5 Ways To Avoid Fights With Your Partner

Swallow your pride and always apologize whenever you realize that you’ve screwed up.

It can be veryemotionally draining to get into a fight with a person that you love. Youranger can sometimes get the best of you and the both of you can end up sayingthings that you’re going to regret saying. Fights between people in lovingrelationships are more likely than not to result in hurt feelings and bruisedegos. The worst part is that even if fights do end up getting resolved, the remainsof hurt emotions are going to stay. Perhaps in the heat of the moment, you willhave both ended up saying things that cause significant emotional damage to theother. This kind of damage is irreparable no matter what the circumstance.

Fights cancreate lots of tension in the relationship. And everyone knows that tension iswhat causes things to break or get destroyed. This tension creates a rift anddistance between two people; an emotional distance that stymies the growth ofthe couple. The longer the tension persists in a relationship, then the biggerthe potential for it to cause permanent damage in the union. That’s why itshould be in the best interest for all couples to resolve conflicts quickly orjust avoid them altogether.

However, it isimportant to understand that not all fights or conflicts are always going to beunhealthy. There are some fights and conflicts that some people need to undergoin order for their relationships to grow stronger. Being able to compromise isa big aspect of any relationship and with healthy disagreements, couples canfind a way to find some middle ground and foster some kind of harmony andbalance with each other.

The truth of thematter is that conflicts are going to be inevitable in whatever kind ofrelationship in the world. It’s because the individuality of human beingscreate room for ideological clashes, and these clashes often result inincreased tensions. However, there are ways you can minimize the likelihood ofyou and your partner to get into fights. All you have to do is follow the tipslisted on here, and you will substantially increase the chances of you creatinga smooth-flowing relationship with your partner.

1. Swallow your pride and always apologize whenever yourealize that you’ve screwed up.

Be the betterperson. Take the high road. Always apologize whenever you find yourself makinga mistake. Don’t be a brat about it. Apologies might make it seem like a blowto your character, but the truth is that your partner will always love you morefor being able to swallow your pride. Being willing to make apologies is a signthat you have a developed sense of maturity. The best kinds of relationshipsthrive on mature couples who are able to put the needs of the relationshipabove their own.

2. Always be willing to make compromises with your partner.

Compromise isthe name of the game. When you get into a relationship with someone, you loseall sense of complete independence. You have to understand that you are sharinghuge parts of yourself with another person. You are choosing to open yourselfup and to let someone else inside of your heart. You might not necessarily be okaywith everything that your partner is bringing to the table, but you always haveto be willing to make some compromises here and there. Be mature enough to talkthings out and find a middle ground where both of you can be happy with thechoices you make in the relationship. 

3. Be more understanding of the times your partner treats you˜badly’.

Not everythinghas to always be about you. If your partner is acting particularly cold towardsyou, it may not necessarily be because of you. Just because your partner isn’tacting all bubbly and endearing doesn’t necessarily mean he/she is mad at you.You have to take into consideration that your partner is also human and isprone to having bad days just like the rest of us. Instead of being allcombative and confrontational when your partner is in a bad mood, try beingmore sensitive and empathetic. Approach your partner with love and kindness,and ask how you can be of help.

4. Respect the boundaries that you have set for one another.

Just because youare sharing your life with another person when you choose to get into arelationship doesn’t necessarily mean you have to give up your individualityentirely. You are still entitled to your boundaries and your desires forsolitude every once in a while. You and your partner have to establish yourboundaries early on in the relationship and you always have to respect them.

5. Always be sensitive and mindful of your words and actions.

Words andgestures can impact people in ways that we don’t always understand. That is whyyou must always be extra careful with the language that you use when you’retalking to your partner. You don’t want any unnecessary arguments to arise as aresult of misunderstandings or tactless words. 

Talk to me

How do you guys resolve fights? Let me know in the comments below!

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