risking heartbreak you will never know.
Every time you’ll make a wrong choice you’ll be back to square one. Each wrong choice will lessen your enthusiasm and desire to find your soul mate leaving you void of any energy at all in the end.
Every wrong choice will cost you a right choice and hence the odds in this matter definitely stand against you.
3. Identity crisis:
Suppose you do have your soul mate somewhere around you but how will you know? Out of the thousands of people you come across everyday, how will you pinpoint your soul mate? He/She will not have antennas or sign boards on their heads distinguishing them from the crowd. Finding the right one is not as easy as ABC. Identifying the love of your life will require more energy, time and stamina than you can have. Finding your soul mate is definitely not a piece of cake.В *Continue reading on next page*
4. The ever-tightening noose of time:
No minute you lose can be reversed. You are not getting any younger by the day. Time will keep on tightening its noose around you. It waits for none and wouldn’t for you either. You cannot let the search for your soul mate continue your entire life. There can be a pressure to get settled or have a family of your own by your parents, friends etc. Under this pressure of getting married by a certain age how many chances do you think you have of finding your soul mate? Close to none right?
5. If found, your soul mate has to reciprocate your feelings:
Let us suppose that against all the odds you have somehow managed to find your true soul mate and everything seems perfect but there is a catch. Someone else won the race and got to them first. And what if your supposed soul mate is in love with that someone else? Will you stand a chance?
The entire effort of finding the true one will indeed be futile if the true one has another true one.
What is the point if they don’t feel the same about you or cannot reciprocate your feelings? Not having your true love, love you back might be the most painful thing you’ll have to deal with. Under the light of this very important reason I think that ultimately even if your soul mate does exist you might not end up with them!
Oops! Don’t like the idea? Well then, I suggest that you keep your fingers crossed and your search for your soul mate on! But make sure that you don’t look for your soul mate, rather you look for that soul that makes your time worth the while and above all makes you happy. Because in the end happiness is all that matters!