5 Reasons You’re Better Off Staying Single

Staying single is MUCH BETTER than being with someone who’s going to make you feel single.

This isn’t yourfirst time around the track. You’ve been there before and you’ve probably heardit all. People have already told you that love will just eventually come foryou when you’re not looking. Maybe your friends have tried to console you bysaying that there are plenty of other fish in the sea. Some will say that thebest kind of love is still ahead of you. A lot of times, though, you know thatthese are just words that they HAVE to tell you to console you when you’refeeling down after having another failed relationship. You start to questionyourself. You start to question your beliefs. You start to wonder whetheryou’re really fit for a life of love and relationships. All the heartaches,pains, and failures of the past have given you cause to worry. You try to pickup after yourself. There are pieces of you all over the floor and you startpondering whether it’s worth trying again.

It can betempting for you to jump right back into the dating pool. It’s normal. Everysingle one of us in this world crave for love in some shape of form. Why wouldyou be any different? That’s why it would be understandably difficult for youto just take a pause from all this relationship business for the moment andjust relax. Especially when you have every one of your friends advertisingtheir relationships right in your social media feeds. You just can’t seem toescape it. It probably makes you want to blow your brains out. The series offailed relationships have turned you into a desperate person. You have reached apoint wherein you’re willing to do anything just to find that love that youthink you deserve.

But maybe youshould just stop for now. Take a break. Maybe the reason why you’re not findinglove is because you’re trying too hard. Maybe you’re doing all the wrong thingsand you just need to reset the system for a little bit. Maybe your desperationhas driven you to the point of just being pathetic. Maybe you should just stoptrying to take control of things. Learn to detach yourself from the situation.Gain a better perspective. You never know; this break from the action mightjust be the reboot that your life needs in order to get over that final hump.Here are a few reasons as to why you should probably take a break from datingfor now.

1. You are attracted to the idea of the relationship, but youdon’t like the parts that come with it.

You want that#RelationshipGoals that you keep seeing on your social media feeds. You wantthe love and the flair that you think a relationship can bring into your life.You want to be able to experience the excitement of being in a romanticentanglement with another person. But you’re not particularly enthusiasticabout the responsibilities and negative facets of a relationship. You don’twant to be the kind of person who has to compromise in order to please anotherperson. You don’t want to give up your sense of privacy and time. You don’twant to share your life with another person completely. These are things aboutyourself that you need to adjust if you really want to make a relationshipwork.

2. You are tired of playing the game.

You are tired ofhaving to follow all the rules and stages of dating. You hate how you have tokeep uttering the same lines and using the same moves on different women onlyto end up unsuccessful once again. Maybe you just need to stop and refresh fora minute. Work on your personality. Start trying to become a better person fornow. Stop trying so hard in having other people like you. Work on just likingyourself for the meantime. 

3. You are not emotionally ready to start dating again.

A failed datingventure can be emotionally wrenching. Sometimes, the heartache might take sometime before it can heal. It would always be best for you to just refrain fromdating while you are still hung up from a previous relationship. You don’t wantany emotional baggage to be present if you’re going to start building arelationship with a new person.

4. You have personal goals that you have yet to fulfill.

You have yourdreams. You have your goals and aspirations. You have your personal tasks thatyou need to carry out. Maybe a relationship is just going to derail yourprogress. You don’t want a bad dating life to just stop your momentum. Youcan’t afford to risk ruining your life for a bad relationship. Just focus ongetting your act together for now.

5. Your life is really good as it is.

Why would youwant to mess up a good thing? You have a good thing going on for you and arelationship can just mess things up. If you’re happy now, then just be contentwith being happy. You don’t always have to be in a relationship just to behappy. Society should rid itself of the notion that single people can’tpossibly be happy. 

Talk to me

Are you single and happy? Talk to me about it in the comments below!

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