5 Steps To Winning Over The Bad Boy – And What To Do When It Doesn’t Work

The elusive bad boy. What is it about him that just drives ladies nuts? They’re always acting so tough and cool. They’re always so rough around the edges. And yet, they always seem like they know what they’re doing; as if they’ve got everything together. Some boys struggle with trying to find the right words to say to a girl; but the bad boy, he always just knows. He is always saying the right thing. He always just knows the right words to utter to get a girl’s heart thumping inside of her chest. There are some boys who are wracking their brains trying to plan out a perfect date for the two of you; but the bad boy, he already knows just where to take you and what it is you’re going to be doing on a date.

And there’s something else about the bad boy that you just can’t quite explain either; he’s so incredibly hot. And he knows it too. That’s why he’s just oozing with confidence. He knows that if he plays his cards right, he has the power to land practically any girl he sets his sights on.  He knows what it takes to make you act like putty in his hands. And once he knows that he’s got a hold of you, it’s all over. You’re helpless to his advances. He’s got you right where he wants you. And once he’s done with you; once he feels like he’s getting bored, he’s going to drop you like a hot potato. Because don’t forget, he’s still a bad boy.

But what if you can actually change the bad boy? What if you had it within your power to manipulate him into changing for the better? What if you could actually get the bad boy to stay with you and commit to you? Well, it’s not impossible. All you need to do is to put yourself in the best position to do so; and if luck is on your side, you might actually just get what you want.

But where exactly do you start? Well, you’re reading this article; and chances are that you are completely clueless when it comes to taming the bad boy. And that’s fine. That’s exactly what this article is for. It’s going to help you navigate your way around the bad boy’s heart so that you have better chances at getting him to really fall for you.

But you also have to remember that this isn’t necessarily a sure thing; all situations are different and nothing is ever really guaranteed. These are just some tips and tricks to help you along the way. You also have to keep in mind that you have other options; that just because you want a bad boy doesn’t mean that he’s what you need in your life. Just because you want him to fall for you doesn’t mean that he’s the one you’re meant to be with.

Now, that doesn’t mean that you should let uncertainty stop you from trying, right? Here are the 5 steps to winning over the bad boy – and what you should do when it doesn’t work out.

Step one: You have to make sure that you’re someone who is wanted.

Pretty yourself up a little bit and grab his attention with your looks. Make yourself charming by sharpening your mind up. Be smart and witty. Be a girl he’s never going to want to forget about.

Step two: Slow everything down for as much as you can.

Don’t give him everything that he wants right away. Make him wait for it. Go through the process and draw things out as much as you can. If you give it all to him right away, he’s just going to dump you quicker.

Step three: Open yourself up to other options – and let him know about it.

If he doesn’t want to commit to you, then don’t commit to him. Open yourself up to dating other people as well. Let him know that you’re just as willing to keep things casual.

Step four: Make him work hard for you.

If things go according to plan, you are making him work really hard for you. And continue to let him do so. Men will want to stick with the things that they work hard for – even relationships.

Step five: Wait to see if the transformation is actually going to take place.

And be patient… wait to see if he takes the bait.

What You Should Do If It Doesn’t Work

Again, nothing is ever assured or guaranteed. And when you find out he’s just not going to turn into the guy you want him to be, then it’s time for you to move on. You can’t allow yourself to get hung up on someone who doesn’t really give a damn about you. You need to have some self-respect. Know that you are worthy of love; and that it doesn’t necessarily have to come from him.

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