7 Lies Narcissists Tell When Dating You 

When we step into the world of dating, it feels exciting, like an adventure full of possibilities. But, it’s important to be careful because not everyone is honest. Some people, called narcissists, tell lies to trick others. This can make things confusing and sometimes even harmful. In this exploration, we will uncover seven common lies that narcissists often use when dating. By learning about these lies, we can better understand and avoid potentially unhealthy relationships.

Let’s start this journey together, where being truthful and real becomes our way of finding connections that truly matter.

1. “My ex was crazy and obsessed with me.”

When a narcissist claims their ex was ‘crazy’ and ‘obsessed,’ it might sound like a dramatic breakup story. In reality, it could be a red flag. Narcissists often play the victim to garner sympathy and divert attention from their own behaviors. It’s essential to hear both sides of the story and approach such claims with a discerning mind.

2. “I am looking for a serious relationship.”

Hearing someone express a desire for a serious relationship can be music to the ears, but narcissists might use this line as a guise for manipulation. They might rush into commitment to gain control or validation. It’s crucial to take time to truly get to know the person and observe if their actions align with their words before diving headfirst into a serious commitment.

3. “I don’t believe in labels. Isn’t our love enough?”

While the idea of a label-free love might sound liberating, narcissists often use this as a tactic to avoid commitment and accountability. They may fear being held to certain standards or obligations. Healthy relationships involve clear communication and understanding, so it’s important to address expectations early on, even if the term ‘label’ feels uncomfortable.

4. “I’ve never felt this way before – you’re the one for me.”

If someone acts super in love with you really quickly, be careful. Narcissists are good at copying your feelings to make it seem like you’re super close. Instead of believing big, dramatic statements, take it slow in building a real connection. Let trust and liking each other happen naturally, without getting carried away by over-the-top declarations.

5. “I always put others first; I’m so selfless.”

Be careful with people who brag about being really nice but don’t always show it. Real kindness means truly caring about others without wanting something back. If they always do things just for themselves, it’s worth thinking about whether they’re as nice as they say.

6. “I had a difficult childhood; that’s why I am the way I am.”

While a challenging past can certainly impact someone, be cautious when a narcissist uses their history as a constant excuse for harmful behavior. Taking responsibility for personal growth is essential in a healthy relationship, and continual blame on past experiences might indicate a reluctance to change.

7. “I never said that; you must be remembering it wrong.”

Narcissists may gaslight their partners by denying previous statements to undermine their credibility. Trust your memory and instincts; if you consistently feel confused or manipulated, it’s crucial to address the issue. Healthy communication involves acknowledging and validating each other’s perspectives.

Share Your Thoughts:

Have you encountered these 7 lies narcissists often tell when dating you? Share your thoughts and experiences with us in the comments below!

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