5 Things A Woman Does When She Really Wants You

It can be a very exhilarating time whenever you are just getting into a new relationship. You meet someone who you feel like you have a genuine connection with and so you try to milk it to the best of your abilities. You are familiar with love and you know that it’s something that you want for yourself.

However, you haven’t necessarily found it just yet. But you feel like you have a real shot with this girl. You think that maybe with her, your luck is finally going to change for the better. And so, you decide to actually take a chance on her. You decide that she’s a girl who is worth putting in the effort for.

You go on a few dates and you find that she’s actually responding to you. She’s actually engaging with you. She shows a lot of interest in you. The two of you are really hitting it off and you always have so much fun on your dates. You always have a good time with one another and you just can’t seem to get enough of each other.

You are so happy and comfortable in each other’s presence and so you consider going steady in your relationship. The both of you decide to date exclusively and you decide to see where it goes. And it’s going really well. You feel like you have something really special going on here.

But before you want to take things any further, you also want to make sure that she’s serious about you. You want to know if this woman is really in love with you.

And it’s perfectly normal for you to want to know that. You would always want to know if a girl is serious about being with you. You would always want to know that she loves you before you start investing more of yourself in the relationship. You want this relationship to be dynamic.

You always want it to be moving forward. But you know that you can’t do that unless you get a good idea of where her heart is in your relationship. And in order to do so, you have to be able to read between the lines. She might not be telling you that she loves you even when she already does. And you just have to make sure that you are paying attention so that you would always be able to spot out the signs.

If you happen to be the kind of guy who doesn’t really know how to read a girl’s heart, then this article is for you. You so desperately want to know where she stands with regards to your relationship but you don’t want to be asking her outright either. You don’t want to be pressuring her by asking her if she loves you.

And that’s why you resort to merely sniffing out the little hints and tidbits that she might be dropping along the way. Curious to know what these signs might be? Then all you have to do is read on until the end of this article. If a lot of the stuff listed here are applicable to her and your relationship, then you know that you’re with a woman who is really in love with you.

1. She tells you about the most intimate and private aspects of her life.

She is really comfortable with you. She finds herself just being able to open up about the most intimate aspects of her life with you without much issue or difficulty. She trusts you enough to bare her soul to you because she’s in love with you.

2. She blatantly flirts with you a lot.

Naturally, if she’s flirting with you to a point that feels so comfortable and natural, it means that she is completely okay with you knowing about how interested she is in you. She wants you to know that she wants you.

3. She pays a lot of attention to your needs.

She is always paying so much attention to your needs. In fact, it even gets to a point wherein she starts compromising her own needs in favor of yours. That’s the kind of selflessness that comes attached with loving another person.

4. She spends most of her time with you.

You know that you are really important to a girl if she starts spending most of her time with you. We only ever really spend time on the things that are valuable to us. And you know just how valuable you are to her when she spends most of her time on you.

5. She is constantly smiling whenever you’re spending time together.

You always know that a woman is in love with you if she’s always smiling and laughing when she’s around you. You are able to bring about a kind of happiness within her that she can’t necessarily find in other people.

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