7 Signs That He Wants Something More With You And 7 Signs He Doesn’t

Which is it?

1. If he wants you, he will ask you so many questions about your life.

He will want to find out as much as he can about you and the way that you live your life. He will express a deep interest in you because he genuinely wants to get to know you better. He will want to really immerse himself in your world as much as possible. He wants to make you feel like you can trust him.

2. If he doesn’t want you, he will never want to hang out with you alone.

Whenever he wants to hang with you, it’s only ever in a group setting. He doesn’t want to be in an intimate and personal setting with you at all because he doesn’t look at you like that. He only sees you as a casual friend and he doesn’t want anything special with you.

3. If he wants you, he will make an effort to talk to you as much as possible.

He will want to make contact with you as much as possible. He will try his best to bump into you randomly. He will prolong your conversations by asking follow-up questions. He will call you when you’re apart. He just wants to always be talking to you.

4. If he doesn’t want you, he will be vague and ambiguous with his answers.

He won’t want to make you feel like he’s letting you in. If he isn’t interested in being with you, he’s not going to be giving you any straight answers.  He doesn’t want you to feel comfortable with him in any capacity at all.

5. If he wants you, he will text you first.

He won’t even wait for you to text him. he will text you first just to let you know how interested he is in talking to you.

6. If he doesn’t want you, he won’t even reply to your text messages.

It’s not even that he replies late; or that he deliberately waits a few days before he replies to you. It’s that he doesn’t care about you enough to actually reply to your text messages. That’s how much you don’t matter to him.

7. If he wants you, he will ask to spend a lot of time with you.

Time is valuable. And if he’s spending a lot of time with you, it’s because he wants to have a valuable relationship with you.

8. If he doesn’t want you, he won’t really make an effort to see you.

Guys typically tend to go after the things that they want the most. And if he doesn’t make an effort to see you, it’s probably because he isn’t really interested in being with you in any capacity.

9. If he wants you, he will drop hints about the two of you eventually getting together.

He will want to make subtle jokes about eventually getting serious with you just to test the waters. He wants to see how you would react. He wants to know if you would ever be interested in being with him eventually.

10. If he doesn’t want you, he won’t make an effort to remember the things that you tell him.

He isn’t going to remember the things that you tell him because he doesn’t really pay attention to you whenever you talk. How can you expect him to remember what you say if he isn’t even listening to you in the first place? He doesn’t really give any importance to whatever comes out of your mouth.

11. If he wants you, he will give you his full attention whenever you’re together.

Because he loves you.

12. If he doesn’t want you, he will be looking at his phone or at other women when you’re together.

A man who is genuinely interested in you is going to offer you his full undivided attention. However, if you notice that he has wandering and distracted eyes whenever you’re together, then it’s highly likely that he just isn’t into you. He would rather check out his news feed and other girls than look and listen to you.

13. If he wants you, he will try to make you laugh.

He wants you to see just how much fun you can have with him. He wants you to realize that he has a great sense of humor and that he will do whatever he can to bring a smile to your face. He genuinely wants to make you happy and comfortable because he cares about you.

14. If he doesn’t want you, he will act distant and disinterested.

He is going to close himself off to you. He is going to take a very casual and nonchalant approach to whatever relationship you might have. He really isn’t going to give you the closure and security that you need from him. He is more like an acquaintance than an actual friend.

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