6 Ways you might be damaging your love life

Stop damaging your love life!

Sometimes, unknowingly we are doing things which don’t have a positive impact on our life. These habits have a way of subconsciously seeping into our daily life so we don’t even realize that the fault might be our own. We always have someone else to blame for our failures. Possibly, you are doing a lot of things right but one of these might be reducing your chances of being in a healthy relationship, if you are doing even one of the following then you need to stop right now!

1. Cutting yourself off from social interactions.

If you are looking to meet someone while you stay inside a shell, waiting to be discovered, then I’m sorry to tell you that the chances of that happening are very rare, life is not Disney movie. You need to put yourself out there, if you keep turning down every invitation, don’t indulge in group activities, excuse yourself from conversations; you are reducing the chances of ever meeting the one with some potential. The rules of the game are; you need to play, if you want to win.

2. Settling for a temporary relationship.

Many people choose being with the wrong person over being alone. If you are settling for someone who is not right for you, killing time as you wait for the right one to come along then you need to burst this bubble. You will never meet your right match if you are stuck with the wrong one, and how do you even explore your options if you are not even hundred percent available, not without cheating on your present partner of course. So be honest to yourself and your partner and don’t settle for a mediocre relationship, if that’s not what you were looking for.

3. Coming off as desperate.

Remember that creepy guy/girl from college, who was always found around you, not giving up any opportunity to talk to you? Think back to what a big turn off it was and even if they were a nice person, you always ran in the opposite direction because of how desperate they were. So, unless you are trying to attract that freak from college, be available but don’t appear too desperate. Be subtle in your approach, don’t lose your poise and appear over eager.

4. Being around people who are cynical about love.

Do majority of your friends have negative opinions about love and relationships and can’t stop going on and on about what a waste of time love is? If yes, then you need to spend less time with them or else this negativity will affect you and your perspective towards love. It’s okay if they are trying to cheer you up from your recent break up, but if this is who they are then you don’t want that kind of disapproval for love in your life. You may have had a couple of unsuccessful relationship, but that should not make you bitter about ever finding love again. How will you find something you don’t even believe exists and by all means love does exist, you just need to give yourself a chance to be accepting of it.

5. Over indulging into comfort food/drinks etc.

You will never see an emotionally healthy person constantly drowning their sorrows in comfort food, drinks or maybe even alcohol etc. It’s okay to do it occasionally, but if you are always seen with a big bag of chips or you can’t function without a little hash, then this is a big turn off. Nobody wants to be with a person who has labeled them self as unhappy and emotionally unstable and chances are if you keep up with this detrimental habit, very soon your physical health will start showing the signs too.

6. Having a negative mind set.

A lot of people who have been single for a long time or have had unsuccessful relationships, develop a pessimistic mind set, the kind where even though you are open to dating but you know it’s going to be of ‘no-use’. If you keep having a hopeless outlook towards finding the right partner, then this will be visible in all your social interactions, your over all energy will be low, you won’t put in enough effort in building up a conversation because you think it’s a waste etc. Your perspective will have an effect on your actions and how much you invest yourself in communicating with someone.

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