5 Signs Your Boyfriend Is Doing Something on Facebook That He Should Not Be Doing

If he gets defensive about his phone, something’s wrong.

In today’s world, relationships can start and end because of social media. Applications like Instagram, Snapchat and especially Facebook allow two people who might know each other or have mutual contacts or be complete strangers, to form a relationship. People have a mixed stance on these types of relationships.

They feel that they aren’t supposed to be considered as “genuine” relationships. Why? Because they blossomed online? Well, how would someone define a relationship? In my eyes, a relationship is when two people who have romantic feelings towards each other form a bond. The fact that Facebook was what led to those feelings should have nothing to do with whether it can or cannot be classified as a genuine relationship.

Now, where Facebook can give rise to many relationships, it can also be the death of more than a few. Being online allows you to get in touch with people in all corners of the world and some guys think that this allows them to form new relationships without their girlfriends ever finding out.

If your boyfriend tries to get out of a situation where you caught him flirting online, then you will know better than to go on his word that they didn’t mean anything. Of course they meant something, maybe not for him but it does mean that he doesn’t take what you two have seriously.

Sadly, we can’t keep track of what’s going on in every corner of the world and even though he might be your boyfriend, you can’t demand that he gives you his password unless he does so by himself.

You can, however, notice a few signs which are able to give you reasonable doubt that he’s cheating online. Here are some of those signs:

1. You’re not Facebook friends and you don’t know why:

Some couples mutually decide that they shouldn’t be friends on Facebook in order to give each other their space. There might be another reason, but the key factor here is the fact that it’s something both of you mutually agreed upon. However, if you’re the one who keeps sending him a friend request and he always makes up one excuse after another ,then you need to know that something is up. – Continue reading on next page

2. He freaks out all the time:

In this case, let’s say you are friends with him on Facebook, but he has this tendency to freak out at the weirdest things. You like his picture; he tells you that why would you? Why wouldn’t you? He tells you that you’re being overly attached by liking every single thing on his wall. You need to actually ask yourself if you are and if that really is a bad thing? What’s wrong with liking a few posts?

Here’s why: someone else was asking about you. If he has a side chick (or if you’re the side chick) she will surely notice someone who comments like a girlfriend would or likes anything he posts which, in her mind, would be directed at her, but, in your mind, is about you.

3. He’s defensive about his Facebook:

If you want there to be something private which you don’t feel comfortable sharing with your partner then go ahead, but that DOESN’T involve cheating on her. When your boyfriend is really defensive, and I mean borderline murderous, about his Facebook then you need to think of the possibility that he may have something to hide in there.

If you just happen to glance over at his laptop while he’s on Facebook and he jumps up all scared and shuts it off, you should be able to consider this as something which can’t be classified as normal. Fine, let there be secrets. Just make sure to ask your partner what’s going on if you have a solid hunch about things.

4. You notice the other woman:

Just like in sign number 2, if he’s trying to keep you away from his Facebook, odds are he’s trying to keep someone away too. Stupid excuses won’t work and just like you, she’ll eventually start liking posts and ignore any excuse he gave. You’ll be able to tell whether she’s just a friend or not. – Continue reading on next page

Here’s how you’ll differentiate: comments. Likes cannot determine (fully) whether she’s the side chick or not but the comments can settle the matter once and for all. You’ll be able to tell by the way she talks to your boyfriend i.e. the same way you talk to him.

5. Your friends will confirm your suspicions:

The truth is that sometimes our emotions cloud our judgment when it’s our relationship which is being talked about.

˜’He won’t do such a thing.”

˜’I know him.”

˜’She’s just a friend.”

You’ll get defensive about everything even if the truth is right in front of your eyes. In matters like these, you’ll have to consult your friends. They’ll be able to look at things way more clearly and they won’t lie to you just to spare your feelings. Some friends might even hear things or see it for themselves. Your boyfriend can’t find another girl way far; obviously she’ll be someone who at least speaks the same language as him. Thus, it gets easier to narrow it down.

Never doubt the detective skills of your best friend!

All in all, you need to be sure for yourself if he’s cheating on you or not. Do not jump to conclusions and change your relationship status from “in a relationship” to “single” overnight just because some random girl liked one of his pictures. However, don’t stay with him if you notice all of these signs. A Facebook relationship is a real relationship and emotional infidelity is as detrimental as physical infidelity.

Talk to me

How active are you guys on social media with respect to your relationships? Let me know in the comments down below!

  1. I found sexy messages on my boyfriends phone he deleted them in front of me and said I was seeing things he then walked away and said were done and blocked me from contacting him

    1. That’s called gaslighting! Read about it and run from him. If he can do that, he will never stop, it’s just who he is. Gaslit is how I spent my last marriage and I finally left. I have never felt better.

    2. Run away fast i had a partner like that and i am now married to someone but it has left me so suspicious of things. It is so damaging

  2. This type of advice cause my ex to be very suspicious and lead to the end of our relationship. I never did anything wrong, but FB and Instagram were always an issue and she stalked everyone that knew and every move that I made. I don’t think it’s healthy to put these ideas into women’s minds.

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