7 Secrets About Men That Most Women Aren’t Aware Of

Admit it. In your pursuit of love and romance, you tend to be somewhat selfish. That’s okay. It happens to everyone. You have grand dreams and visions of what your ideal relationship is going to look like. You would begin to fantasize about what your dream guy is going to be and what kind of personality he has. It’s only natural for you to go through these kinds of processes and to have these thoughts.

However, have you ever just stopped to think about what it would be like for the guy in this scenario? Sure, you know what YOU want, and you know the kind of struggle that you have to go through for love. But you might not be aware of the types of efforts that men go through to find love for themselves as well. You shouldn’t make the mistake of not taking the time to understand men. Keep in mind that the more you know male behavior, then the easier it would be for you to connect with them.

Not Thinking About the Man

If you have ever tried your hand at love and romance before, it can be easy to think that men have most of the control in relationships. Usually, this is the case for women who have had their hearts broken by men before. So many girls have been cheated on and broken up with. And whenever they go through these experiences, they think that men typically call all of the shots. However, that’s just far from the truth.

You need to put more effort into trying to understand men and what makes them tick. And if you don’t know where to start in that regard, then this article is going to be perfect for you. Here are a few secrets about men that you might have never realized on your own:

1. They also have to put up with the risk of rejection.

A lot of women like to play the role of the victim a lot whenever they are rejected in romance and love. And that’s normal. It’s okay to feel sad about being rejected. However, it would be foolish to think that men don’t have to suffer through rejection too. Men have to put up with rejection a lot, considering that they’re the ones who tend to make the initial approach in dating and relationships.

2. They feel a lot of pressure to be kind to women.

Men are always held to a high standard. They are continually being told that they need to conduct themselves like gentlemen. And yes, that is indeed how it should be. However, you shouldn’t be so unfair to ignore just how difficult it is. Sometimes, a man can get lambasted by society in such a significant manner for something that a woman would be forgiven instantly for.

3. They can’t get dates that easily.

Sure, women always have to wait around for a man to ask them out. This is especially true for women who aren’t very forward or aggressive in their romantic ways. However, that doesn’t mean that men can get dates left and right. When a man gets rejected, it can be tough for him to find the confidence that he needs to stay persistent in asking girls out.

4. They feel a lot of pressure to do everything on their own.

Men are always touted as the supposedly stronger gender. And that might be true in the physical sense due to biological and anatomical factors. However, that isn’t still going to be the case in an emotional touch. Men are always encouraged to swallow their feelings and pretend like nothing is wrong. And this can be very destructive to a person’s state of mind.

5. They don’t know how to relate to others, as well as women do.

Women are just more empathetic. This is in connection with the previous item on this list. Since men are encouraged to be less emotional, then they don’t get a chance to be in tune with the feelings of other people as well. That means that it can be complicated for them to relate to others.

6. They aren’t aware of what women want.

Men have no clue what women want. Sure. You might think that you don’t understand men. But it’s all the same for them as well. Honestly, they don’t understand women either. They are just as clueless as you would be. Naturally, it would be unfair for you to expect any different from them.

7. They struggle with always having to take control of a relationship.

Men tend to be thrust into leadership positions in the relationship. However, not all people are built to be leaders. And it can be awful for a man who doesn’t have leadership qualities to carry those kinds of expectations from a woman.

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