7 Ways To Make A Woman Crazy About You

You know how they say, ‘All men are the same.’ Of course, men know that’s not entirely true. There are still some amazing men out there who are so much better than the others, who mean no harm, who are charming and funny and loving. But sometimes just these qualities aren’t enough. Women usually look for a lot more and are attracted towards men who are unlike the others, in many different ways. There are so many qualities women wish to have in their partner that make them stand out among the other boys. The secret of being the irresistible guy is not that hard to achieve. Here are a few ways you can make any girl go crazy about you:

1. Impeccable hygiene

So a lot of men don’t realize it or take this very seriously, but one of the biggest ways to attract any women is by being super hygienic. Women appreciate when a man takes care of his hygiene and is conscious of it. Now, don’t go overboard with it, but taking care of how you look and feel is very important, especially when you’re trying to impress a girl. A great haircut, always smelling mind-blowing, taking care of your skin, clean clothes and dressing on point is still a turn on for most women.

2. Don’t be self obsessed

It’s a big turn off for women when men are a little too self-obsessed with themselves. Yes, they love it when men take care of their appearances, but it really puts any woman off when they exaggerate and brag about their own selves. Looking at yourself in a mirror any chance you get, being selfie crazy, always trying a little too hard to look a certain way, etc., is not something any woman appreciates. It only makes them more distant from you. Oh, and don’t be self-centered. At all.

3. Play hard to get

As cliché, as it may sound, playing hard to get really, does drive a woman crazy for you. The more you will try to keep a distance from her and not really let her in so quickly, the more she will want to get to know you better and desperately want to be a part of your life. Keep her intrigued, and she will not leave you until you really give her some closure. Just some subtle flirting, taking her out but not really making a move, not responding to texts/call quickly, tempting her with your sultry moves are all the things that will make her go gaga over you!

4. Be well-mannered

Being well-mannered is never going to be out of fashion. Manners and etiquettes are something that people will always appreciate and respect. When trying to win any woman over, being at your best behavior is the most important thing to do. Holding doors open, saying thank you and sorry when required, being polite, keeping in mind the table manners, always paying the bill on dates, being punctual, reach/drive safe texts, not using your phone when you’re with her, etc., may sound old fashioned but a lot of women dig these qualities in a man. Being old school isn’t always a bad idea. Make sure you let her know chivalry isn’t dead.

5. Have goals

Let’s be honest; appearances, dressing, humor, etc., are all secondary qualities that we look for in anyone, but the one thing women are most attracted by in a man, is him being career-oriented and having from every day to life-changing goals. No woman wants a guy who still has some growing up to do or who doesn’t take life seriously. The immature attitude is something that nobody wants to keep up with. Any woman wants a man by her side who can look after her, be there for her and can provide her with the best in life. Having goals and being serious about achieving them shows how responsible you are as a person and that you want the best of everything. That really is a big turn on for any woman out there!

6. Dress to impress

One of the important ways of impressing a woman is to dress exceptionally well! Not only should you be confident with what you wear but should also know how to pull anything off. Wear clothes that compliment your skin tone, fits you well; not too tight not too loose is appropriate for the occasion (don’t over do it though), and makes you look like a hunk at all times! Women drool over guys who dress classy and smell amazing and are conscious about their appearance.

7. Be confident

Confidence is really the key to success. Any woman loves a guy who is confident about himself and life. No woman likes being with a man who is insecure and unsure about things. Being confident helps you to be your authentic self, and so you don’t really have to try too hard to impress anyone. Let her know you’re confident and happy to be in the moment. Women feel secure with guys like that. There’s a fine line between being confident and overconfident, make sure you don’t step over it.

  1. Really nice. Except #3. That, my darlin’, is not the way we want a man to act. Want to pursue? Then do it. Be a gentleman, honorable, respectful, not pushy, but by all means, pursue. Making me wait to hear from you is a complete turnoff.

  2. There is such a thing as making a lady wait to long that can make her wonder if he is really truly interested or just playing a game with her feelings. Some women prefer the gentlemen step firmly up to the plate and take a chance at the plate. That is the sign of a true authentic gentleman after all..

  3. Nothing makes me run cold faster than a man not responding to me on any level. His message is loud and clear, he’s not interested. I’m attracted to men who do quickly respond to my texts, it tells me they are making an effort and that’s what I’m looking for, a guy who makes an effort for me.

    1. If a man cannot respond to a message you’ve sent him right away. It doesn’t mean they’re not interested in you Lynne. That type of assumption will certainly send red flags to a man with a strong message that there isn’t any room for understanding the “Why” part. A man would feel they’re walking on eggshells with you. It’s a type of possessive behavior that a good man would find unappealing. It’s just an observation based on your comment. If I met someone that seemed nice, but, behaved this way with me, there would be no further involvement. I’d end it very quickly walking away. Commitment to mutual respect, empathy, mindful behavior, unconditional love, kindness, compassion, compromise, and working together is important in a relationship. Anything different is a recipe for inevitable failure before you even start. Power traits such as demand for control is not a good way to build a solid foundation for a relationship. Such behavior destroys a chance to build something special. Both genders need to be mindful of one-another.

    2. ..and visa versa. I don’t like to be interested and let her know to just be shrugged off. I’ll then let her go.

  4. Mutual respect, trust, unconditional love, compassion, kindness, and being mindful of one another are traits that make for a fulfilling and lasting relationship. Also making an effort to understand one another without engaging in power battles. Power battles and control traits are unattractive traits.

    If either gender engages in demanding behavior, unable to compromise and work things out or possessive tendency, taking one for granted. It will certainly lead inevitably to relationship failure. A person like this displays red flags. I’d walk away immediately. A person like this would not be someone who contributes to creating a loving relationship.

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