7 Ways To Deal With Overly Aggressive People

The key here is not to lose your cool and be mature, let them be angry, just keep calm and let them scream.

When you’re a mild-mannered and relaxed person, it can get quite difficult dealing with people who have serious aggression issues. They make you step out of your personal comfort zones, and they force you to play their games. It can be such a struggle dealing with these kinds of people. They can get you all riled up and so you’re forced to react to them the same way that they’re reacting to you. That’s why whenever you find yourself in the precarious position of having to deal with verbally aggressive people, you have to remember to always keep a level head and a sound mind.

There are ways in which you can deal with these kinds of people and leave them as the only casualties in their aggressive onslaughts. Just because they want to self-destruct doesn’t mean you have to be collateral damage in the process. You just have to remember these pieces of advice and you’ll do fine. Here are 7 tips that you could follow when dealing with overly aggressive people:

1. Don’t fight fire with fire.

When you’re dealing with an overly aggressive person, it wouldn’t be wise to respond with aggression. If you do, you’ll end up playing the aggressive person’s game and no one wins. Don’t you ever fight fire with fire. Fire is best extinguished with water. Always make an effort to take a non-aggressive approach in dealing with an aggressive individual. Don’t let yourself succumb to the heat of the situation, and try to keep a level head at all times. You don’t want to end up doing something that you’re going to regret.

2. Don’t let things affect you personally.

Remember that aggressive people are always going to be aggressive in whatever situation they’re caught in whether or not you’re involved. That’s why you shouldn’t take things personally when they choose to direct their aggression at you. They’re trying to get you riled up. They want you to stoop down to their level of engagement. Misery loves company, right? You just have to resist and shrug things off. You don’t need that kind of negativity in your life especially when you’re typically drawn to a positive disposition.В – Continue reading on the next page

3. Be more caring, open-minded, and considerate.

Try doing the exact opposite of what an aggressive person expects you to do. You can choose to throw them off guard by responding to their aggression with kindness and consideration. Be gentle and empathetic when you’re dealing with aggressive people and make them see how foolish their behavior is. Make them realize that aggression gets no one anywhere and that only calm and rational reasoning can allow for fruitful dialogue. At the very least, you will end up confusing the aggressive person with your peculiarly kind response.

4. Provide them with a space to vent out their aggression and unhealthy emotion.

Be their verbal punching bag if you’re willing to take it. Let them know that you’re willing to hear out their frustrations just as long as they treat you with respect and civility. Respond to an aggressive person by being helpful and aid them in resolving whatever issues they may be dealing with at a given time. You know that their frustrations weren’t borne out of nowhere, and so try to identify the source, and allow them the opportunity to vent their aggression on the matter.

5. Just leave them alone.

Sometimes, the easiest way to deal with an aggressive person is to not deal with it alone. Be passive in your approach and let them deal with their aggression and frustrations on their own. This way, you never end up taking ownership of their stress and their baggage. You let them deal with their issues on their own and so you’re left without any scars and damages. In the end, they will calm down and be cordial again. Sometimes, people just need an opportunity to blow off some steam, and you really don’t need to be there for it.В – Continue reading on the next page

6. Take a more comical and humorous approach.

Laughter is the best medicine, right? Take a more comical and humorous approach to dealing with aggressive people and let them see how foolish their aggression is. Be witty and cynical and helping them deal with their frustrations and maybe you’ll end up making them laugh in the process. At the end of the day, you know that their aggression will pass and that you’re the one who is going to have the moral high ground. And most of the time, a good laugh should be enough to remedy any stressful situation.

7. Divert their aggression towards other people or objects.

If you’re just unwilling to deal with a person’s aggressive behavior, then you really don’t have to. Divert their aggression towards other punching bags. You don’t have an obligation to deal with anyone’s aggression at all. Just because they’re on a path of destruction doesn’t mean that you should be around to take part in it.

Talk to me

What are some of the ways you deal with someone’s aggression? Let me know in the comments below!

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