5 Things To Never Tell Yourself After A Breakup

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Don’t you dare doubt yourself or question yourself! Breakups happen to the best of the best and it’s only human to feel weak and sad, but DO NOT lose yourself in the process!

There’s no getting around it. Breakups are tough. We go into relationships with the highest of hopes that they turn out for the best, but then when things don’t go our way, we’re left with nothing but remnants of what used to be. We’re left with heartache, memories, and perpetual sadness. Breakups are horrible, but sometimes, necessary experiences that we all must go through until we find the love that’s right for us.

The first thing that you have to understand about breakups is that you’re not necessarily going through this tragic experience alone. Your ex can be just as devastated by the breakup as you are. There are also tons of other people around the world who are going through breakups, and so you never ever have to feel alone.

Breakups can leave people so emotionally weary and vulnerable. There are very deep and heavy emotional traumas that are caused by breakups, and they can mess with how people think and go about their daily lives. For some people, they end up questioning the most important aspects of life.

They question reality and their initial perceptions of the things that make life worth living. They think that if their relationship wasn’t good enough to pull through despite how real it felt, then reality as a whole is questionable. That feeling is normal, and you will find your answers eventually. For the meantime, you are going to have to deal with the emotional burden of the breakup.

But you also have to make sure that you never demean yourself or diminish your self-worth in the process. You are still a perfectly fine person who is viable for love and romance in the future. You just need to stay patient and committed to the process. Here are 5 things that you should never ever tell yourself after a breakup:

1. I’m too old to find love again.

No you are never too old to find love. Love knows no limits; especially when it comes to age. As clich as it sounds, age is indeed just a number, and love can always conquer all. You don’t have to be young and hip in order for you to find the love that will last you a lifetime.

Plenty of people manage to find love even as they near the latter parts of their lives. You only need to be patient and considerate of your own personal expectations. Don’t rush into anything, because the perfect love is always worth waiting for.

You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream… -В C.S. Lewis

2. I’m just not worth any person’s time.

Don’t you ever talk down to yourself. There is no point in diminishing your own self-worth because there just isn’t any truth to it. You are a wonderful human being who will eventually find someone who will make your days bright and colorful.

You will find someone who will willingly devote time, commitment, and resources to you because of you who are. You only need to remain genuine and sincere in your pursuit of true love. Never ever try to become a person that you’re not; only the best possible version of yourself.

"Someday, you’ll find someone who makes you feel like that wait was worth it. And you’ll be happy why it never worked out with anyone else."

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"Maybe it’s not your season to be in love with someone, maybe it’s your season to focus on loving yourself more. Maybe it’s your season to focus on your own growth. Maybe it’s your season to start cutting ties with negative people who really don’t deserve to have a place in your life. Maybe it’s your season to be selfish with your love until you meet someone who you can be completely unselfish with. Maybe it’s your season to focus on your own smile and your own happiness. Maybe it’s your season to start that business you always wanted to start. Maybe it’s your season to chase that dream you always wanted to chase. Maybe it’s your season to continue moving on with your life until you meet someone who can actually be a blessing to you, instead of a curse." – IG@woodtheinspiration

3. People will regret getting into relationships with me.

The truth is that they might, and that they might not. There is never really any certainty when it comes to love, only opportunity. The point is to always make the most of your opportunities whether they are perfect or not. If things don’t turn out the way that you want them to, then take it as a learning experience.

If things do work out for the best, then that’s great news. You can’t allow yourself to be deprived of love just because you’re afraid of any future regrets. Love will always be a risk; a risk that’s very much worth it.

You deserve someone who loves you with every single beat of his heart, someone who thinks about you constantly, someone who spends every minute of every day just wondering what you’re doing, where you are, who you’re with, and if you’re OK. You need someone who can help you reach your dreams and protect you from your fears. You need someone who will treat you with respect, love every part of you, especially your flaws. You should be with someone who could make you happy, really happy, dancing on air happy. -В • Cecelia Ahern, Love, Rosie

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4. The breakup was entirely my fault.

The blame game is no longer important. What’s important is that the relationship didn’t work out, and now you need to make the necessary adjustments in order for things to turn out better the next time. Learn from your own faults in the relationship and make sure you never commit them again.

Learn from the faults of your partner and find someone who isn’t susceptible to making such mistakes. Know that the mistakes of your past are what will allow you to have a more beautiful future. It’s all a matter of learning on and growing more mature.

No relationship is ever a waste of time. If it didn’t bring you what you want, It taught you what you don’t want.

5. I have to start lowering my standards.

No you don’t. You shouldn’t ever have to feel like you have to settle for a love that you don’t deserve. You would only be lying to yourself in the process. Don’t compromise any of your principles, and let love come naturally to you. You don’t always have to force the issue because love always finds a way to penetrate itself into the hearts of everyone. You just have to stay honest and true to yourself.

Never lower your standards just because others refuse to raise theirs.

Talk to me

Have you recently been through a breakup? What have you personally done to bring yourself out of the loop of darkness?

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