5 Signs That You’re Meant To Be Together

Love is a struggle in all aspects. It’s a struggle to attain, maintain, and move on from it should it ever end. Then again, it’s true when they say that nothing in this life that’s worth having ever comes easy. You have to be willing to work hard for what you want and work even harder to keep it in your possession.

For a lot of us in life, all we ever crave is love. It’s not too difficult to see why. Love is essentially what makes our world go around. Love is what a lot of us stay alive for. Without the prospect of love, a lot of us would not want to go on living. Love is the driving force that binds all of humanity together, but yes, it can be a struggle to find.

So how do you know if you’ve managed to find and attain a love that’s real? What kind of love is the one that’s worth staying alive for? What kind of love is worth fighting for? For the lucky ones, love comes easily. They manage to find love with minimal effort, but they still know that they have to put in a lot of work in order to make a relationship work.

For a lot of us, it will take a lot of trial-and-error before we can find the love that’s actually worth making an effort for. But even then, none of us are ever sure that our love will last. That uncertainty will greatly diminish or increase itself over time, but it never really goes away.

When you do manage to find that semblance of love that you’ve been looking for, it can get difficult. How do you really know that you’re meant to spend for the rest of your life with this other person? Commitment is a big thing for anyone, and you never just want to commit yourself entirely to a person you’re not entirely sure of. But the thing is, a lot of us are just never ENTIRELY sure.

We can get good gauges of how our relationship is going by heeding the signs though. There are signals that let us know when it’s okay for us to take the next step in our relationships. Here are 5 signs that you’re absolutely meant to be together:

1. You allow yourselves to be vulnerable.

Vulnerability is a slippery slope but it has to be present in any form of relationship. You have to allow yourself to be vulnerable if you want to open yourself up to another person. Vulnerability is directly tolerated to how much trust you’re willing to give a person. When you let yourself be vulnerable to another person, you’re essentially saying, Here’s my heart. I trust you with it. Please don’t end up betraying me. The best kinds of relationships have partners who are comfortably at ease with being vulnerable with each other.

2. You have a developed sense of mutual respect for each other.

You understand that you’re both human beings who have dreams, principles, values, feelings, and opinions. You never try to belittle each other and you respect each other enough to allow for individual growth and development. You respect each other’s desire for occasional space and privacy. You also never use harsh language that you know could unnecessarily hurt each other’s feelings. You respect each other’s dignity and you would never do anything to tarnish your individual integrity. You genuinely believe that your partner is a great person and that there should be no room for disrespect in your relationship.

3. Jealousy is not an issue for either of you.

You no longer get jealous when it comes to your relationship because you’re both mature and smart enough to know your own self-worth. You’re never insecure about where you stand in the life of your partner because you always engage in open communication with each other on just about anything. There are no lies there, and there is absolutely no room for insecurity.

4. Your relationship is full of happiness and laughter.

They say that looks will eventually fade, but a good sense of humor only gets better with time. That’s why it’s a really good sign when your relationship is always filled with joy and laughter. That means you’re still managing to make each other happy even though you’ve been together for a long time. You still manage to fill each other’s soul with happiness and brightness. You still bring sunshine into each other’s lives and that’s very important when you’re engaged in a long-term relationship.

5. You push each other to become better people.

More important than growing as a couple, you should also maintain a semblance of individual growth. If you’re in a relationship wherein you constantly encourage your partner to grow as a person, then you’re probably meant to be. You encourage each other to pursue dreams and goals. You push each other to become better people. You grow as individuals, and then you end up growing as a relationship as well.

Talk to me

Have you found your soulmate? Let me know in the comments below!


  1. I thought I found the right woman for me but after 23 yrs of marriage I’m at my wits end . I’ve been the one keeping the spark in our marriage but lately between all the fighting it just doesn’t seem worth it

  2. Got into a new relationship one week now and I feel like we have known each other for ages but I feel like am rushing it….

  3. I have found my soulmate I need to work on being more independent then depending on my sweetheart.

  4. I met someone a short time after my divorce was finalized. I went on a few dates but he and I matched very well. He treats me well and it feels as if we are meant to be together. He is my soulmate but I’m trying not crowd him too much.

  5. I have met my soulmate but he is allowing his Mother to dictate his future. Should i pursue the relationship or walk away?

  6. I met this man on Facebook 6years ago, he is American. We exchanged ideas and became good friends, and we had a mutual understanding but we never got a chance to be exclusive in a relationship at that time after that he bumped into five different relationships online since 2018 when I cut off our unlabelled relationship. In 2022 he broke up with his 5th girlfriend, last year he started messaging me constantly even though he knows I’m in a relationship, so here we are again, we have brought back all the feelings we had in the past. I’m a bit fussy because I am delighted talking to him which I didn’t experience with my real boyfriend, this American man is the only person I can express my feelings without hesitation and judgment..
    I am totally confused now because this man I am in a relationship with isn’t interested in my plans and interest in life which is very opposite to this American guy…

  7. I found my soul mate. We are 16 years apart we met through a mutual friend. His was just finishing his divorce & I had just started mine. Neither one of us wanted another relationship. Both of our former spouses were cheaters. As the weeks went by and our friendship grew, we realized there was more than a friendship. After a few months ( to in which seemed much longer. We knew we were in love. We were together for 35 years. Before he passed away. Best time of my life.

  8. None of these resemble us. That sounds really sad and it is. I am emotionally unavailable and a very boring and unromantic person. I enjoy my alone time more than being together. We don’t do any hobbies or have fun together.

  9. l have found my soulmate we went to highschool together and after 45 years met up to catch up and have been together 5 months now. Only problem is he doesn’t want to be intimate has often as I do.

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