If You Have A Boyfriend With These 7 Beautiful Qualities, Please Marry Him

Marry him.

Faith is a very hard thing to hold on to in times like these. We belong to a generation that has lost the art of holding onto other people. There are some people out there who still believe in true love and fight for it despite the challenging circumstance they have to face. The pursuit of love is both a physical and cerebral one and humans have become mentally weak.

People will doubt their own gut instincts and never take that leap of faith for another person even when the other person is someone who they should stick with for eternity. Why have we become so skeptical? Why have we become so scared of our own insecurities? Well, it’s not entirely our fault. There are lot male and female con artists around and they challenge our faith in relationships and love every day.

Sometimes, the perfect guy is right in front of you and you, shrouded by all your brittle insecurities and hovering fears are reluctant to go the extra mile with him. Your past has scarred you so badly that you don’t know what to believe. You can’t seem to trust the truth in someone’s words. You think that Love is a lie and something that does not exist for everyone. Well, if you don’t believe in something, you will never be able to find it.

Take a risk, it might destroy you but isn’t life all about self-destruction? People die and resurrect every day from the ashes of their past. If you have a boyfriend who does the following things, you should definitely hold on to him forever. Trust him to be the guy who touches your naked soul and makes you feel alive.

1. He fights for you at times when you don’t even want to fight for yourself

Sometimes, you are faced with such an emotional trauma in life that you can’t contribute to anything in a relationship. You can’t provide him with care and love and you get distant and quiet. You just lose faith in yourself and you even lose the will to live anymore. Despite all that, he doesn’t give up on you. He stays with you, talks to you, listens to you and is adamant. He understands that this just a phase and when you are faced with such situations, depression and anxiety can get the better of another person.

A person who is there for you in your worst is the person who deserves to be with you at your best. People like this don’t come along very often. Most people will stab you in the back without even thinking twice.

If you ever find such a guy who chooses you every day even when you think that you are not worth someone’s love, please wake up from your slumber and realize what you have before it’s too late. Sometimes people don’t believe in themselves until a certain someone starts believing in them.

2. He is your home!

What is a home? A home is not a construct; it is much more than that. Home is place where you belong. You can travel around the globe but at the end of the day you will return to that one place where you will feel safe. Some relationships have to face hardships and people have to live apart from each other. Things can become very hard and distance is detrimental for a healthy relationship.

However, if you feel, in your heart that without this guy’s warm embrace, you will always feel lost, then he is your home. No distance in this world can keep you apart from each other. You have a much deeper emotional connection.

He makes you feel secure and safe around him. He makes you feel secure about your surroundings. When we are at our home, we can eat what we want, we can blabber weird stuff and we can be ourselves. When you do all those things around a guy and he still loves you then you’ve got a keeper. You should feel lucky.

3. He loves your originality

Sometimes, there are guys who will try to change you. They want you to be someone who is acceptable to the society. Someone that is acceptable to society. They have no regard for your originality whatsoever. They just want you to be a click and they want you to adapt yourself to the societal stereotypes.

Every person is a different person. They all have their own weird stuff and unorthodox behavior and no one should be allowed to change that. If you have a guy who accepts you for who you are and doesn’t compel you to be someone else just for the sake of acceptance from this judgmental society, he is someone you can grow with.

He is someone you can put your trust in. He is not someone you just push away just because you feel that what he’s doing is real. Sometimes our whole lives turn out to be a lie because we are reluctant to accept the truth when it reveals itself.

4. You can share your silence with him

When a relationship starts, it’s all sunshine and rainbows. There a lot of things that you don’t know about the other person. Every human has subjective curiosity but when we know about a person completely, we start to lose interest. When there’s nothing left to talk about, we get bored and the relationship just becomes a dull routine.

However, if you have someone in your life whom you can share your silence with, trust me, you have something that people search for their whole lives but are never able to grasp it.

When he can talk to you with his eyes and listen to you when you’re not even uttering a word, you have finally found someone who can tolerate you for the rest of your life. You are just sitting next to each other and there is this sweet comfortable silence and you are in love with their presence, which is what true love is. Love is not about saying the right things or being a sweet talker, love transcends any logical explanation and nothing is rational about finding happiness in someone’s silence.

5. No fight or argument is stronger than the relationship

We all know that there are fights in a relationship. Everyone has their own different opinions and two people in a relationship will not always agree on everything. They are not meant to. I have met many girls who say that they love their boyfriend because he agrees with them on everything they say. That is just nonsense.

There will be arguments and there will be a lot of screaming and shouting. When your boyfriend knows when to stop and is aware that if he crosses this thin line, he will do irreparable damage to your relationship and sacrifices his ego for the relationship, he truly does love you.

He doesn’t care about some small thing that incited him. He doesn’t want to verbally or emotionally abuse you ever. He apologizes to you even though it wasn’t his fault because he can’t stay mad at you for long. It is truly a beautiful thing when someone kills his own ego for the one person he loves. It is a very romantic gesture and not many people are capable of it. You should never take such a person for granted and love him with all your heart because he deserves it. He has worked for your love for years and it’s not easy for him at times and he needs your support.

6. His Love is unconditional

There is no emotional blackmail in love. When someone loves you, they accept you with all their heart. They don’t make you beg and take you for granted. If a guy loves you despite your imperfections, he knows the true meaning of love. Some people just frustrate other people without any reason.

They don’t make you feel wanted. They always give you mixed signals. Sometimes relationships are just based on lust. If the guy feels horny, he will become a whole other person and love you and entice you. He will fool you into thinking that he really does love you. However, if you don’t fulfil his sexual desires, he will pour the blame on you and make himself the victim. If a guy loves you unconditionally and isn’t just there with you for his own personal desires, he loves you more than you can imagine.

7. He makes you a part of his life

Everyone needs privacy and personal space. In a relationship, we all know that in order for our individuality to grow, we have to look after ourselves from time to time and our partner should allow that. However, we shouldn’t just disconnect our partner from everything in our lives.

We shouldn’t make major decisions of our life without even consulting our partner. If a guy tries to adjust you in his life and makes an effort to make the people he loves adapt around you, he wants you with himself for a very long time. He sees a future in which you two are together. He doesn’t make major choices of his life without thinking about you.

He knows that his life choices will directly affect your life and he doesn’t want to force you into a life that wasn’t based on mutual consent. He knows that your opinion and your decisions matter as much as his and he would never take a step without taking advice from you.

He knows that you are his confidant and you wouldn’t want anything that would make you two have regrets in the future. A guy who wants you for eternity has all these qualities but most of all he has faith in you. He has faith in you when no one else really does. It’s because people don’t know you as he does.

They just know as much about you as you permit to reveal about yourself in front of them your guy knows that even if at times when you fall short, he will be there to help you out. He does not fear the struggles of life. The only thing he fears is that maybe someday you will drift away from him. Sometimes, these thoughts just pop up in his mind out of nowhere and you need to make him believe that this is not true. These are just misconceptions and you are going to prove them wrong together. Whatever it takes, you are going to face the ordeals of life together.

When you have someone besides you who will do whatever it takes to fight for you, hold on to him tightly. Such guys are a really rare breed.

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