When it comes to relationships, it’s not always easy to figure out the nuances of the dynamics between two people. Everyone is going to have a different opinion on how women and men are ideally supposed to conduct themselves in relationships. Yes, men and women are differentiated by gender. And by extension, these differences might also influence their different personalities as well. However, it would be foolish to make sweeping statements and generalizations for all people.
There are a lot of common myths and misconceptions surrounding the specific roles that certain genders play in relationships. There is already substantial research that has been made on the matter. And science has debunked a lot of these myths. That’s why it’s foolish for a lot of people to still stick to these unfounded myths and beliefs that don’t really have much substantive backing.
We have got to stop convincing ourselves that men and women are going to be different in very specific regards. The real truth of the matter is that men and women tend to be a lot more alike than we might think. If you want to gain a more profound understanding of gender dynamics within the context of a relationship, then continue to read on until the end of this article.
Just remember that it’s important for you to maintain an open mind on the matter. Expand your world view and open yourself up to a new perspective. Sometimes, the things that you have always been taught about relationships are wrong. And it’s better for you to come to terms with the truth than just be content with lies.
Here are a few common myths about gender roles in relationships:
1. Women are always more romantic than men.
Just because romcoms and romance novels are often marketed towards women doesn’t mean that men are incapable of being romantic. There is research that suggests that men score very high on the Romantic Beliefs scale which makes them just as romantic as their women counterparts.
2. Physical attractiveness is a lot more important to men than it is to women.
Studies have shown that this is a real myth. Both men and women have admitted in surveys that physical appearance is one of the most important factors when taking notice of a new potential mate. And this is not a trait that is dramatically exclusive to just men.
3. Women aren’t interested in non-emotional or casual sex.
A lot of people tend to underestimate the interest that women can have in engaging in casual sex. It’s just that society has perpetuated this environment that makes it difficult for women to be more open about their sexual desires and needs.
4. Men and women have inherently different dispositions and philosophies surrounding relationships.
It has been highlighted time and time again that men and women should just come from different worlds altogether because of how different they are. They are said to have different needs, wants, expectations, and standards when it comes to love.
However, recent surveys have shown that men and women typically want the same things out of their relationships. It’s just that there are certain differences in the approach to these goals and dreams that people have. But these differences aren’t influenced by gender at all.
5. Men and women have fundamentally different methods of handling conflict.
There is a lot of research that actually suggests that men and women don’t really handle conflict too differently. But there is a smidgen of truth to this theory. Some couples engage in a kind of demand-withdraw dynamic in their relationships. The one who demands is the one who tries to attack an issue head-on. But the one who withdraws just likes to avoid all talks of debate or conflict completely.
However, this dynamic isn’t necessarily attributed to a certain gender. There is no research that suggests that men are supposed to be demanders and women are supposed to withdraw all the time or vice versa.
6. A man is always the instigator of physical abuse in a relationship.
Whenever the term “domestic violence” gets thrown out there, it’s normal for people to think that the man is always the instigator in these scenarios. And it’s true that whenever you see the injuries sustained by a woman as a result of domestic violence, they tend to be really drastic.
However, men also happen to be victims of domestic violence themselves. And it happens a lot more frequently than one might think. In a recent survey conducted among British couples, it was found out that over 40% of victims were males. In a national survey that was conducted in the United States, 12.1% of women and 11.3% of men admitted to committing a violent act against their partner in a relationship.
Physical abuse is not a vile act that is exclusive only to men. Women can be just as capable of committing physical acts of violence in a relationship.