7 Ways Your Body is Showing You You’re in The Wrong Relationship

You know what? Sometimes we don’t really listen to our bodies, and that’s not great. Even when our bodies are sending clear signals, our stubborn minds can ignore them. It’s essential to get better at paying attention to what our bodies are saying because we could be missing important stuff.

Here are a few subtle but powerful ways that your body is really telling you that you’re in a relationship with the wrong person.

1. You rarely ever smile anymore

If you find yourself smiling less than before, it could mean you’re not as happy as you used to be. In a romantic relationship, it’s normal to have ups and downs, but your overall happiness with life should be positive. If you’re consistently unhappy, it might be a sign that your relationship isn’t the right fit for you.

2. You feel like your self-esteem is really low

A good relationship should boost your confidence and make you feel proud. It should help you become more comfortable with yourself. However, if your insecurities and anxieties are sky-high because of your relationship, that’s a significant warning sign.

3. You’ll start to feel lonely

If your romantic relationship is unhealthy, it can affect your social life. This might happen because you’re investing too much time and effort into fixing the relationship or because your partner has influenced you to distance yourself from friends. It can make you feel very lonely, and even a romantic partner can’t fix that. It’s hard but important to keep your friendships.

4. You don’t really prioritize self-care as much as you should

Self-care is something that is always going to be important regardless of whether you are single or not. But if you are neglecting your self-care as a result of your relationship, then something is wrong. That means that you are prioritizing your relationship over your own sense of well-being. And that’s never healthy.

5. You try so hard to convince yourself that things are fine

You shouldn’t have to work so hard to convince yourself that the relationship is worth it. It should be something you naturally feel deep inside. If you find yourself constantly trying to convince yourself that everything is fine, it’s a serious issue.

5. You feel like you’re stuck in a routine you desperately want to escape

You get the sense that you’re stuck in a kind of black hole that you really want to escape from. You are in a kind of routine and it really does nothing positive for you anymore. You know that you want to get out of it. So why don’t you? It’s clearly making you unhappy.

6. You get irritated and annoyed by your partner a lot of the time.

And lastly, you’re in a perpetual bad mood. You feel like you’re so easily irritated these days. And it’s all because you hate the feeling that you get whenever you spend time with your partner. It’s time to cut those ties.

7. Your gut knows better than you think

It’s a good idea to listen to your gut feelings in relationships because many people who have been through psychological abuse have a feeling that something was wrong with their partner from the start. They might not have liked the person much at first but tried to ignore it, and that’s when the problems started. Even if someone seems charming, sometimes deep down, you might feel like they’re not right for you.

Share Your Thoughts:

Have you ever felt like your body was sending you signals about being in the wrong relationship? Share your experiences and insights in the comments below!

    1. This post is about me 100% , I have been with my partner since 2021 , he came out of a 14 yrs relationship with baby mama ,due to baby cheated and so on …now I have been experiencing the same treatment as the baby mama ..He’s a narcissist, he’s manipulative and always plays a victim . When I break up with him ,he’d say its something I’ve always wanted and planned because I have someone else ,people don’t just leave a relationship its always someone else ,he always manipulate me .I need help ,I want to leave him so bad because I’m now losing weight due to stress , I don’t feel the same way about him , when we now have sex I get bored and wish he can just get over with it even when he breathes sometimes I just get disgusted. Yet I still feel like I care for him ,or maybe I feel pity and feelings for him .. please if someone can help me I really could appreciate 🙏

      1. OMG 😳!!! Your story is exactly like mine that’s how I feel… if your gut feeling something is wrong listen to it and let him go… what took me to breakup is for him to leave about if my house and not taking him back… it’s hard because you get really attached to the relationship and everything around him… but it’s for the better.. you need to have the courage to leave him..your life is just passing by stuck with someone who is not making you happy …

  1. I can agree with these 8 things your body is saying things are not right. Also another is your appearance starts to unravel and self care becomes hard to do id it is done at all. Toxic relationships are just that Toxic! They destroy you from the inside out and you have to have a support system to help pull you through the wreckage. My best advice is get yourself a support system talking to your friends family or whoever you can trust and rely on. I was in a horrible narcissistic relationship and didn’t even know what was happening to me until I almost lost my life. Thank God I pulled through due to my family Now I am better and healing everyday it has been two years. Look at the signs and listen to your gut!!
    To the writer of this Check your numbers. You have 5 twice. Just thought I would let you know. Have a great day!

  2. I am there……now……I look like I’ve aged…..I am reduced to a housewife my independence stripped.
    I am leaving, i need to face him, look him in the eye, gather every last bit of strength and confidence in taking my power back and say goodbye so he can see that I’m not broken just had enough.

    Making arrangements, a plan is necessary to ensure I dont fall pray to housewife needy mode….. in 7days I walk out of prison with my power love strength but I will walk tall…..and he must witness this so he sees I am not as weak as I appeared and I can walk away grateful for the lessons I take with me.

    1. I also feel you’re writing about me and I don’t understand how I got here. I used to see myself as a strong and independent woman and I still am in other ways but not in this relationship. The signs were there from the beginning and I ignored them though my friends saw them. During the last months I’ve seen the patterns and I understand that it’s a toxic relationship and I have to get out. It’s going to be hard because I feel I’ve been broken down but its the only way or I will feel even worse.

      1. Totally agree, feeling broken is not the word for it. Always blaming myself when I know I shouldn’t. Been married twice, one cheated, one domestic abuse. Now with a partner of 2 years cheating on me online

    2. Angel, I pray you made it out! It’s very hard. I know. I did it too. I still care so much for him, but know that he can’t love me the way he should. 😢

  3. Relationships always get to a boring stage, takes work to make a marriage last a lifetime. Many outside stresses can cause a person to feel stuck. Ending a relationship because it feels like a routine and boring isn’t right in my opinion, no wonder people go from relationship to relationship and continue to chase the same outcome. Put effort in, prioritize, do things fun, thank your partner for even the smallest efforts. Change up sex, do new things etc. Any marriage (excluding abusive) can be great.

    1. Thank you for at least saying something with common sense. I have always said it. The same way you get up to work and pay your rent. It is the same thing you have to do towards a relationship.

      Remember: We reap what we sow.

  4. All 7 of them, I’ve even told my so-called girlfriend I hate everything about our pointless, nothing relationship. It’s gotten so I actualy hate being with her. she’s very selfish and treats me like I’m nothing…I bend over backwards for her and just get shit on. Intimacy doesn’t even exist anymore.

  5. The toll on me for the past 2 years is being with someone who is closed to my emotions is an inflamed achilles tendon. No hiking for me or walking a whole lot for 6 weeks.

  6. Ladies, let me share with you….. When I saw the signs I got out immediately. Made the plan and was gone in a week. No answers and no looking back. I had to do that not only for me but for my son too. It was affecting his mental health. I received the first phone call after I left but I didn’t answer. Message was “I couldn’t make it without him and his financial support.” That made me more Thankful for my decision! I didn’t change my number-I have so much business connected to it- I just changed who I answered for. In doing so I was able to stay focused on what I needed to do to get back to a wholesome life not only for me but my family and friends. I’m NEVER going back to a place that doesn’t appreciate who or what I am and what having me in their lives means. I’m FREE & FREE INDEED 🙌🙌🙌.

  7. I am a women. Married with 4 children. Those are true. Those 8 impact how I look , when I see my old photos, looked like crying while I was (trying to) smile.
    But, Still not awake, tough.
    Infinite Tolerance , unbelievable endurance.
    In a Life project. 😅

    To me it was when my vagina not open for his. Yes, that was pure my body was telling me to leave.

    We understand things backward. 😉

  8. Pretty amazing. That’s been my life. I would start with this, you need to have some shred of self-esteem left to have it feel low.

    This routine I have gotten myself into, is crippling my life.

    My only focus has been to look for something that could easily be said to me, but will never be given.

    Answers. Just why?

    It’s done, in the open, fact.

    I’m trying to cling to anything that was once in my eyes, everything that I could have ever asked for, really in someone.

    It really is all of my fault. I allowed it to happen, by, not giving freedom to someone, but by not taking it away from them.

    I had no business diving head first into another relationship, after the previous one had basically taken a guy that used to be thoughtful, romantic, and full of passion and reduced me to a shell of a person who no longer had those qualities.

    There again, I will take that, because I allowed it to happen. I gave this person power over me because of values I had been taught when I was young. The basic ones, like treating others how you want to be treated, do not judge others unless you can judge yourself, be grateful for things you have, and above all, always do the right thing.

    I will never claim to be the saint. I was a drunk for over half of my life,
    I am a master at lying, i stole, and I did use people.

    With it always came a terrible price, regret and guilt. Mainly because I couldn’t remember what I did. I nearly drank myself to death. Liver failure at 38.

    This person took me as I was, and at first I used her because she had her own place, and I could drink there
    without being called out by anyone and also because i was staying at my folks after my previous relationship was over, for a while And they wouldn’t allow it because of my problem I didn’t see with it.

    She was a very giving person. All she wanted was someone to love her. That made me fall in love with her. Because that is, in my eyes, innocence.

    I may have been a drunk, but I was also a person who
    could see things about people that others couldn’t.

    That seemed to give me purpose. Still it was too fast. I couldn’t give her the affection, nor the attention she craved.

    I tried to explain why I couldn’t be intimate with her, and I thought she understood. My mistake was accepting her generosity at the beginning of the relationship, because she assumed that I was just like everyone else who had used her.

    She used that, and the fact that we hadn’t been intimate on a regular basis as justification for having affairs with four men. That is just the ones I had to find out about on my own.

    There is so much I looked back on, and facebook was a dead giveaway. The guys she was with all of their timeliness were full of likes on their profile Pic updates, none of them with their girlfriends, whom they were cheating on as well. Sending shout outs to them very enthusiastically it seemed. One of them was our caretakers son who is 10 years younger than she, 2 exes, that cheated on her and used her before, and one off a dating site.

    There were numerous others found in contacts on her skype, I had no idea she was talking to all these people mostly only usernames i found, and she wouldn’t say anything. She says that she never met up with any except the one, but I can’t believe her anymore. I’ve been so alone. I don’t have any family anymore, that are close, I had never kept many friends, but I cut ties because they were never really friends. I was just like her, I liked to fit in to be accepted, but eventually learned that they were not my friends. Where she still wanted nothing more than to be liked, loved, accepted.

    I get that, I really do. She also knew my problems, I may have not been as intimate, but I always included her in everything, and never kept secrets from her. I had old girlfriends hit me up on Facebook, sending a friend request and I told her about it. There were 2 and she had been told. I wanted no more games.

    Now that I have found all of this out, she regrets, and hates herself for it, which I actually believe.

    Now she does, not then. I’ve done things I’ve regretted. I felt guilt, and never did them again. I would never have put someone through all the anguish, heartache, anger, doubt, insecurity that I live with every day now.

    If you feel like your relationship will not work, if you keep your old boyfriends, or girlfriends as friends, or you have a guy or girl as a friend that you are attracted to, and keep those things from your current other, do the right thing and leave. It’s such a careless and selfish thing to do, to tear someone apart who truly cared, and loved you with all they have.

    It’s so hard nowadays to trust anyone. I look to where I really went wrong. How to cope with this.

    We had been together for 12 years, and as far as I know the last 2 she had been faithful. It really knocks you down.

    Especially being absolutely in the dark about it.

    I learned a terrible truth. That it was just how she was. I could have been perfect, and she still would have done this. The image I had of this person blew up in my face.

    She did it as revenge for what was done to her.

    How do I live with that? How does someone live with themselves that can do that, and throw it in your face blaming you?

    Like I said, it is my fault. I have a problem with trusting people that don’t deserve it, and giving them too much power over me. Like I said though, I learn from my mistakes. It will take a long time for me to believe in anything again, especially love and trust.

  9. I found someone when I lost my late caring thoughtful partner I thought he would be the same loving and caring but I’m having my thoughts about him he’s very selfish always putting me down he’s always thinking about himselfI now he’s got put he’s kids first because he’s last partner left them for another man but I don’t feel I don’t belong in this relationship I did at first he has also got girlfriends he won’t give up who he met before me when he was single I told him it hurts there’s one who keeps on contacting him he now’s how I feel but doesn’t listen I’m a good caring person who never cheat I really don’t now what to to about it my head telling me to leave but my heart telling me to stay all I want in a relationship to be loved respect honesty trust

  10. yea, thats me too. I ‘vevgrown to hate myself because I hate the peron I’m wirh. i refuse to give up 1/2 my worth. she mever had kids, jever improved herwself. i went to school at night and struggled

  11. while all of these can be important markers in a bad relationship, they can be a cry for help as well. I have been married to the same woman for 47 years and have been the luckiest and happiest man alive. In the last few years I have watched the love of my life and soulmate waste away to nearly nothing because of Huntington’s disease. Most people have never hurd of it heck most Dr’s have never hurd of it. As I travel this journey I have experienced everyone of the things mentioned. I guarantee that God has put me in this relationship to injoy all of the pleasures and to give all of the love that I can to my beautiful baby and comfort her on her path. so don’t just give up on a relationship because of a few hard times as you may just be preparing for your destiny of caring for your love and soul mate to the end of her /him mortal life

  12. For me it’s the opposite. When we’re still in a relationship (he’s my ex now and twinflame also), i am so happy with him even when i felt like our relationship is one sided because i love him so much and being with him makes me happy despite of the toxicity in our relationship sometimes but i ignored it because I’d believe that if you love someone, you should also accept their flaws because no one is perfect. Right now, i still love him because i feel a deep connection with him which is new to me because i am not like this, i did not felt it to my first ex. I only feel it to him, that’s why his my twinflame. I hope we could have a union in the right time :<

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